Version 7.5.1

Local User Information

The Local User Information option provides information from the TM proxy component in the Adabas link module that your ATM Online Services session is currently using. For example, if your session is executing in a CICS region, information is provided about users in that CICS system who are using the same Adabas link module.

Local User Information Menu

Start of instruction setTo display the User Information menu

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List Local Users

This function produces a list of all users of the TM proxy currently being used by your session.

16:08:43   ***** A D A B A S TRANSACTION MANAGER 7.5.1 *****            2004-03-05
                         - Local Users -                                 T13100M1

Job Name: DAEFCI18

   <------Terminal ID------>    <-------ETID/TCID------->  T
C   Char  Hex              T    Char Hex              Typ  C  Status
_   E000  C5F0F0F000000000 T         0000000000000000 NTR     804000 GT
_   E000  C5F0F0F000000000 T         0000000000000000 DTP  A  806000 GT
_   E001  C5F0F0F100000000 T         0000000000000000 NTR     804000 GT
_   E001  C5F0F0F100000000 E     05  F0F5404040404040 DTP  A  802000 GT
_   E002  C5F0F0F200000000 T         0000000000000000 NTR     804000 GT
_   E002  C5F0F0F200000000 E   PD03  D7C4F0F340404040 DTP  A  002000 TRN OPEN

 Command ==>
      Help        Exit  Refr              Top                          Net   Menu

The following information is provided:

Field Description
C Enter a non-blank character and press Enter to obtain more detailed information about a particular user.
Terminal ID The environment-dependent identifier of the user session in character and hexadecimal format. For example, the identifier for a CICS user is usually the user’s CICS terminal ID. Use PF11 to toggle between Terminal ID and Net Name.
Net Name The environment-dependent identifier of the user session. For example, the identifier for a CICS user is usually the session’s VTAM LUname. Use PF11 to toggle between Terminal ID and Net Name.
T The value T indicates the presence of a TM Client ID (TCID). The value E indicates an ETID. A user who did not open with an ETID is represented by a unique, reusable identifier known as a TM Client ID (TCID).
ETID/TCID The ETID or TCID for each user, in character and hexadecimal format.

The user type. Possible values are:

  • DTP: a normal DTP-mode user

  • SER: a user that is operating in serial ET/BT mode

  • NTR: a user for whom the TM proxy does not invoke transparent global transaction processing


The transaction coordinator that has control of the user’s global transactions. Possible values are:

  • A: the local ATM daemon has control

  • C: the local client-side transaction coordinator has control

  • H: the host system transaction coordinator has control


The user’s current status values together with a summary interpretation, as known by the TM proxy. Possible values are:

  • CLT SYNC: syncpoint requested by client-side transaction coordinator

  • FORCE BT: forced backout in progress

  • GT: global transaction status

  • IN BKOUT: an attempt to back out has not yet completed

  • IN CMIT: an attempt to commit has not yet completed

  • IN ET/BT: prepare/commit/backout in progress

  • SESS ERR: the user is not in session with ATM

  • TM DOWN: TM unavailable

  • TRN OPEN: transaction in progress

  • UNKNOWN: transaction status not known

  • XH ET: in extended hold (ET) status

  • XH BT: in extended hold (BT) status

Display User Details

Whenever the C column for a particular user is marked, a screen similar to the following will be displayed:

16:09:34  ***** A D A B A S TRANSACTION MANAGER 7.5.1 *****           2004-03-05
                        - User Details -                               T13110M1

Job Name: DAEFCI18      Co-ordinator: ATM  User Type: 00 - DTP
Terminal ID:  E002        C5F0F0F200000000 Net Name: TPXGE002 E3D7E7C7C5F0F0F2
ID Type: E ETID/TCID:PD03 D7C4F0F340404040 Status: 0020000000 - TRN OPEN
CommID: 000F7100 20640000 B902C560 B53A6482 00000001 C3C9C3E2 C5F0F0F2
   XID: C1C4C101 00000050 00000002 1B98000F 71002064 0000B902 C560B53A 64820000
        0001C3C9 C3E2C5F0 F0F2D7C4 F0F34040 4040C4C1 C5C6C3C9 F1F8B902 C7FCD5C9
        D5010000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 C2D80000
        00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Adabas Calls: 862   Transactions: 3                UAB: 1B0287B8 GUQE: 1A9C3840
Last Function Call: 24 - NEW TRGT                  Transaction model: MESSAGE

DBNo. L/R DTP Status                        | Pending Response Codes
  135  L   N  8067 ET                       | Resp. Subcode
47163  R   Y  0064 CHANGED                  |
 7161  L   Y  0265 CHANGED                  |

 Command ==>
      Help        Exit  Refr              Top                          ErrI  Menu

The following information is provided:

Field Description
Jobname The name of the job under which this Online Services session is running.

The transaction coordinator that has control of the user’s global transactions. Possible values are:

  • ATM: the local ATM daemon has control

  • CLIENT SIDE TC: the user’s client-side transaction coordinator has control

  • HOST TC: the host system transaction coordinator has control

User Type

The internal type code for the user, followed by a summary interpretation.

Possible values are:

  • DTP: a normal DTP-mode user

  • SER: a user that is operating in serial ET/BT mode

  • NTR: a user for whom the TM proxy does not invoke transparent global transaction processing

Terminal ID Environment-specific identifier of the user session in character and hexadecimal format.
ETID/TCID The ETID or TCID for each user, in character and hexadecimal format.
Net-Name Environment-specific identifier of the user session.
ID Type Indicates whether the user has an ETID (E) or a TCID (T).
SETID/TCID The ETID or TCID in character and hexadecimal format.

The user’s status code in hexadecimal followed by a summary interpretation in character format.

Possible values are:

  • CLT SYNC: syncpoint requested by client-side transaction coordinator

  • FORCE BT: forced backout in progress

  • GT: global transaction status

  • IN BKOUT: an attempt to back out has not yet completed

  • IN CMIT: an attempt to commit has not yet completed

  • IN ET/BT: prepare/commit/backout in progress

  • SESS ERR: the user is not in session with ATM

  • TM DOWN: TM unavailable

  • TRN OPEN: transaction in progress

  • UNKNOWN: transaction status not known

  • XH ET: in extended hold (ET) status

  • XH BT: in extended hold (BT) status

CommID The user’s 28-byte Adabas Communication ID.
XID The Transaction ID of the current global transaction. This field contains binary zeros if the user has no transaction is progress.
Adabas Calls The number of Adabas calls issued by the user.
Transactions The number of global transactions executed by the user.
UAB This field contains internal information which might be useful to Software AG’s support staff in problem resolution.
GUQE This field contains internal information which might be useful to Software AG’s support staff in problem resolution.
Last Function Call The type of the most recent internal call sent by the TM proxy to ATM daemon for the user. Included for diagnostic purposes.
Transaction Model The transaction model that is currently in use for the user.

The remainder of the screen displays:

If the list of databases is too long to fit on the display, “More” appears at the foot of the screen. Use PF7 to return to the top of the list and PF8 to scroll down the list.

List of Databases

Field Description
DBNo. Database ID.
L/R Indicates whether the database is local to or remote from the user; that is, whether or not the database is executing in the same operating system instance.
DTP Indicates whether distributed transaction processing is enabled for the database; that is, whether it is running with the runtime parameter ADARUN DTP=RM.

A summary of the current status of the database with respect to the current user. Possible summary values are:

  • ET: the user has no pending updates on this database

  • CHANGED: the user has uncommitted updates on this database

  • XH: the database is in extended hold status

  • BT RQD: backout must be performed on this database

Client TC Display

If the user has an open transaction under the control of the local environment’s client-side transaction coordinator (CLIENT SIDE TC), PF9 at the foot of the screen is labeled “TC’. Pressing PF9 invokes the Client TC Display window showing the identifier used by the client-side transaction coordinator for the transaction.

Error Information

Press PF10 to display the contents of the feedback block returned by the local ATM daemon when the TM proxy last sent a command to it on behalf of the user.

The format of the resulting pop-up window is the same as described in section Display Error Information.

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Display Zap Information

This function can be used to determine the zaps that have been applied to the ATM kernel module that is being used by the TM proxy executing in the Adabas link module that your session is currently using.

This function is invoked by selecting option 2, Display Zap Information, on the User Information menu.

The resulting screen output has the same format as that described for displaying zaps for an ATM daemon.

Use PF9 to produce a similar display that shows which zaps have been applied to the Adabas System Coordinator kernel (CORKRN) that is being used by your current session.

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