Version 8.1.2

Database Level Statistics

This option provides statistics at the database level.

12:18:55   ***** A D A B A S   SAF SECURITY SERVICES 8.1.2 *****    2006-05-17
                       -  Database Level Statistics  -               A11000M1

                       Database: 153__
                 Buffer Size(k): 512          Address: 1B792000
                 System initialized on: 2006-05-17 at: 10:53:01

 SAF Statistics:
  Authorization    Check (+ve)  Check (-ve)  Check Saved  Overwrites  Length
  ADABAS (Normal)         106            1     10201691            0      17
  ADABAS (Xlevel)         104            0           21            0      17

  Active SAF Users: 8            Overwrites.: 0            Max.: 8
  Free SAF Users..: 443          Allocations: 21

 Cached File Area Statistics:
  Address.....: 1B691148     High Water.: 1B692258     Max.Used.: 22
  First Free..: 1B692328     Last Used..: 1B692258     Curr.Used: 22
  Files/entry.: 10           Overwrites.: 0            Saved....: 10201672

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The following information is provided:

Field Description

The database number.


The amount of storage (in kilobytes) to be used for caching user information related to the security system.

For more information, see the parameter GWSIZE.


Address in memory of the SAF Server cache.

System initialized

Date and time system was last initialized.

SAF Statistics:
Effectiveness of the SAF Server cache. Shows information for normal and cross-level checks:

Indicates type of authorization (normal or cross-level).

Check (+ve)

The number of successful authorizations against the external security system.

Check (-ve)

The number of failed authorizations against the external security system (access denied).

Check Saved

The number of times the SAF Server satisfied an authorization request from its cache, without calling the external security system.


The number of times the SAF Server had to overwrite a previously cached authorization request. If this number is high, consider increasing DBNCU and/or NWNCU.


The length of the resource profile names.

Active SAF Users

The current number of active SAF users.


The number of active entries that had to be overwritten.


The maximum number of active SAF users.

Free SAF Users

The number of free user areas.


The number of times a user area was allocated.

Cached File Area Statistics
Effectiveness of ADASAF’s Cached File Area (CFA)

Address in memory of the CFA.

High Water

The highest used address in the CFA.

Max Used

Maximum used CFA entries.

First Free

Address of first free CFA entry.

Last Used

Address of highest used CFA entry.

Curr Used

Current number of used CFA entries.


Number of files cached in each CFA entry.


The number of times ADASAF had to overwrite a previously cached file. If this number is high, consider increasing MAXFILES.


The total number of times ADASAF satisfied an authorization request without calling the SAF Server or the external security system.

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