Version 7.4.4
 —  System Operator Command Functions  —

Stop User(s)

Selecting option "S" (Stop Users) from the Session Opercoms menu displays the Stop Users menu:

10:22:02         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       2005-11-24
                               -  Stop Users   -                    PACIS02

                      Code  Service
                      ----  -----------------------
                       F    Stop users using file
                       I    Stop inactive users
                       J    Stop users by jobname
                       U    Stop a selected user
                       ?    Help
                       .    Exit
                      ----  -----------------------
    Code ............. _
    File Number ...... _____
    Last Activity .... ________ (elapsed time in seconds)
    Job Name ......... ________
    Purge UQE(s) ..... N
    Selected Userid ..
    Database ID ...... 105   (RD-105)

Command ==>
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
Help     Disp UQ   Exit      Clear UID                            Menu

You can stop a specific user, all users of a specific file or job, or all inactive users. The current transactions of those users being stopped are backed out.

Press PF2 (Disp UQ) to display the current user queue.

Press PF4 (Clear UID) to clear the selected user ID.

An equivalent direct command is


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