Version 8.1.4
 —  Utilities  —

Overriding ADASEL Defaults with Global Parameters

ADASEL global parameters override default table and buffer sizes. Overrides are in effect only for the ADASEL run in which the SET GLOBALS statement is specified.

If used, SET GLOBALS must be the first ADASEL input statement. Comment statements can precede it. The statement has the following syntax:


No spaces are permitted between the parameter name, the equal sign, and the value. However, at least one space must separate parameters. Special characters are not permitted as separators. If multiple lines are used, the SET GLOBALS keyword must be repeated on each line. The first non-blank character string that does not begin with a parameter name terminates the SET GLOBALS statement. Thus, trailing comments are not permitted.

ADASEL provides the following global parameters. Default values are underscored.

Parameter Description
LST={len | 12000 }
Length of the statement table, which is used to store the translated ADASEL statements. Depending on its complexity, a statement is translated into one or more segments. Each segment is 44 bytes plus a value length. For example: IF BA EQ 'SMITH'... requires 49 bytes: 44 bytes plus 5 bytes for "SMITH". The default table size (12 ,000 bytes) handles approximately 200 segments. If the table size is exceeded, a SEL003 error occurs.
NCFLD={n | 10}
NCUPD={n | 10}
The maximum count of "field-name CHANGES" statements allowed in the selection query, and the maximum number of parallel updates during the original session. When a statement includes a CHANGES criterion, ADASEL uses a change pool with NCFLD * NCUPD entries to track changed field values. If this pool is too small, a SEL060 error occurs. In this case, it is necessary to increase one or both of the parameters and then rerun ADASEL.
NF={n | 20}
The maximum number of files that can be processed during a single ADASEL run. NF is used to allocate space for the FDT for each file processed. A SEL014 error occurs if the NF value is exceeded. This value is not related to the maximum number of output files (DDEXPAn/ EXPAn); although more than 20 files can be processed during an ADASEL run, a maximum of 20 output files can be written.
NIF={n | 20}
Number of nested IF levels permitted.
If specified, ADASEL terminates with condition code 20 instead of a user abend 034 after an error is encountered.
NV={n | 100}
Number of field values. NV is used to allocate a table for the evaluation of field values. One entry is required for every field specified in the statements (including duplications). For example, the following statement requires two entries even though the same Adabas field name is used:
LPV={n | 0}
Length of the PE-value table used in the evaluation of field values for a PE. Normally, ADASEL uses an estimated number of PE occurrences to compute the table size. If the table size is insufficient, a SEL047 error occurs; you can increase the table size using the global LPV parameter as indicated on the screen.
PS={n | 60}
The page size parameter is used to alter the number of lines printed before a new page is started. The minimum page size is 2; the maximum is 999.
LS={n | 80}
The line size parameter is used to alter the number of printed columns. If an output line is longer than the line size, the line is truncated at the nearest blank. The rest of the line is continued on the next output line, beginning in Column 1. The minimum line size is 1; the maximum is 132.



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