Version 8.1.4 of Adabas is largely a maintenance release, but includes the following enhancements.
The licensing process for Adabas has been updated in this release to support changes in the standard Software AG mainframe product licensing software. Two new licensing libraries are now provided on the installation tape. Both libraries are distributed with names starting with the letters "MLC". In addition to these new libraries, a new licensing utility, LICUTIL, is provided that allows you to display and check your license file or to convert it to assembler source. This utility is provided in addition to the ADALICAM program used to license prior releases of Adabas.
As a result of this new licensing software, some changes have also been made in the Adabas installation. Steps in the Adabas installation procedures have been added or altered in support of this updated license process.
For general information on Software AG mainframe product licensing, read Software AG Product Licensing. For specific information on licensing Adabas, refer to the Adabas installation documentation for the appropriate operating environment.
A new Personnel demo file is provided in this release of Adabas. This new demo file joins the Employees, Vehicle, and Miscellaneous demo files that have been provided in the past. The new Personnel demo file includes fields that demonstrate the use of the new expanded features of Adabas 8, such as large object support. This new Personnel demo file will also be used as the example file for future versions of Natural.
This new Personnel demo file must be installed on a UES-enabled
database because it includes wide-character format (W) fields.
To review the FDT of the new Personnel demo file provided with Adabas, read Adabas Personnel Demo File.
The distributed INPL jobs (both the sample jobs and the SMA-generated jobs) that you use to load the Adabas INPL library have been changed. The Adabas INPL library stores code for the demos of some Adabas add-on products (such as the demo version of Adabas Online System). These distributed jobs now load the INPL library in a date-sensitive manner. In other words, the load process will now check the dates of your existing INPL library and will not allow older members to overwrite members with newer dates.
However, if you use your own Natural batch jobs to load the Adabas INPL library, you will need to modify them to be date-sensitive. To do this, specify the following CMSYNIN primary command input in your job (this setting assumes the Natural input parameters in the job are specified in comma-delimited mode, or IM=D):
The "B" setting indicates that the INPL action should load everything; the next six fields (comma-delimited) are defaults, the eighth field is specified as "Y" to indicate that dates in the INPL library should be checked, and the ninth field is not included in the specification because the default for that field will be used. For more information about Natural CMSYNIN input, refer to your Natural documentation.
When migrating an Adabas 7.4 installation, this procedure does not
apply. Instead, you should replace the 7.4 INPL library members with the latest
Adabas 8 INPL library members, regardless of the dates of the members, to avoid
creating a library containing members from both releases.
This version of Adabas reintroduces the command option checks that existed in previous Adabas versions. These checks detect when user programs are not correctly clearing the Command Option 1 and Command Option 2 fields (ACBCOP1/ACBCOP2 and ACBXCOP1/ACBXCOP2) and therefore may contain left over information from a previous call. This leftover information can cause incorrect results for the next call. If an invalid command option field is detected by the check, a response code of 34 will be returned.
Future versions of Adabas will introduce additional command options we strongly recommend that invalid command option settings be detected now and corrected. However, if you need to temporarily remove this check, an optional zap is provided in the ZAPOPT member to assist you. This special zap will not be available when Adabas 8.2 is introduced.
Changes have been made to the LGBLSET macro in this release. The changes that have been made include:
An increase in size of the Adabas Review work area. When the REVIEW parameter is set to "YES", a work area is set up for Adabas Review. The size of this work area has now been increased from 256 bytes to 512 bytes. Adabas Review 4.5 (and later releases) requires this larger work area.
When parameters COR=YES (indicating the Adabas System Coordinator and Adabas Transaction Manager product suite and their link routines are in use) and DYNDBSVC=YES (enabling Adabas SVC routing by database ID) are both specified in the link globals table, the following messages are now issued (via MNOTE):
*,DYNDBSVC=YES and COR=YES are mutually exclusive *,COR/ATM does not support dynamic SVC lookup.
These messages are followed by the following general message:
The Adabas System Coordinator and Adabas Transaction Manager product suite and their associated link routine exits do not support the Adabas SVC routing by database ID feature. To avoid problems with the Adabas System Coordinator and Adabas Transaction Manager product suite when the dynamic SVC by DBID routing feature is enabled, the messages above are issued, the assembly step of the globals table will receive return code 16, and the globals table load module will not be generated.
Therefore, if you are installing one of the following Adabas add-on products in z/OS or z/VSE environments, you will need to reassemble the new link globals tables and relink the Adabas link routines to pick up these changes:
Adabas Review 4.5 or later
The Adabas System Coordinator and Adabas Transaction Manager product suite and their associated link routine exits
If you are not installing one of these products, you need do nothing. For information on reassembling the link globals tables and relinking the Adabas link routines, read the section entitled Installing Adabas With TP Monitors in either your Adabas z/OS installation instructions or your Adabas z/VSE installation instructions .
A new REPLACE parameter has been introduced in z/VSE environments. This functionality was actually added in a zap, but is include with Adabas 8.1.4. This parameter allows you to control ADASIP behavior if an attempt to install a new SVC over a previously-installed SVC should occur. Options are to replace the current SVC (REPLACE=YES) or to issue warning messages instead (REPLACE=NO). The default is REPLACE=NO.
Warning: Setting the REPLACE parameter to YES should be done carefully. Replacing an SVC while your targets are running can produce unpredictable results. |
For more information on this parameter, read Initializing the Adabas Communication Environment.
This version of Adabas supports Parallel Access Volumes (PAV), new functionality that will be enabled in IBM z/VSE 4.2. This functionality is announced and described in the IBM z/VSE V4.2 Announcement Letter. To enable this functionality for z/VSE 4.2, please refer to IBM's z/VSE Home Page for any required maintenance that may be necessary for this support. Adabas has been modified to do extent limiting in its use of channel programs to the storage subsystems that support PAV under z/VSE.
This version of Adabas is shipped with the code for Entire Net-Work Client (open systems software) and Entire Net-Work Administration (mainframe software). Entire Net-Work Client and Entire Net-Work Administration are Software AG middleware packages used for communication between Adabas or Event Replicator Server databases on the mainframe and open systems software packages such as Adabas Manager (including the Adabas Manager demo) or Event Replicator Administration. Entire Net-Work Administration is a limited version of Entire Net-Work for mainframes and includes the Simple Connection Line Driver.
Entire Net-Work Client requires a license key. A limited license is shipped with your
Adabas software to support the Adabas Manager demo. If you purchase a full version of
Adabas Manager, you will need a full license of Entire Net-Work Client.
If appropriate Entire Net-Work mainframe and client products are not already installed on your system, install Entire Net-Work Administration on the mainframe and Entire Net-Work Clienton the client side. For complete information on these products, read the Entire Net-Work Administration documentation and Entire Net-Work Client Administration.
This version of Adabas has enhanced user exits 4 and 11.
The linkage to user exit 4 has been clarified and additional parameters have been documented.
A sample user exit 11 skeleton called UEX11 is now provided.
For complete information, read User Exit 4 (User-Generated Log Data) and User Exit 11 (General Processing) .