Version 2.4.1
 —  Installation Manual for z/OS  —


The tape contains the following three data sets. The LOAD and SRCE data sets were written by the utility program IEBCOPY; the ERRN data set was written by the utility program IEBGENER.

The notation nnn represents the version, release and SM level. Space requirements apply to a 3390-type DASD.

Dataset Contents Format Space requirements
SQLnnn.LOAD Preprocessor load modules RECFM =U
approx. 4 cylinders
SQLnnn.SRCE Preprocessor source modules and sample programs RECFM =FB
approx. 1 cylinder
SQLnnn.ERRN Preprocessor error messages RECFM =VB
LRECL =4624
approx. 4 tracks

The data set SQLnnn.LOAD contains the following members:

Name Description
ADASQLA The executable Adabas Native SQL preprocessor (load module) that generates Ada code.
ADASQLC The executable Adabas Native SQL preprocessor (load module) that generates COBOL code.
ADASQLF The executable Adabas Native SQL preprocessor (load module) that generates FORTRAN code.
ADASQLP The executable Adabas Native SQL preprocessor (load module) that generates PL/I code.
FCID Module that dynamically generates command-IDs during execution of the application program. Used in FORTRAN programs.
FINDCID Module that dynamically generates command-IDs during execution of the application program. Used in Ada, COBOL and PL/I programs.
PRPABEND This module is used to abend an application program if an error occurred.
PRTFLOW Module that prints a flow-trace of all executed Adabas Native SQL statements during the execution of the application program if MODE FLOW is set (object module, COBOL).
PRTRACE Module that traces the record buffers and format buffers during the execution of the application program if MODE TRACE is set (object module, COBOL).
RESPINT The response code interpretation routine (object module, COBOL).
SQTODATE Routine which converts numeric date to format D number.
SQFRDATE Routine which converts format D number to numeric date.
SQTOTIME Routine which converts numeric date and numeric time to format T number.
SQFRTIME Routine which converts format T number to numeric date and numeric time.

The dataset SQLnnn.SRCE contains the following members:

Name Description
ADAGO A sample JCL procedure to preprocess, compile, link and execute an Ada program.
AEX1...AEX3 Ada examples using various Adabas Native SQL statements.
ADAPARM Adabas runtime parameters.
CEX1...CEX3 COBOL examples using various Adabas Native SQL statements.
CEXC A COBOL example using Adabas Native SQL under CICS.
COBOLGO A sample JCL procedure to preprocess, compile, link and execute a COBOL program.
FEX1...FEX3 FORTRAN examples using various Adabas Native SQL statements.
FORTGO A sample JCL procedure to preprocess, compile, link and execute a FORTRAN program.
GO A sample JCL procedure to preprocess an Ada, COBOL, FORTRAN or PL/I program. The sub-procedure ASQL must be called with parameter SQL = "ADASQLA" (Ada), "ADASQLC" (COBOL), "ADASQLF" (FORTRAN) or "ADASQLP" (PL/I) as appropriate. Also, the global parameter LANG must be set to the correct value.
LINKSQL A sample JCL procedure to link Adabas Native SQL.
PEX1...PEX3 PL/I examples using various Adabas Native SQL statements.
PLIGO A sample JCL procedure to preprocess, compile, link and execute a PL/I program.
PRTFLO The source code of the routine that prints a flow-trace of all executed Adabas Native SQL statements during the execution of the program if MODE FLOW is set (FORTRAN).
PRTFLOP The source code of the routine that prints a flow-trace of all executed Adabas Native SQL statements during the execution of the program if MODE FLOW is set (PL/I).
PRTFLOW The source code of the routine that prints a flow-trace of all executed Adabas Native SQL statements during the execution of the program if MODE FLOW is set (COBOL).
PRTRAC The source code of the routine that traces the record buffers and format buffers during the execution of the application program if MODE TRACE is set (FORTRAN).
PRTRACE The source code of the routine that traces the record buffers and format buffers during the execution of the application program if MODE TRACE is set (COBOL).
PRTRACP The source code of the routine that traces the record buffers and format buffers during the execution of the application program if MODE TRACE is set (PL/I).
PRTRCICS The source code of the routine that traces the record buffers and format buffers during the execution of the application program if MODE TRACE is set (COBOL; for use in CICS programs).
RESPCICS The source code of the response code interpretation routine (COBOL; for use in CICS programs).
RESPF The source code of the response code interpretation routine (FORTRAN).
RESPINT The source code of the response code interpretation routine (COBOL).
RESPPL1 The source code of the response code interpretation routine (PL/I).
SQFRDATE Routine which converts format D number to numeric date.
SQFRTIME Routine which converts format T number to numeric date and numeric time.
SQTODATE Routine which converts numeric date to format D number.
SQTOTIME Routine which converts numeric date and numeric time to format T number.
TYPESADA Data definitions for use in Ada programs.

If necessary, the source module RESPCICS (COBOL/CICS), RESPF (FORTRAN), RESPINT (COBOL) or RESPPL1 (PL/I) may be edited to accommodate installation-specific requirements. The original source modules should be retained for future reference.

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