Version 2.3.1
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Problem Analysis

The information in this section enables you to react to and in many cases solve ADL related problems. It also tells you which information is required by Software AG representatives to effectively assist you and how to obtain this required information.

In general, when you request Software AG's technical support you should be able to specify which version of operating system, TP monitor, Adabas and ADL is installed at your site.

This document covers the following topics:

Failure of DL/I Calls

A DL/I call is considered a "failure" if the result of the call is not what the application expects. Program abends during DL/I calls are discussed in a further paragraph below.

A failure of a DL/I call could for example be

In order to solve the problem of a DL/I call failure

The ADL Trace Facility, which is described in the ADL Interfaces documentation , will help you to find out exactly what is wrong with the call and to document the problem.

When calling Software AG technical support, you should have the listings of the ADL Trace Facility and the PSB and DBD sources available.

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Failure of Adabas Calls

An Adabas call is considered a "failure" if the result of the call is not what the application expects. Program abends during Adabas calls are discussed in another paragraph below.

A failure of an Adabas call could be:

You should use the ADL Trace Facility, described in the ADL Interfaces documentation , to isolate the problem.

When calling Software AG technical support, you should have available the listings of the ADL Trace Facility, the source definition of the DBD related to the ADL file and the Adabas file description table of the ADL file.

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Abnormal Termination of Application Programs

Abnormal program terminations inside the ADL modules can be identified by the program status word (PSW) pointing to an address inside of one of the ADL modules. All ADL module names start with the characters "DAZ".

Most of the abnormal program terminations are accompanied by one or more ADL error messages printed on the file DAZOUT1 (batch) or routed to the user's terminal and the master console (CICS). These messages are explained in the section Error Messages and Codes below, together with the recommended action to be taken.

In rare cases, the PSW may point to a character string inside of one ADL modules. This character string should provide you with sufficient information to correct the error. If not, please call your Software AG technical representative.

In general, when calling Software AG for technical support, you should be able to provide the following information:

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CICS Trace Table Entries

ADL adds entries to the CICS trace table for each data base request, scheduling and termination call from DL/I applications under CICS. These entries are restricted to calls which are actually served by ADL.

You will find the following trace table entries from ADL. For an explanation on how to obtain, format and interpret the CICS trace table, please see the related CICS documentation.

Trace ID Field A Field B Remarks
X'C0' call function origin all call types
X'C1' PSBNAME PSBNAME scheduling call
X'C1' A(PCB) A(I/O area) data base call

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