Version 7.4.2


This service is used to define and maintain the parameters and definitions that are required by Adabas System Coordinator.

Maintenance Menu

Start of instruction setTo display the Maintenance menu

Top of page

Maintain Job Parameters

This function is used to define/maintain job parameters for jobs that use Adabas System Coordinator services.

See section Parameters for a complete description of all job parameters.

Job parameters are shared between all installed optional products, and can be defined by any of the administration applications (SYSCOR, SYSAVI, SYSAFP, SYSATM).

List Job Parameters

Start of instruction setTo display a list of existing jobs

  1. Select service 1 from the Maintenance menu or enter the command 1.1 on the command line.

    08:47:45           ***** A D A B A S SYSTEM COORDINATOR 7.4.2 ***** 2002-09-09
                             -  Maintain Job Parameters List -           C11000M1
                                                                <-- Reposition -->
                                                                 Job Type:________
                                SysCo       Cluster              
     C Job Type      Job Name   Group Name  Service Name
     _ Batch         *DEFAULT
     _ CICS Cluster  DAEFCI18   PRODGRP     PRODCICS
     Mark with (D)isplay,(M)odify,(P)urge,(R)ename,(C)opy,(O)verrides
      Command ==>
          Help        Exit  Refr                                Add   Prods Menu

    Press PF11 to view the products for which a job parameter is currently defined. From the next screen you can press PF11 again to select a product in order to modify the parameters related to that product.

    Press PF8 to move to the next page, or use the Reposition field to position anywhere within the list.

Add a Job Parameter

Start of instruction setTo add a new job definition

  1. Press PF10 from the Maintain Job Parameters screen.

    The following window will appear:

    !  09:24:13     Add       2003-05-16 !
    !          Job Parameters  C11110M1  !
    !                                    !
    !    Job Name: ________              !
    !    (D= Default for Job Type)       !
    !                                    !
    !       _     Batch                  !
    !       _     COM-PLETE              !
    !       _     CICS Cluster           !
    !       _     CICS                   !
    !       _     IMS/DC                 !
    !       _     UTM                    !
    !       _     TSO                    !
    !       _     CMS                    !
    !       _     TIAM                   !
    !       _     None above             !
    !     Mark to Select a Job Type      !
    !                                    !
    !  Command ==>                       !
    !       PF1 Help      PF3 Exit       !
    !                                    !
  2. In the field Job Name, enter the name of the job to be added.

    If you enter the value D in this field, a default job name will be assigned according to the job type defined for the job.

    Default job definitions are not available for job type CICS Cluster.

  3. Select a job type for the job from the list provided.

    Each different job type has different characteristics and it is therefore important to select the correct type.

    Select the job type "CICS" if CICS/MRO is to be used without dynamic transaction routing or for other CICS environments. Select the job type "CICS Cluster" if CICS/MRO is to be used with dynamic transaction routing.

    If you mark the selection "None of the above", another selection window will appear with additional job types. If you need to use any of these, contact Software AG for advice.

  4. After selecting a job type, press ENTER. In the following example, the job type "CICS Cluster" was selected which results in the following screen being displayed:

    16:14:13      ***** A D A B A S SYSTEM COORDINATOR 7.4.2 *****        2002-09-09
                             - Add Job Parameters -                        C11110M3
    Runmode: Local                                                    Session: Local
    Job Type: CICS Cluster
        Job Name...................................: CICSP*_
                                                     (D = Default for Job Type)
        Estimated Client Sessions..................: 1000
        Fixed Memory Pool Size (k).................: 256
        Managed by Daemon..........................: Y (Y/N)
            Daemon Group Name......................: PRODGRP
            Clustered Application Service Name.....: CICSPROD
            Daemon manages Terminal Sessions only..: X
                or manages All Sessions............: _
        Adabas Activity - Maximum Idle Times
            for Terminal Sessions..................: 3600       S (S/M/H/D)
                     give response 9: Y (Y/N) up to: 0          seconds later
            for Background Sessions................: __________
    Command ==> 
    Help              Exit        Add                           More        Menu

    The initial parameter values set up for the new job are copied from those specified in the *DEFAULT entry for the selected job type. If no default entry exists for the job type, then product default values are used.

  5. In the field Job Name, enter the name of the job.

    A job name may contain one or more asterisks (*) to indicate a wild card. For example, the job parameter with the name CICS**PR will be found by any job with the value "CICS" in positions 1-4 and the value "PR" in positions 7-8, no matter what the characters are in positions 5-6. If an asterisk (*) is the last character in a job name, the remainder of positions in the name through the eighth are padded with asterisks.

    Job parameters are always matched on type. The order of search within type is

    1. Match on exact job name.

    2. Match on wild card definitions.

    3. Use the default for the job type, if one has been defined.

    Note that the number of wild card job names defined for a job type has a direct effect on the number of Adabas commands needed to establish the job parameters at initialization. This is particularly relevant to batch jobs that process relatively few Adabas commands.

  6. Enter/modify any of the following settings for the job:

    Parameter Description
    Estimated Client Sessions This parameter is used to determine initial memory pool size and frequency of user timeout checking. Note that the user memory pool takes the name of the defined Clustered Applications Service Name.
    Fixed Memory Pool Size Fixed pools are created dynamically and extended by the supported optional products. Specify the initial size of fixed pools here. For batch jobs the minimum pool size is 32K. For all other job types it is 256K.

    Pool sizes can be reviewed by using the Session Monitoring function. These parameters may need to be adjusted if pools frequently expand into secondary extents.

    Managed by Daemon
    Daemon Group Name
    Clustered Application Service Name:
    Daemon Managed Sessions

    Specify "Y" if this job is a clustered application which will be managed by a coordinator daemon

    If "Y" is specified in the field Managed by Daemon, the following fields must also be completed:

    • Daemon Group Name and Clustered Application Service Name. Specify the group and service name of the clustered application service that is to manage the job. These are required if you are defining a parameter for a job that is using dynamic transaction routing. You must specify the same group and service name for all jobs that are part of the same clustered application. The group that you specify must have been previously defined.

    • Daemon Managed Sessions. Specify which sessions are to be managed by the Adabas System Coordinator group. This is required only for clustered applications. If non-terminal (“background”) sessions do not participate in dynamic transaction routing it is not necessary for them to be managed by the coordinator group. Since, in some installations non-terminal sessions may be very frequent, it will be more efficient to exclude them.

    Maximum Idle Times Specify a time limit, after which sessions are eligible for timeout termination if no activity has occurred. Sessions that are timed out will receive response code 9, subcode 79 if they are re-activated.

    If desired, the return of response code 9 can be limited to an elapsed time period, or it can be suppressed altogether:

    • To limit the time period for return of response 9, specify “Y” in the “give response 9 (Y/N) field, and a non-zero value in the “Up to ….. seconds later” field. If a timed-out terminal re-activates, response 9 will only be returned if the re-activation occurs within the specified time period after the timeout. If this time period has elapsed the re-activation will be treated as a new session.

    • To suppress the response 9 completely, specify “N” in the “give response 9 (Y/N)” field.

  7. When you have entered all job parameter settings, press PF5 to save them. If required, additional optional command retry and debug settings can be entered by pressing PF10. The following screen will be displayed:

    16:38:31                     Job Parameters                         2002-09-09
                                 - Additional -                          U1SCJAM1
                                 Code   Service
                                 ----   --------------
                                    1   Command Retry
                                    2   Debug Settings 
                                    .   Exit                      
                                 ----   --------------
                          Code....: _
     Command ==> 
          Help        Exit                                                  Menu

    Command Retry

    12:04:32                       Additional Parameters                  2002-09-09
                                        Retry Settings                     U1SCJEM1
                  You may define automatic Adabas call retries for nominated
                  response codes (and optionally, subcodes).
                  For more details please press PF1.
    Response   Subcode   Retries   Delay (Unit)  Dbid   Fnr   Message
       55        _____     20       15    sec     199  _____  _
      _____     _____     _____    _____   ___   _____ _____  _
      _____     _____     _____    _____   ___   _____ _____  _ 
      _____     _____     _____    _____   ___   _____ _____  _
                          PF1 Help    PF3 Exit   PF5 Upd

    You can use this screen to define an automatic retry of Adabas commands that complete with a specified response and subcode. The command will be retried a specified number of times, until a zero response code is received. The calling application will received only the successful response.

    Up to five response codes can be specified for a job. You can limit the number of retries to be attempted. You can also restrict the retry attempts to a specific data base and file number. You can specify a time delay between retries.

    Enter ”Y” in the Console Message column to get an operator message when a retry is attempted (the message is issued once only for each command retry).

    In the above example, command retry is to be performed for response code 55, with a limit of 20 retrys, with a delay of 15 seconds between each retry, and retrys are only to be attempted for database 199.

    Command Debug Settings

    17:02:13                     Additional Parameters                    2002-09-09
                                      Debug Settings                       U1SCJBM1
              Set debug event for
                 Adabas Response Code : ___
                 Or mark for any non-0: _
                              Sub-code: ____
                      Restrict to dbid: _____
                           file number: _____
              Debug event action:
                              Snap off: X
                      Snap user memory: _
                 Snap all users memory: _
                                     Mark One
                                PF1 Help    PF3 Exit    PF5 Upd

    This feature can be used to assist in diagnosing problems with Adabas commands by generating a memory snap dump.

    In the field Set Debug Event, enter values to indicate whether the dump is to be taken for a specific Adabas response code or for all non-zero response codes, whether the dump is to be restricted to a specific subcode, database and/or file number.

    In the field Debug Event Action, select whether memory is to be dumped for a single user or for all users.

    The Snap All Users Memory option will create a large amount of output and therefore should only be used at the request of Software AG support.

Maintain a Job Parameter

Start of instruction setTo maintain a job parameter

Top of page

Maintain Daemon Groups

This section describes how to add/maintain daemon groups.

Adabas System Coordinator daemon groups are used to manage clustered (multiregion or IBM Sysplex) applications.

The daemon group defines the types of applications to be managed and the Node IDs of the daemons (group members) that will manage those applications. One daemon must be active on each operating system image that hosts the application. Any application job can then be defined to this group using the Job Parameters function of SYSCOR, SYSAVI, SYSAFP, or SYSATM Online Services.

Main Menu

Start of instruction setTo invoke the daemon group maintenance menu

  1. Select service 2 from the Maintenance menu or enter the command 1.2 on a command line.

    09:20:09 ***** A D A B A S SYSTEM COORDINATOR 7.4.2 (I002)  *****      2004-03-08
                       -  System Coordinator Groups -                       C11200M1
    Job Type:________
                                      Cluster Facility
    C Group Name   Type     SVC ID   Name        Members
    _ PRODGRP      Sysplex   234     PRODCLS       0
    _ TESTADD      Standard  111                   0
    Mark with D(isplay),M(odify),P(urge),R(ename),E(xpand),F(iles)
    Command ==>
          Help        Exit  Refr                                Add         Menu

    The following information is provided on the System Coordinator Groups screen for each group:

    Field Description
    C The following options are available:

    D: display group definition
    M: modify group definition
    P: purge group definition
    E: expand group definition
    F: work with group file definitions

    Use PF10 to add a new group definition.

Adding a Daemon Group Definition

Start of instruction setto add a new daemon group definition

  1. Press PF10 on the System Coordinator Group menu. The following screen will appear:

    17:22:22                  ***** Add  *****                        2002-09-09
                   -  System Coordinator Group Member -                C11210M1
    Job Type: ________ 
     Group Name: ________                SVC ID: _____
     System Type: _ Standard (Single-system images)
       (Mark one) _ Standard (Multi-system images)
                  _ Sysplex (IBM Parallel Sysplex)
     Cluster Facility Name: ________________
     Automatic Pool Recovery: Y		
     Command ==>
                    PF1 Help    PF3 Exit     PF5 Add
  2. In the field Group Name, enter the name for the group.

    The group name is used to control communication between Adabas System Coordinator daemon peers in an operating system cluster. For example, the daemons communicate using an XCF group with this name in an IBM parallel sysplex. This name must be specified in the job definition for Adabas options such as Adabas Fastpath or Adabas Vista.

  3. In the field SVC ID, define the router (SVC) number that is used for communicating with the group (not applicable to BS2000 or z/VM systems).

    This must be the same in all parts of a cluster.

  4. In the fields System Type, specify whether the group is to coordinate:

    If you select system type ”sysplex”, you must provide the name of the cluster facility used to record the global client list. In an IBM Parallel Sysplex, this is the name of the cache structure in the coupling facility as defined in the installation process.

  5. In the field Automatic Pool Recovery, select whether or not automatic pool recovery is to be activated. This feature is recommended in that it ensures that, should a Adabas System Coordinator daemon fail for any reason, existing client session will continue to operate. When the daemon is restarted, it will recover the user pools from the failing daemon.

  6. If you are running under BS2000, specify the global common memory pool using the additional parameters that appear in the Add System Coordinator Group Member window.

    Specify a name, virtual start address, and size for the pool.

    The pool you specify is used for allocation of all shared user memory for clustered applications defined to this System Coordinator group.

Maintaining a Daemon Group Definition

Start of instruction setto maintain a daemon group member definition

  1. On the System Coordinator Group menu, enter ‘e’ in the C column adjacent to an entry in the Group Name column. The following screen will appear:

    11:19:05         ***** A D A B A S SYSTEM COORDINATOR 7.4.2 *****     2002-09-09
                           - System Coordinator Group Members -            C11260M1
    Job Type:________
     Group Name: PRODGRP                Cluster Facility Name: PRODCLS
         SVC ID: 234                    Operating System     : Sysplex
        Purge(P)    Member Job Name        Node ID
                    SYSCO33                33
                    SYSCO34                34
                    SYSCO35                35
    No records found for selection
     Command ==>
          Help        Exit  Refr  Upd                           Add         Menu

    From this screen, you can

  2. If you are adding a new group, you must add at least one member.

    For each member, specify the following:

Defining SYSCO Files

A System Coordinator group provides a central file-store facility that can be used by Adabas options such as the Adabas Transaction Manager. If an Adabas option requires a SYSCO file to be defined, its documentation will give details of the requirement.

A SYSCO file is a logical collection of records which are stored in an Adabas file. The file can be defined on any Adabas database. A database that contains a system file for job parameters will probably be a suitable location for your SYSCO file, since high availability is likely to be a requirement. A single database file can contain just one SYSCO file.

Start of instruction setto add a new SYSCO file definition for a daemon group

  1. To create a database file for use as a SYSCO file, run a standard ADALOD job, using input from the distribution tape. Sample job CORI050F can be edited according to site requirements, and used for this purpose.

  2. On the System Coordinator Group menu, once you have defined your System Coordinator group, enter ‘f’ in the C column adjacent to the appropriate entry in the Group Name column. The following screen will appear:

    10:02:10 ***** A D A B A S SYSTEM COORDINATOR 7.4.2 (I002)  *****      2004-03-08
                   -  System Coordinator File Definitions -                 C11270M1
    Runmode: Local                                               Session: Local
    Group Name: CORGROUP
    C   File Name  DB ID   Fnr     Description
    Mark with D(isplay),M(odify),P(urge)
    No records found for selection
     Command ==>
          Help        Exit  Refr                                Add         Menu
  3. Press PF10 to add a SYSCO file definition for this group. The following window will appear:

    10:05:23               Add File Definition                           2004-03-08
    Group Name: CORGROUP
    File Name: ________   DB ID: _____   File Number: _____  SVC: 
         Press PF5 to confirm 
    Command ==>
                           PF1 Help     PF3 Exit     PF5 Add 
  4. Enter values for the following parameters for the SYSCO file:

    Parameter Description
    File Name The logical name of the SYSCO file. This name identifies the ownership and purpose of the SYSCO file. Therefore it must exactly match the name given in the documentation of the Adabas option that requires this file.
    DB ID The ID of the database that contains the SYSCO file.
    File Number The number of the SYSCO file.
    SVC The number of the Adabas SVC that is used by the database which contains the SYSCO file. This parameter is only needed for z/OS and VSE systems.
    Description Free-format text describing the SYSCO file.
  5. When you have entered the parameter settings, press PF5 to save them.

  6. The SYSCO file is now ready for use. You might need to restart any software component that will rely on the newly defined file.

Start of instruction setto maintain a SYSCO file definition

  1. On the System Coordinator Group menu, enter ‘f’ in the C column adjacent to an entry in the Group Name column. The following screen will appear:

    10:22:02      ***** A D A B A S SYSTEM COORDINATOR 7.4.2 (I002)  *****   2004-03-08
                        -  System Coordinator File Definitions -              C11270M1
    Runmode: Local                                                     Session: Local
    Group Name: CORGROUP
    C   File Name  DB ID   Fnr     Description
    _   ATMMTR     135     175     ATM MIGRATED TRANSACTION RECOR  <== End of List
    Mark with D(isplay),M(odify),P(urge)
     Command ==>
          Help        Exit  Refr                                Add         Menu

    From this screen, you can

  2. If you choose to display or modify a file definition, you will see a window of the same format as when you first defined the file. If you are modifying the definition, you must press PF5 after making your changes, to save them.

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