Version 7.4.4
 —  Troubleshooting Options  —

Display Active Targets

From the main menu, the direct command


displays active targets for a specified database:

13:15:10         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       2005-11-25
                           -  Display Active Targets  -

   CPU ......... 5203405496720000                Entries for SVC No. .. 107
   Default-DB .. 105                             Max. No. Of Entries .. 30
                                                 Max. Active Entries .. 8

    M I Tgt-ID I Target Flag     I Target Mode     I CQH Flag I
      I  2010  I Communicator    I AB required     I     68   I
      I    98  I Isolated-DB     I                 I     10   I
      I   155  I Non-DB target   I Local service   I     21   I
      I  2048  I Non-DB target   I Local service   I     25   I
      I   105  I Isolated-DB     I                 I     10   I
      I    99  I Non-DB target   I Anchor service  I     22   I
      I   206  I Isolated-DB     I                 I     10   I
      I    51  I Isolated-DB     I                 I     10   I
      I        I                 I                 I          I

   Mark a DB-entry with 'X' to Select for processing

  PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
  Help               Exit                                           Menu

where the Target Flag column may have the following values:

Communicator Entire Net-Work node
Non-DB target Entire System Server, XDCOM, or Entire Net-Work node
Isolated-DB ADARUN parameter ISO=YES is used for the database

and the Target Mode column may have the following values:

AB required attached buffers are required
IDTE forced ADARUN parameter FORCE=YES is used during initialization
Anchor service no command queue; anchor target only; e.g., buffer pool manager
Local service ADARUN parameter LOCAL=YES; no remote calls

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