Version 7.4.4
 —  Troubleshooting Options  —

Stop a Utility

Option "Q" from the main menu or the direct command


displays the following window for stopping a batch utility job and resetting the DIB:

13:22:02         *****  A D A B A S  ONLINE  SYSTEM  *****         2005-11-25
                                 -  Main Menu  -                     PMAIN02

              Code  Basic Services                Code  Other Services
              ----  ----------------------        ----  -------------------
               A    Session monitoring             1    Cache Services
               C    Checkpoint maintenance         2    Delta Save Facility
               F    File maintenance
               M    Database maintenance  +----------------------------------+
               O    Session opercoms      | Enter JOBNAME of Utility to      |
               R    Database report       | reset DIB and to Stop the user.  |
               S    Space calculation     |                                  |
               ?    Help                  |     Jobname ... ________         |
               .    Exit                  |     Confirm ... _  (Y or N)      |
              ----  --------------------- |                                  |
  Code ....... q
  Database ... 105     (RD-105)

 Command ==>
 PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
 Help               Exit

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