Version 7.5.1

Print STJ/PRR File

This section describes how to print the recovery record (PRR) and suspect transaction journal (STJ) file.

Location and Contents of STJ/PRR Files

STJ File

Recovery information relating to incomplete transactions is stored in the Suspect Transaction Journal (STJ file) in the ATM daemon's database in certain situations. For example:

In these cases, transactions are lost to ATM and therefore cannot be completed normally. Transaction integrity may be compromised. For example, a branch of a global transaction on one database might be committed while another branch is backed out.

Each item in the STJ file represents a suspect transaction. The STJ print program T1STJP can be used to:

PRR File

ATM recovery file (PRR file) contains information on all prepared global transactions or branches that are incomplete.

The same print program which is used to print the STJ file (T1STJP) can be used to print the PRR file.

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Running the Print STJ/PRR Program

The sample job member ATMSPRNT, which is located in the ATM install JOBS library, can be used to run the STJ print program T1STJP. Before executing this job, modify the ADARUN parameters and Natural parameters according to the requirements of your installation.

T1STJP execution is controlled by parameters read from the CMSYNIN input. Two parameters are expected:

Parameter Description
File ID

The identity of the file from which data will be read. Possible values are

  • STJ: the Suspect Transaction Journal file

  • PRR: the recovery record file

The contents of the recovery record file are likely to change frequently and rapidly. Thus, the report has only limited use in determining the status of a transaction that cannot be brought to completion for some reason. Online Services can be used to display the contents of the STJ file or the recovery record file online.

The batch hardcopy report from the STJ print program does not include an interpretation of a transaction’s status codes; for these, you need to use Online Services.

ATM ID The Database ID of the ATM daemon which owns the STJ or PRR file. If this parameter is omitted, it will default to the Database ID of the ATM that executes under the SVC number specified in the ADARUN parameters.

This utility requires that the ATM daemon be active. Set up the job step as if it were using ATM to coordinate its transactions. That is, suitable client session controls must be defined, the job step must use an ADALNK module which has the Adabas System Coordinator stub linked in, and the ATM library must be available to the job step.

Suspect transaction journal and recovery records are reported in physical sequence. The field marked “Last act” in the report provides an indication of the time when the record was stored.

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