Cost accounting values can be defined for batch command log processing by using the COST batch parameter statement.
The member REVCOST, shown below, is a sample report for cost accounting that uses the COST statement. REVCOST is located in the Adabas Review source dataset.
* * This sample report allocates a cost value to three summary * fields based on the JOBNAME and Adabas user's TPUSERID. * In this example, each I/O is assigned a cost of $0.02, * each command response second is valued at $0.25 and each second of * Adabas duration costs $0.10. * REPORT TYPE=SUMMARY, TITLE='COST ACCOUNTING EXAMPLE', PROGRAM=SR-00028, RESTART=Y, MAXSTORE=8 DISPLAY JOBNAME,TPUSERID SUM IOS,CMDRESP,ADADURA COST IOS*0.02,CMDRESP*0.25,ADADURA*0.10 *
Refer to section Using Batch Facilities for additional information about Adabas Review batch processor parameter statements.
A sample of the data produced by the batch report is shown on the next document.