Version 8.1.2

Adabas SAF Security Operations

This document describes ADASAF operations.

ADASAF Components

ADASAF has three main components:

As shown in the graphic below, all traffic between the database users and Adabas is controlled by the Adabas router. When ADASAF is installed, the ADASAF component attached to the Adabas router controls all access to the Adabas nucleus.


Adabas with ADASAF

All users must log on to their system using their Logon ID, usually a user name or code. Through the operating system or TP monitor, the installed security package checks the authorization of the Logon ID.

When calls are from a remote workstation or non-IBM platform, the Logon ID and logon password must be given to ADASAF using a remote logon procedure, as described in the section Logging On to a Database. As an alternative to the remote logon procedure, you may configure ADASAF to use the node name or link name of the remote user as the SAF ID. Obviously, these node or link names must be defined as users in the external security system, with the appropriate access rights to Adabas resources.

For Adabas, the router contains a security exit that extracts the user's Logon ID from the ACEE for the user. Even Adabas itself cannot be started unless the user starting the nucleus has proper authority. Through the SAF interface, ADASAF requests the proper authority from the external security packages whenever one of the following events occurs:

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Starting a Utility or Nucleus

When starting an Adabas nucleus, utility or single-user mode batch job, ADARUN calls ADASAF, which checks that the starting user has access to the appropriate resource. The resource name has the format:



Value Description
ppp Represents the last three characters of the program name specified by the ADARUN PROG= parameter. For example, NUC for a nucleus, CMP for the ADACMP utility or USR for a single-user mode batch job.
dbid Specifies the Adabas Database ID in the selected format (3 or 5 digits with leading zeroes, or without leading zeroes). See the configuration parameter DBFLEN for more information.
. Optional delimiter character, depending on the setting of the DELIM parameter.
SVCsvc The characters SVC followed by the 3-digit decimal number of the Adabas SVC used by this database.

When starting a nucleus, ADASAF uses the access level to determine whether to run in warn mode (that is, violations are logged, but the access is still allowed) or fail mode (violations result in failure, for example response code 200). If the starting user has only read access to the resource, ADASAF runs in warn mode. If the starting user has update access, ADASAF runs in fail mode.

If the starting user has no access to the resource, or the resource has not been defined, the nucleus abends with a U0042. For utilities, ADASAF requires read access to the appropriate resource. If the starting user does not have read access, or the resource has not been defined, the utility abends with a U0042.

When using ADASAF to protect execution of ADACOM, you must specify a valid Adabas SVC number and a database id in the ADARUN parameters, for example:


The database id does not need to be valid; it is simply used by ADASAF to build the resource name to be checked. The above example would result in ADASAF checking for read access to a resource named COM55555.SVC249.

Resource Name Examples

The following Adabas resource name value is for starting the Adabas nucleus for database 1, which runs under SVC 237 (all possible entity constructions are shown):

Resource Name Values for DELIM and DBFLEN Configuration Parameters

Each utility program requires a definition in the external security database.

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Logging On to a Database

Terminal Logon

Normally, logging on to a database is done using an Adabas OP command. However, not all applications use an explicit OP command. ADASAF does not make any security check until the user actually attempts to access or update a file, at which point the user's identity will be authenticated.

If one of the non-activity timeout limits expires, the logon must again be validated, just as when logging on to Adabas for the first time.

Remote Workstation Logon

The logon from a remote workstation client comprises two phases.


ADASAF Remote Workstation Logon Sequence

During the initial request from the client program, ADASAF checks to ensure that the user is allowed to log on. The Adabas link routine, which actually performs the check, requires that the client send a Logon ID and security package password to the target.

When the initial command is sent from the client, ADASAF at first rejects the command with response code 208 (start of phase 1). This informs the client that an encrypted Logon ID and password are needed at the target for verification. See the section ADASAF User Exits for more information.

The encrypted Logon ID and password are then sent by the client and validated by the target, and the target returns response code 207 indicating successful completion (start of phase 2). If the duration of phase 1 is more than 60 seconds, a security violation occurs. The original user call is then sent by the client link routine to the database, where the user request is executed.

The Logon ID and password are prompted by the Adabas link routine included in the Entire Net-Work running on the supported platforms.

Entire Net-Work is a prerequisite for ADASAF workstation support. For more information, see the related Entire Net-Work documentation.

Alternatives to Remote Workstation Logon

As an alternative to Remote Workstation Logon, you can configure ADASAF to use either the Entire Net-Work node or link name of the remote user as the SAF Logon ID. This may be useful when the issuer of the remote calls cannot prompt for a User ID and password (for example, if it is a server rather than a client). For more information, see the description of the REMOTE parameter.

Logging On to Multiple Targets

If multiple ADASAF-secured targets are being controlled and these targets reside on different physical machines or nodes, each target node must have the same Logon ID and password assignment per user as every other target node.

Logging Off a Database

When users log off a database, they may or may not issue an explicit CL command. By default, a close command indicates the end of ADASAF validity for that user and the user is logged off the security system. If the user again logs on to Adabas, the user's validity and access rights are checked again, as though the user were logging on for the first time.

However, in databases where users have many short-lived sessions (for example, control databases or system file databases), this imposes a considerable overhead on the security system. To log a user on generally involves reading and updating security information and building up the cached security checks anew.

To avoid these overheads, you can instruct ADASAF, via the LOGOFF parameter, to log users off only when they time out (or are stopped) in Adabas, or never to log users off (with the exception that, if ADASAF needs to reclaim memory, it will log off the oldest inactive user).

On the other hand, if a user's security profile changes, ADASAF will continue to use the old profile until the user times out or is stopped. So, if you choose LOGOFF=TIMEOUT and a user's profile changes, you should stop the user via the STOPU operator command or Adabas Basic Services to bring the new profile into effect. If you choose LOGOFF=NEVER and a user's profile changes, use ADASAF Online Services to forcibly log the user off from the security system.

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Accessing and Changing Database Data

Adabas and Natural Commands

ADASAF recognizes three categories of Adabas direct call commands:

The equivalent categories of Natural commands are

Only these types of calls have significance for ADASAF and the related security package. ADASAF recognizes and classifies all database calls according to one of the command categories described above and performs the authorization check appropriate to the command category (that is, ATTR=READ for access commands and ATTR=UPDATE for update commands).

ADASAF authorizes use of Adabas data by building a resource name to represent the file being used and instructing the security system to validate the caller’s access to that resource name. The format of the resource name is defined by the DELIM and DBFLEN configuration parameters:

lvldbidFILnnnnn if DELIM=N
CMDdbid.FILnnnnn if DELIM=Y


Value Description
lvl is the required access level (ACC for access commands and UPD for update)
dbid represents the Database ID, which is specified in the format selected by the DBFLEN parameter.
nnnnn represents the file number, which is specified in the format selected by the DBFLEN parameter.

For example, assuming that DELIM=Y and DBFLEN=1 (5 digits, with leading zeroes), a DELETE against database 1, file 456, must have update access to the resource CMD00001.FIL00456.

The resource name may optionally be preceded by a prefix (as defined by the AAFPREFX configuration parameter) and the SAF userid of the job which issued the Adabas call (if the XLEVEL configuration parameter is set to 3).

As an alternative to this, you can instruct ADASAF to build grouped resource names for checking access to Adabas files. This gives a number of benefits:

The resource name for Adabas files may be considered to contain a number of nodes:

Type Optional/Required Setting
Prefix Optional As defined by AAFPREFX
Job userid Optional Only if XLEVEL=3
Major Required CMD00001, ACC00001, UPD00001 depending on DELIM and DBFLEN
Minor Required FIL00456 depending on DBFLEN

You can provide your own values for the Prefix, Major and Minor nodes of the resource name, to group many files together as a single resource

Defining Grouped Resource Names With AAFFILE

The AAFFILE macro is supplied on the ADASAF source library and is used to create a load module which defines prefixes, major nodes and/or minor nodes for file numbers or ranges of file numbers. You choose what mixture of prefixes, major and minor nodes you wish to use and for which files. Having created the load module, you identify it to ADASAF using the FILETAB configuration parameter to specify the load module name. The module must be available in an APF-authorized step library of the Adabas nucleus . At initialization, ADASAF attempts to load the nominated module. If the load fails, ADASAF issues message AAF004 and instructs the Adabas nucleus to terminate.

AAFFILE Parameters

AAFFILE has 3 parameters as described in the table below:

Parameter Syntax Eplananation

TYPE=FINAL must be the last statement before the END and generates the load module contents, based on the previous AAFFILE statements.

TYPE=PREFIX|MAJOR|FINAL defines a name of 1 to 8 characters and a list of file numbers or ranges for which that name is to be used as the prefix, major node or minor node.

NAME=1 to 8 characters

Specifies the name to be used. The name must conform to the resource naming conventions of your security system.


Specifies a list of files or ranges of files for which this name should be used. FILES=ALL denotes that this name will be used for all files.

A sample assembly and link job is provided in SAGI055 in the JOBS installation dataset.

AAFFILE Parameter Examples

Example 1


Assuming DBFLEN=1 together with the above AAFFILE statements, the following resource names will be used for accesses to files on database 153:

File Number Resource Name (DELIM=Y) Resource Name (DELIM=N)
38 TEST.CMD00153.FIL00038 TEST.ACC00153FIL00038
200 TEST.HR.FIL00200 TEST.HRFIL00200

Example 2


Assuming DBFLEN=1 together with the above AAFFILE statements, the following resource names will be used for accesses to files on database 253:

File Number Resource Name (DELIM=Y) Resource Name (DELIM=N)
38 CMD00253.FIL00038 ACC00253FIL00038
200 HR.FIL00200 HRFIL00200
299 ACCOUNTS.CMD00253.FIL00299 ACCOUNTS.ACC00253FIL00299

As these examples show, you have complete flexibility in using grouped and standard database/file-specific resource names in any combination.

You will usually need to create a different load module for each database where grouped resource names are to be used, because different databases are likely to have different file grouping requirements.

Security Violations

If the security package does not recognize the user or entity being validated, or the user does not have sufficient access authority, ADASAF returns the following response code to the user:

In either case, security violations can optionally be logged in the nucleus DDPRINT or SAFPRINT output.

Cross-Level Security Checking

At its simplest, ADASAF validates that a user has the necessary authority to access or modify Adabas files. However, additional levels of security are available to protect inadvertent or unauthorized data access.

This is known as cross-level checking and allows both the user's and the job's access permissions to be verified. For example, users may be given access to production data but only when they access it from a production TP monitor or batch job.

To achieve this level of protection, ADASAF performs two security checks against the same resource profile (CMD00001.FIL00456 in the example above), but for different resource classes:

If either check fails, the Adabas command is rejected with response 200.

Choosing the XLEVEL Setting


The following is an example of using XLEVEL=2.

Assume that user ABC is allowed to update file 456 on database 1 from production CICS but not from TSO; and that user XYZ is allowed to update file 456 on database 1 from production CICS and also from TSO; and that production CICS runs under User ID PCICS.

This would require the definition of the profile CMD00001.FIL00456 in both the DBCLASS and NWCLASS resource classes and granting these permissions (DBCLASS=ADASEC and NWCLASS=XLVADA):

User Class Profile Name Access
ABC ADASEC CMD00001.FIL00456 Read, Update
ABC XLVADA CMD00001.FIL00456 None
PCICS XLVADA CMD00001.FIL00456 Read, Update
XYZ ADASEC CMD00001.FIL00456 Read, Update
XYZ XLVADA CMD00001.FIL00456 Read, Update

ADASAF performs the following checks:

  1. ABC accesses file 456 from production CICS:

  2. ABC accesses file 456 from TSO:

  3. XYZ accesses file 456 from TSO

In this way the database resources are protected not only for individuals but also for jobs. A user may only access allowed resources from jobs which also have the necessary access to those resources.

However, suppose the requirement is more complicated:

ABC is allowed to update file 456 on database 1 from production CICS but not from TSO; and user XYZ is allowed to access file 456 on database 1 from TSO but not from production CICS.

ABC's security requirements are satisfied, but XYZ can access file 456 from production CICS, even though it is not desired (because once a user has access to a resource, ADASAF will allow that access from any job which also has the necessary permissions).

To achieve this level of security, it is necessary to set the XLEVEL parameter to 3, which instructs ADASAF to verify a user's access to a resource profile of the format:



uuuuuuuu is the User ID of the originating job
dddddddd.ffffffff is the Database ID and file number, as in a standard ADASAF resource profile

The resource profile length must be defined to the security system as 26 rather than 17. Therefore, the following definitions must be made in the security system:

User Class Profile Name Access
ABC ADASEC PCICS.CMD00001.FIL00456 Read, Update

And disallow access to undefined resources (DBUNI=N) or define a profile name ABC.CMD00001.FIL00456 and give user ABC no access to it.

ADASAF now performs the following checks:

  1. ABC accesses file 456 from production CICS

  2. ABC accesses file 456 from TSO

  3. XYZ accesses file 456 from TSO

  4. XYZ accesses file 456 from production CICS

Caching of Security Checks

The results of data access and update checks, both successful and unsuccessful, are cached by ADASAF. There are two levels of caching:

Adabas Basic Services

You can use ADASAF to incorporate protection of Adabas Basic Services into your SAF security repository. This option can be activated on a nucleus-by-nucleus basis using the ABS parameter. There are two levels of security, as follows:

Level Description
1 Only the main functions are protected. If a user has read access to a main function, all subfunctions are automatically permitted (ABS=1).
2 Subfunctions are also protected. The user must have access to the main function and the subfunction (ABS=2).

The resource check is performed against the resource class specified by the DBCLASS parameter and the resource name is built in accordance with the settings of the DBFLEN and DELIM parameters. Access to undefined resources is governed by the DBUNI parameter.

The following tables define the subfunctions for each Adabas Basic Services function, together with the resource name that is checked (assuming DBFLEN is set to 2 - 5 digits with leading zeros, and DELIM=Y).

Before checking any of the individual resources, ADASAF establishes a user's right to use Adabas Basic Services against this nucleus by verifying that the user has read access to the resource ABSddddd.GENERAL.

The Subfunction Profile (listed in the following tables) is used only when ABS=2 (subfunction protection).

Session Monitoring Function

Function: Session Monitoring
Function Profile: ABSddddd.SESSION
Subfunction Subfunction Profile* Access
Display Cluster Members ABSddddd.CLUSTER Read
Display Installed Products ABSddddd.DISINST Read
Maintain User Profiles ABSddddd.USER Read
Display Parameters ABSddddd.PARM Read
Modify Parameters ABSddddd.PARM Update
Display Queues ABSddddd.QUEUES Read
Refresh Nucleus Statistics ABSddddd.REFSTATS Read
Current Resource Statistics ABSddddd.STATS Read
Maintain TCP/IP URL ABSddddd.TCPIP Read
Display Resource Utilization ABSddddd.RESUTIL Read
Display Maintenance Levels ABSddddd.ZAPS Read

*Used only when ABS=2 (subfunction protection)

Checkpoint Maintenance Function

Function Checkpoint Maintenance
Function Profile ABSddddd.CHECKP
Subfunction Subfunction Profile* Access
List Checkpoints ABSddddd.CHECKP Read
Delete Checkpoints ABSddddd.CHECKP Update

*Used only when ABS=2 (subfunction protection)

FILE Maintenance Function

Function File Maintenance
Function Profile ABSddddd.FILE
Subfunction Subfunction Profile* Access
Define/Modify FDT ABSddddd.FDT Read
Release Descriptor ABSddddd.REL Read
Delete File ABSddddd.DEL Read
Define New File ABSddddd.DEF Read
Modify File Parameters ABSddddd.MOD Read
Reorder File Online ABSddddd.ORD Read
Refresh Rile to Empty ABSddddd.REF Read
Allocate/Deallocate File Space ABSddddd.ALL Read
Maintain Expanded Files ABSddddd.EXP Read

*Used only when ABS=2 (subfunction protection)

Database Maintenance Function

Function Database Maintenance
Function Profile ABSddddd.DBMAINT
Subfunction Subfunction Profile* Access
Add New Dataset to Asso/Data ABSddddd.ADD Read
Increase/Decrease Asso/Data ABSddddd.INCREASE Read
List/Reset DIB Entries ABSddddd.DIB Read
Recover Unused Space ABSddddd.RECOVER Read
Uncouple Two Adabas Files ABSddddd.UNCOUPLE Read

*Used only when ABS=2 (subfunction protection)

Session Opercoms Function

Function Session Opercoms
Function Profile ABSddddd.OPERCOMS
Subfunction Subfunction Profile* Access
Extended Error Recovery ABSddddd.ERROR Read
Force Dual Log Switch ABSddddd.LOG Read
Lock/Unlock Files ABSddddd.LOK Read
Reset Online Dump Status ABSddddd.RDUMPST Read
Stop User(s) ABSddddd.STOPU Read
Termination Commands ABSddddd.TERM Read
Manage Online Utilities ABSddddd.UTILS Read
Allocation/deallocation of CLOGs/PLOGs ABSddddd.LOGALLOC Read
User Table Maintenance ABSddddd.USERTAB Read

*Used only when ABS=2 (subfunction protection)

Database Report Function

Function Database Report
Function Profile ABSddddd.REPORT
Subfunction Subfunction Profile* Access
List Files with Critical Extents ABSddddd.EXTENTS Read
Display Field Description Table ABSddddd.DFD Read
Display File ABSddddd.DIF Read
General Database Layout ABSddddd.LAYOUT Read
List VOLSER Distribution ABSddddd.VOLSER Read
Display Asso/Data Block ABSddddd.DRABN Read
Display Unused Storage ABSddddd.UNUSED Read

*Used only when ABS=2 (subfunction protection)

Space Calculation Function

Function Space Calculation Report
Function Profile ABSddddd.SPACE

The Space Calculation function has no subfunction profiles.

Passwords and Cipher Codes

Assuming that an Adabas command satisfies the appropriate security checks, ADASAF can automatically apply Adabas passwords and cipher codes if the SAF security system is RACF. At nucleus initialization, ADASAF extracts the INSTDATA field from the RACF profiles for all files in the current database (if PRMDELIM=N, the ACC prefixed profiles are used, otherwise the CMD prefixed profiles are used) and subsequently applies them to any command for the relevant file. You must define an ACC or CMD prefixed profile (for example ACC123FIL45 or CMD00123.FIL00045) for each file that needs a cipher code or password. Cipher codes should be specified as C=nnnnnnnn where nnnnnnnn is the eight-digit cipher code. Passwords should be specified as P=xxxxxxxx, where xxxxxxxx is the password. If a file has both, they should be separated by a comma, for example C=12345678,P=PASSWORD. A file may have only one cipher code and one password.

The Adabas password and cipher code can be provided by a user exit rather than being stored in RACF. This is activated by specifying P=USEREXIT (or C=USEREXIT) in the RACF INSTDATA field for the relevant file's profile. Then, whenever a command passes security checks, ADASAF invokes the user exit and uses the returned information as password or cipher code. Member ADASAFX1 in AAFvrs.SRCE contains a sample user exit, a description of the interface, and instructions for installing the exit.

As an alternative to using RACF INSTDATA, or for SAF security systems other than RACF, passwords and cipher codes may be provided at nucleus initialization time by user exit ADASAFX2. If ADASAFX2 is linked with SAFADA, no attempt is made to extract passwords and cipher codes from the security system. Instead, any passwords and cipher codes for files in the current database must be supplied by ADASAFX2.

See the section Password / Cipher Code Exits for more information.

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Adabas Operator Commands

Adabas operator commands entered from a z/OS console can be secured by either defining security resources for the operator commands or by defining them as belonging to predefined groups and defining security resources to represent those command groupings. A sample source member, ADAEOPTB, is provided which defines operator commands to one of three groups, namely DISPLY, MODIFY and SPECAL. The choice of group names and how commands are grouped is decided on site and determines which Adabas operator commands may be entered from a z/OS console. When adding or modifying an entry in ADAEOPTB, specify the operator command (if longer than 8 characters, only provide the first 8 characters) and grouping requirement, for example:

          ENTITY NOLOGGIN,SPECAL        /*  prevent command logging  */

associates the NOLOGGING operator command with the group SPECAL. If ADAEOPTB is not used, then the first eight characters of the command (up to a space or =) are used as the basis for validation.

Operator commands are allowed or disallowed based on either the User ID of the user who starts the Adabas nucleus, or on the identifier of the started task. The choice is not based on the User ID of the user issuing the console command.

The following is a sample grouping as supplied in the ADAEOPTB source library member. The following list is not restricted to the commands shown here and can be added to or subtracted from, depending on installation requirements. For more information about Adabas operator commands, see the Adabas Operations documentation.

The display-type Adabas commands are:


The modify-type Adabas commands are:


The special Adabas commands are:


To validate authorization for operator commands, ADASAF checks for read access to an entity name of the format

OPRdbid.type if DELIM=Y
OPRdbidtype if DELIM=N

Where OPR is hard-coded, dbid specifies the Database ID in the format appropriate to the setting of the DBFLEN parameter; and type is MODIFY, DISPLY or SPECAL if ADAEOPTB is used, or is the command name itself if ADAEOPTB is not used.

For example, assuming that a standard ADAEOPTB is used, that DELIM=Y and DBFLEN=2 (no leading zeroes); when the operator issues a DSTAT command to database 235, ADASAF will check that the User ID under which database 235 is executing has read access to the resource OPR235.DISPLY.

Assuming that ADAEOPTB is not used, that DELIM=Y and DBFLEN=2, when the operator issues a STOPU=X'123' command to database 235, ADASAF will check that the User ID under which database 235 is executing has read access to the resource OPR235.STOPU.

Whether ADAEOPTB is used or not, ADASAF operator commands are always checked against type SPECAL.

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Remote Access to Adabas

Remote IBM Peer-to-Peer Database Access

With ADASAF and Entire Net-Work, remote Adabas calls to a multi-user node (MPM) can be validated when ADASAF is active on all participating MVS systems.

Entire Net-Work transports the User ID, which it obtains from the active external system on the host node, to the target node. There, ADASAF uses the User ID to construct the RACROUTE REQUEST=AUTH security calls. Support for validation based on dynamic User ID strings or connect groups is available.

Prerequisites for IBM Peer-to-Peer Access

The prerequisites for running ADASAF with Entire Net-Work are as follows:

Database Access from Remote Workstations

When ADASAF is active on a multi-user (MPM) node, you can secure remote Adabas calls with Entire Net-Work for Workstations. The Adabas link routines supplied with Entire Net-Work provide the mechanism required for the two-phase logon described in the section Remote Workstation Logon. Once logon has been completed, all validation of resources occurs just as it does when the remote user is executing on the mainframe.

Additionally, as described in the section Alternatives to Remote Workstation Logon, ADASAF can secure remote Adabas calls by selecting the Entire Net-Work Node name of the remote caller, or the Entire Net-Work Link name used by the remote caller, as the user ID on which security checks are based. If you select either (or both - different databases can use different options) of these mechanisms, you must define the appropriate Node and Link names as users in your security system, with the correct access permissions for the relevant Adabas resources.

Operating and Remote Call Characteristics

The external security User ID that is transported from the host node takes on the profile of the User ID in the external security system, the User ID must be defined with the proper authority to ensure access to only the proper Adabas resources.

Calls from Inactive External Security Nodes

A remote call to a target ADASVC with ADASAF active from an inactive external security node causes a security violation (response code 200) on the calling side.

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ADASAF Operator Commands

MVS operator communication with ADASAF is achieved using the z/OS Modify (F) command. All ADASAF operator commands are prefixed with AAF. For example:


The ADASAF operator commands are enabled by ADAEOPV. So you need to link ADAEOPV (and optionally ADAEOPTB) with ADAIOR (see ADASAF installation procedure, step 7) and define command security rules.

Command Description

Restart ADASAF, ensuring that all data held in the ADASAF buffers are flushed. Any data held by the security system itself in the Adabas address space are also flushed. The operation is transparent to all online and batch users.


Display general statistics on the operator console for ADASAF. These statistics are the same as those available using Online Services.


Display a list of active users.

SUSTAT user-id

Display statistics for a specified user. These statistics are the same as those available from Online Services.

SSNAP hhhhhhhh

Display a selected portion of the ADASAF's memory. Operation is not terminated.

The commands SSNAP=AGL, SSNAP=CFA, and SNEWCOPY are activated by the next user logical command to the affected nucleus.


Display the ADASAF global work area. Operation is not terminated.


Display the ADASAF user file cache area. Operation is not terminated.


Display all possible operator commands.


Restart ADASAF and reload modules. This command may be useful if ADASAF parameters need to be changed, or a ZAP applied to the SAF Security kernel, without interrupting nucleus operation.

All of the above commands can be issued using Online Services.

TRACE= {0|1|2|3}

TRACE=0: suppress security trace
TRACE=1: trace security violations
TRACE=2: trace successful security checks
TRACE=3: trace all security checks

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ADASAF User Exits

Encryption / Decryption Exit

ADASAF provides an exit for encrypting and decrypting the user Logon ID and password during the two-phase remote logon process. The encryption/decryption algorithms that are used must produce the same result on the workstation as in the Adabas ADASAF mainframe user exit. Information is provided in the appropriate Entire Net-Work documentation.

If a user-provided exit is not used with ADASAF, ADASAF uses its own internal encryption/decryption routines during the logon. If a user exit is used, the user exit CSECT must be "ESIEXIT" and must be linked to the SAFADA module.

The following graphic illustrates the parameter list that ADASAF passes to the ADASAF user exit:


ADASAF Encryption/Decryption User Exit Parameters

Linking User Exit ESIEXIT into ADASAF

The following example shows how to link the ADASAF user exit ESIEXIT module into the ADASAF module:

//SYSLMOD     DD DSN=YOUR.APF.LOADLIB,DISP=SHR (target execution loadlib)
//AAFLIB      DD DSN=AAFvrs.LOAD,DISP=SHR      (distributed ADASAF loadlib)
//SYSLIN      DD *
INCLUDE  AAFLIB (SAFADA)                             (ADASAF module)
INCLUDE YOURLIB (ESIEXIT)        (your encryption/decryption module)

Password / Cipher Code Exits

If you want ADASAF to provide Adabas passwords and cipher codes, but for any reason these cannot be stored in RACF (or you use a different security system), you may use user exits to return the passwords and cipher codes to ADASAF. These exits are only invoked if you have set the PASSWORD or CIPHER configuration parameter to Y.


The ADASAFX1 user exit is used to supply passwords/cipher codes at Adabas command execution time. It is invoked for every file where the RACF profile's INSTDATA specifies P=USEREXIT or C=USEREXIT. The user exit must be re-entrant and must have a CSECT name of ADASAFX1. Addressing mode on entry is 31-bit and the exit must return in the same mode.


To link the exit into ADASAF, use a job similar to the following:

//SYSLMOD  DD   DSN=your.LOAD,DISP=SHR          must be APF-authorized
//SYSIN    DD     *


The registers on entry to ADASAFX1 are as follows:

R1 Address of the parameter address list
RD Address of two consecutive 18-word save areas
RE Return address
RF ADASAFX1 base address

All registers must be restored to their contents on entry before returning to ADASAF.

R1 on entry contains the address of a six-word address list:

Word 1 Address of call type. Call type is a single byte. If set to X"80", ADASAF expects a password; if set to X"40", ADASAF expects a cipher code.
Word 2 Address of return code. Return code is a full word. If set to X"00000000", ADASAF uses the value returned by the exit as password or cipher code. Otherwise, ADASAF leaves the Adabas control block unchanged.
Word 3 Address of the database ID. The database ID is a two-byte binary number.
Word 4 Address of the file number. The file number is a two-byte binary number.
Word 5 Address of the returned password/cipher code. This is an eight-byte field containing binary zeros on entry. It should be set to the desired password or cipher code, which ADASAF inserts into the Adabas control block if the return code in parameter 2 is 0.
Word 6 Address of the Adabas parameter list for the command being processed. The first word of this parameter list contains the address of the Adabas Control Block, when running in an Adabas Version 7 nucleus, or of the Extended Adabas Control Block, when running in an Adabas Version 8 (or higher) nucleus.


The ADASAFX2 user exit is used to supply passwords/cipher codes at nucleus initialization time. It is invoked by ADASAF during nucleus initialization and may return a password and or a cipher code for as many files as required (providing the value of MAXPC is not exceeded). The user exit must be re-entrant and must have a CSECT name of ADASAFX2. Addressing mode on entry is 31-bit and the exit must return in the same mode.

If ADASAFX2 is used, ADASAF does not attempt to extract passwords and cipher codes from RACF INSTDATA.


To link the exit into ADASAF, use a job similar to the following:

//SYSLMOD  DD   DSN=your.LOAD,DISP=SHR          must be APF-authorized
//SYSIN    DD   *


The registers on entry to ADASAFX2 are as follows:

R1 Address of the parameter address list
RD Address of an 18-word save area
RE Return address
RF ADASAFX2 base address

All registers must be restored to their contents on entry before returning to ADASAF.

R1 on entry contains the address of a five-word address list:

Word 1 Address of Database ID. The Database ID is a two-byte binary number. ADASAF passes the current Database ID to the exit.
Word 2 Address of return code. The return code is a four-byte binary number and must be set by ADASAFX2. ADASAF will call the exit repetitively until the return code is not 0. If set to 0, ADASAF will use the values returned by the exit. If not 0, ADASAF will not call the exit again (but will still use the values returned on previous calls).
Word 3 Address of file number. The file number is a two-byte binary number. The first time in, this will be X"0000". On subsequent calls it will contain the most recently returned file number. The exit must set it to the file number to which the returned password or cipher code applies.
Word 4 Address of code type. This is a one-byte binary field. The exit must set this to X"40" when returning a cipher code and to X"80" when returning a password.
Word 5 Address of an eight-byte password/cipher code. The exit must set this to the appropriate password or cipher code. If ADASAFX2 sets this to USEREXIT, ADASAF will subsequently invoke ADASAFX1 to provide a password or cipher code at Adabas command execution time.

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