Version 7.4.2

z/VM Installation

Clustered applications are not supported in z/VM, so it is not necessary to configure an Adabas System Coordinator daemon to manage them. However, a daemon is required to run the Adabas Fastpath Asynchronous Buffer Manager (ABM). A sample EXEC procedure (SYSCO EXEC) is supplied on the installation tape. Please see the Adabas Fastpath Installation documentation for further advice on installing the daemon for Adabas Fastpath.

The Installation Tape

Review the Report of Tape Creation that accompanies the release package before restoring the release data to disk. Information in this report supersedes the information in this documentation.

The installation tape contains the following datasets in the sequence indicated in the report:

Dataset Contents
CORvrs.TAPE Source, macro, object, load, and INPL modules
CORvrs.SYSF Base configuration file

where vrs in dataset names represents the version, revision, and system maintenance level of the product.

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Installation Overview

The steps needed for a successful installation are as follows:

Step Description Job Name
1 Restore the libraries from the installation tape  
2 Load (INPL) the SYSCOR application CORI061
3 Load the configuration file and prepare SYSCOR CORI050
4 Assemble the configuration module CORI055
5 Add the System Coordinator to the Adabas clients CORI060

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Installation Procedure

Following is the general Adabas System Coordinator installation procedure. The actual installation depends on your particular requirements and the specific contents of the release package provided by Software AG for your site. Information in the release package is intended for your system. If that information differs from the information in this section, use the release package information or contact Software AG technical support for assistance.

Step 1: Restore Libraries from the Installation Tape

Use TAPE LOAD to unload the product files.

The library contains the kernel module CORKRN, which must be available to the various databases, user virtual machines, and batch jobs that will use Adabas System Coordinator.

Step 2: Load (INPL) the SYSCOR Application (Job I061)

Use sample job CORI061 to load the SYSCOR online administration and error messages file into Natural.

Step 3: Load the Configuration File and Prepare SYSCOR (Job I050)

If you have installed an earlier version of Adabas Vista or Adabas Fastpath and have created a configuration file, you can omit substep 1 below and use the existing configuration file. In this case, you must run the conversion program U1JPARM located in the INPL file to convert your existing job parameters.

Start of instruction setTo load the configuration file

  1. Load the Adabas System Coordinator configuration file from the distribution tape using the standard Adabas load utility ADALOD. Use sample job CORI050.

  2. If you are using Natural Security, define SYSCOR and SYSMPvrs to Natural Security with MENU as the start-up program name. Restrict the application to authorized personnel.

  3. Use the following parameter to define the Natural session where SYSCOR is to be used:


    where dbid and fnr define the Adabas System Coordinator file.

    Alternatively, assemble the Natural parameter module with:

    NTFILE ,ID=152,DBID=dbid,FNR=fnr

Step 4: Assemble the Configuration Module (Job I055)

Adabas System Coordinator parameters are located in the configuration file. At job start, the Adabas System Coordinator needs to know the location of this file. This information is kept in the configuration module.

Create the configuration module by assembling the CORMCFG parameters defining the database and file number of the Adabas System Coordinator configuration file.

Keyword Description
DBID= Database number for the System Coordinator configuration file
FNR= File number for the System Coordinator configuration file
SF148=WAIT Use this keyword if you want client jobs to wait when the specified configuration file is not active. If you omit this keyword, default job parameters will be assumed for the job when the configuration file is not active.

Name the resulting load module CORCFG (this is required).

Use sample job CORI055.

Step 5: Add the System Coordinator to the Adabas Client (Job I060)

The Adabas System Coordinator client component is supplied as a TEXT file and is called CORS31.

The modified Adabas client (link module) is for use by client jobs only. Refer to the section Mandatory Use of Unmodified ADALNK.

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