The user profile system provides a series of menus to help you generate profiles that define access rules for Adabas Review users. You may create profiles for new users, change access rules for existing users, and purge user profiles that are no longer required.
Adabas Review provides a default profile to allow access for users who do not have a profile defined for them. When a user logs on, Adabas Review checks for the user's profile. If one is not found, the default profile is used.
The default profile is also used as a basis for creating user profiles. When a profile for a new user is generated, the default profile is copied. The new profile may then be customized to suit the needs of the user.
The default profile provides unrestricted access to Adabas Review
functions. Software AG recommends that you first create a user profile for the
system administrator and other privileged users; then modify the default
profile so that it conforms to the needs of the majority of users.
To access the user profile system
Enter UP on the command line of the Adabas Review main menu and press ENTER.
The User Profile System menu appears as shown below:
15:52:10 A D A B A S - R E V I E W 2003-07-07 User Profile System Code Description ---- ---------------------------------- EU Edit User Profile LU List User Profiles ---- ---------------------------------- Command: ______________________________________________________________________ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit Menu |
Code | Description |
EU | Edits a profile for a new or existing user. |
LU | Displays a list of existing user profiles, including the default profile. |
From the list of existing user profiles, you can select a particular profile to be edited or purged.
You do not need to create a user profile for each user of Adabas Review. By customizing the default profile so that the access rules meet the needs of the majority of Adabas Review users, you eliminate the need for individual user profiles.
To customize (edit) the default user profile
From any screen within Review, type UP EU DEFAULT on the command line and press ENTER.
From any screen within the user profile system, type EU
DEFAULT on the command line and press ENTER.
The following Edit User screen is displayed:
15:53:46.3 A D A B A S - R E V I E W 2003-07-07 Edit User User Profile: DEFAULT_ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Name ............................ Default DBID/Hub ............ 0____ | | Edit Report Definitions ..... Y | | Access Adabas Review .......... Y Edit Target Definitions ..... Y | | Access User Profile System .... Y Purge Historical Data ....... Y | | Confirm Purge/Save Requests ... Y Purge Report Definitions .... Y | | Purge Started Reports ...... Y | | Purge Target Definitions .... Y | | Start Reports ............... Y | | Use AOS ..................... Y | | View Reports ................ Y | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Command: ______________________________________________________________________ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit Save Menu |
The User Profile field usually refers to the user ID corresponding to the profile; in this case it contains the word "DEFAULT".
The Name field may be used for the user's name or any other appropriate identifier.
The fields in the left column of the Edit User screen are general access rules, which are described as follows (the default value is Y(es) for all fields):
General Access Rule | Value | Whether the user is . . . |
Access Adabas Review | Y | N | allowed to access Adabas Review. |
Access User Profile System | Y | N | allowed to access the User Profile System. Before setting this access rule to "N" in the default profile, you must first create a user profile that allows you to access the User Profile System. Otherwise, you will not be able to maintain user profiles. |
Confirm Purge/Save Requests | Y | N | prompted to confirm a purge or save request before it is executed. |
The fields in the right column of the Edit User screen are database access rules. The DBID/Hub field is used to specify the default Adabas Review database for a user:
Database Access Rule | Value | Description |
Default DBID/Hub | nnnnn | 0 | Identifies the user's default Adabas Review database. The default value 0 indicates that the file corresponding to LFILE 241 is used. |
The remaining fields identify the Adabas Review functions available to a user (the default value is Y(es) for all fields):
Database Access Rule | Value | Whether the user is allowed to . . . |
Edit Report Definitions | Y | N | use the Edit Report (ER) function. |
Edit Target Definitions | Y | N | create or edit target definitions. |
Purge Historical Data | Y | N | delete historical data from the Adabas Review repository. |
Purge Report Definitions | Y | N | delete report definitions. |
Purge Started Reports | Y | N | delete data collected by started reports. |
Purge Target Definitions | Y | N | delete target definitions. |
Start Reports | Y | N | initiate data accumulation by starting a report. |
Use Adabas Online System (AOS) | Y | N | use Adabas Online System. |
View Reports | Y | N | view the results of started reports online. |
To modify access rules
Type over the settings displayed on the screen.
When you have made all of the changes to a particular group of access rules, do one of the following:
Press PF3 to exit without saving the changes.
Press PF5 or enter the SAVE
command to save the changes.
To create a user profile
From any screen in Adabas Review, type the following string on the command line and press ENTER:
UP EU userid
From any screen in the User Profile System, type the following string
on the command line and press ENTER:
EU userid
Review creates a profile for the user by copying the default profile. It then displays the user profile for editing, and the following message appears at the bottom of the screen:
Customize the user's profile, as required.
Refer to the section Customizing the Default Profile for information about access rules.
When the profile provides appropriate access privileges for the user, press PF5 to save the profile.
The List User Profiles (LU) function displays a list of user profiles that have been defined.
To access the list of user profiles
From the User Profile System menu, enter the code LU on the command line and press ENTER.
The User Profiles screen, similar to the one shown below, is displayed:
15:53:20 A D A B A S - R E V I E W 2003-07-07 User Profiles Sel Userid Name Sel Userid Name +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | __ DEFAULT | | __ USER1 REVIEW ADMINISTRATOR | | __ USER2 SMITH | | __ USER3 JONES | | __ USER4 ADAMS | | __ USER5 GREENE | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Command: ______________________________________________________________________ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit + Menu |
From this screen, you may edit or purge a particular user profile.
To display a list of commands available for use on the User
Profiles screen
Enter a question mark (?) on the selection line preceding a profile name and press ENTER.
The Available Functions window appears as shown below displaying a list of the available commands:
15:55:10 A D A B A S - R E V I E W 2003-07-07 User Profiles Sel Userid Name Sel Userid Name +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | __ DE +-------------------------+ | | ?_ US | Available Functions | | | __ US | | | | __ US | EU Edit User Profile | | | __ US | PU Purge User Profile | | | __ US | . Exit | | | | | | | | __ Enter Function | | | | | | | +-------------------------+ | | | | | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Command: ______________________________________________________________________ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit + Menu |
To edit an existing user profile
Enter the command EU on the selection line preceding the profile name and press ENTER.
The profile is displayed and may be edited. Refer to the section Customizing the Default Profile for additional information.
If you are editing your own user profile, the changes you make take effect as soon as you save your profile. If you are editing a profile other than your own, the changes do not take effect until the next time the user logs on to Adabas Review.
You may also use this command to copy an existing profile for the purpose of creating a profile for a new user. If you have several users who require access privileges that are different from those specified in your default profile, you may use an existing profile as a model for the other profiles.
To copy a user profile
Enter the command EU on the selection line preceding the profile name to be copied.
Type the new user ID on the line labeled "User Profile".
Press PF5 to save the new user profile.
To delete a user profile
Enter the command PU on the selection line preceding the profile name and press ENTER.
Depending on the setting in your profile, you may or may not be prompted to confirm the purge request as shown in the following screen:
15:55:40 A D A B A S - R E V I E W 2003-07-07 User Profiles Sel Userid Name Sel Userid Name +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | __ DEFAULT | | __ USER1 REVIEW ADMINISTRATOR | | __ USER2 SMITH | | PU USER3 JONES | | __ USER4 ADAMS +-------------------------------------+ | | __ USER5 GREENE | | | | | Please confirm PURGE request for: | | | | | | | | USER3 | | | | | | | | (Y or N) Y | | | | | | | +-------------------------------------+ | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Command: ______________________________________________________________________ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Exit + Menu |