Version 7.4.4
 —  Session Monitoring  —

Resource Utilization

Selecting Resource Utilization (option "U") from the Session Monitoring menu invokes the Resource Utilization menu:

14:42:51          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2005-11-14
                          -  Resource Utilization  -                PACU002   
Code  Service                           Code  Service                         
----  -------------------------------   ----  ------------------------------- 
 C    Command usage                      P    PLOG status                     
 F    File usage                         S    System status                   
 H    High water marks (pools/queues)    T    Thread usage                    
 L    Workpool (LWP) usage               W    WORK status                     
 N    Nucleus File Status                X    Cluster usage                   
 ?    Help                                                                    
 .    Exit                                                                    
----  -------------------------------   ----  ------------------------------- 
        Code ......... _                                                      
        File Number .. 0                                                      
        Database ID .. 1955   (WIS1955)             NucID .. 1022             
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu

The resource utilization displays provide a comprehensive overview of Adabas operation.

Each of the resource utilization options contain a refresh capability (PF4) that allows you to refresh the displayed values, a convenience for long-term monitoring of Adabas system functions.

This document covers the following topics:

Command Usage

Overall Command Usage (option "C") displays the total and average execution time of each Adabas command type issued during the current session and processed by the Adabas nucleus, and the total of all Adabas commands issued.

The equivalent direct command is

14:44:36         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****         2005-11-14
   DBID 105                    -  Command Usage   -                     PACUC02

   Total Commands .. 19051
   CMD-Type I Nr. CMDs   I Aver. Dur. I    CMD-Type I Nr. CMDs   I Aver. Dur. I
   ------------------------------------    ------------------------------------
     A1/4   I        592 I       0.7  I      BT     I          5 I            I
     CL     I          1 I      49.3  I      ET     I         75 I            I
     E1/4   I        119 I       7.4  I      L1/4   I       1570 I       1.1  I
     L2/5   I            I            I      L3/6   I       9842 I       6.7  I
     L9     I        473 I       2.3  I      LF     I            I            I
     N1/2   I        204 I      10.3  I      OP     I         10 I      74.2  I
     UC     I         70 I      11.3  I      RC     I       5732 I            I
     RE     I            I            I      REST   I         38 I            I
     S1/4   I        320 I      21.0  I      S2     I            I            I
     S5     I            I            I      S8     I            I            I
     S9     I            I            I

Top of page

File Usage

Overall File Usage (option "F") displays all files of the database used during the session and the number of accesses to each file.

The equivalent direct command is

14:45:31         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****         2005-11-14
   DBID 105                      -  File Usage   -                    PACUF12

    Fnr  I Tot. Cmds   Fnr  I Tot. Cmds   Fnr  I Tot. Cmds   Fnr  I Tot. Cmds
   -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------
       0 I      5898      9 I       345     17 I        24     50 I        62
     100 I      7939    101 I      4752    110 I        39

If a file number other than zero is specified on the Resource Utilization menu, the File Usage display shows file use information for the specified file:

14:53:02         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       2005-11-14
  DBID 105                      -  File Usage   -                    PACUF02 

   Usage Numbers for File 100   :    ACC Users .. 1        EXU Users ..
                                     UPD Users ..          UTI Users ..
                       -- USERS --
           M   TID/User  Jobname      CPU-ID      VM-ID     Open Mode
           -   --------  --------  ------------  --------  -----------
               BADFAM 3  COMPLETE  999999999999            EXF UTI EXU

   Mark entry with a 'S' to select a User
   Total Users in this list for this file is 1                     Page 1 of 1

Top of page

High Water Marks

High Water Marks (option "H") displays the maximum percent of use of selected pools and queues in the current session, and the date and time when the high point was reached.

Values are displayed for the user, command, and hold queues; the ISN list and sequential command tables; the format and work pools; and the attached buffers (NAB).

These values are a good starting point when looking for a problem with limited buffer, pool, or queue space, or if you are looking for unused storage resources.

The equivalent direct command is

15:55:18         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       2005-11-14
   DBID 105                   -  High Water Marks   -                 PACUH02

   Pool / Queue       I    Size    I    Used    I %Used I   Date       Time   I
 Attached Buffer(NAB) I     204800 I      12032 I   5.8 I                     I
 Command Queue  (NC)  I      34560 I        384 I   1.1 I 2005-11-14 14:55:06 I
 Format Pool    (LFP) I      80000 I       4364 I   5.4 I 2005-11-14 14:25:23 I
 Hold Queue     (NH)  I     350056 I       1736 I   0.4 I 2005-11-14 14:46:04 I
 ISN-List Table (LI)  I      50000 I          0 I   0.0 I                     I
 Seq. Cmd. Table(LQ)  I      32000 I        440 I   1.3 I 2005-11-14 08:00:01 I
 User Queue     (NU)  I      58644 I       2524 I   4.3 I 2005-11-14 14:44:26 I
 Work Pool      (LWP) I     250000 I      92256 I  36.9 I 2005-11-14 14:29:33 I

Top of page

Work Pool (LWP) Usage

Work Pool (LWP) Usage (option "L") displays the length of the used and unused parts of the work pool as well as the length of the longest single unused part. These numbers can be used to tune the work pool length for the next session.

The equivalent direct command is

16:06:30         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****         2005-11-14
   DBID 105                    -  Workpool Usage  -                     PACUL02

   Workpool (LWP)
     Used part ............       1440 Bytes
     Unused part ..........     248288 Bytes
     Biggest unused part ..     248288 Bytes

Top of page

Nucleus File Status

Nucleus File Status (option "N") is the equivalent of the DNFV operator command.

16:09:17          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****           2005-11-14
DBID  1955                 - Nucleus File Status -                   PACUN02   
NucID 1021                                                                    
      File   NucID  Access count   Update count   State                       
      -----  -----  -------------  -------------  ----------------------      
      24                        0              0  Access                      
      25                        0              0  Access, Update              
 Last page                                                                    
PF1----- PF2----- PF3----- PF4----- PF7----- PF8----- PF9-------  PF12-----   
Help     Repos    Exit     Refresh   -        +                   Menu

In an Adabas cluster environment, the file may be locked for exclusive use by another cluster nucleus. If this is the case and the file is in the nucleus file status table, the Locking NucID column for the file shows the ID of the nucleus that has exclusive control.

The Access count / Update count fields display the number of access or update users, respectively, that refer to the specified file in their user queue elements (UQEs). These users either have specified the file in an OP command with "R"-option or are using the file in an as yet incomplete transaction.

A State field indicates when the file is used for access only or for access and update. The State field indicates to what extent a nucleus can use a file on its own. If the requested use exceeds the given state, the nucleus must first communicate with the other nuclei in the cluster in order to upgrade the state.

Top of page

Protection Log (PLOG) Status

Protection Log (PLOG) Status (option "P") displays the status of dual protection logs, if used.

The equivalent direct command is

16:16:37         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       2005-11-14
   DBID 105                      -  PLOG Status  -                    PACUP02

        The nucleus is currently writing on .....   1
        Size of one PLOG area (in BLKs.) ........  40
        Last block written ......................  25   (  62 %)
        Number of switches since nucleus start ..  10
        Date/Time of last switch ................  2005-11-14 10:31:12

Top of page

System Status

System Status (option "S") displays I/O counts for the ASSO, DATA, WORK, and PLOG datasets; remote and local call distribution; and other current session status information.

For Adabas 7.4 and above, "Logical Reads" can now display up to 23 digits; "Logical Reads (binary)" has been discarded.

The equivalent direct command is

16:20:16          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2005-11-14
DBID 1955                     -  System Status  -                   PACUS02   
NucID: 1022                                                                   
             Reads          Writes                Call Distribution           
           -------------------------   ---------------------------------------
 ASSO             370             67   Remote Logical .............          0
 DATA               3             18   Remote Physical ............          0
 WORK               2            104   Local  Logical .............        860
 PLOG                             67   Local  Physical ............          0
 Logical Reads:                                                               
 Buffer Efficiency ....          0.9   No. of HQEs active .........          0
                                       No. of UQEs in User Queue ..          2
 Format Translations ..           51   No. of CQEs waiting in CQ ..          0
 Format Overwrites ....            0                                          
                                       Total intern. Autorestarts .          0
 Throw Backs for ISN ..            0   No. of PLOG switches .......          0
 Throw Backs for Space.            0   No. of Bufferflushes .......         18
                                                           page 1 of 2        
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit      Refresh                      +       Menu

If you are running Adabas version 7.4, press PF8 to display an additional screen that indicates if one or more of the following are in progress:

Otherwise, "Adabas operation normal" is displayed.

16:37:41          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2005-11-14 
DBID 1955                     -  System Status  -                   PACUS02    
NucID: 1021                                                                    
                              Nucleus Status Flags                             
                      Adabas operation normal                                  
                                                          page 2 of 2          
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----    
Help               Exit      Refresh                       +      Menu

Top of page

Thread Usage

Thread Usage (option "T") displays a table of all defined Adabas threads, the status of each, the command type currently in process in each active thread, and the number of commands processed by each thread in the current session.

The equivalent direct command is

16:54:21          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2005-11-14
DBID 6                        -  Thread Usage  -                    PACUT02
Nr. I Thread Status       I Command Type     I Wait Event      I Nr. CMDs   I
  1 I Waiting for event   I Update           I Queued Event    I 39327      I
  2 I Waiting for event   I Update           I I/O             I 19228      I
  3 I Waiting for event   I Update           I I/O             I 16170      I
  4 I Waiting for event   I Update           I Async Work I/O  I 14376      I
  5 I Waiting for event   I Update           I Queued Event    I 13205      I
  6 I Waiting for event   I Update           I Async Work I/O  I 10461      I
  7 I Waiting for event   I Update           I PLOG I/O        I 9872       I
  8 I Waiting for event   I Update           I Queued Event    I 9904       I
  9 I Waiting for event   I Update           I Queued Event    I 8233       I
 10 I Waiting for event   I Update           I Queued Event    I 8987       I
 11 I Waiting for event   I Update           I Queued Event    I 8136       I
 12 I Waiting for event   I Update           I Queued Event    I 7931       I
 13 I Waiting for event   I Update           I Queued Event    I 7523       I
 14 I Active              I Simple Cmd.      I                 I 7168       I
 15 I Not active          I                  I                 I 6643       I
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
Help               Exit      Refresh                              Menu

Top of page

WORK Status

WORK status (option "W") displays the WORK area sizes (in blocks) for the

The equivalent direct command is

16:57:32          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2005-11-14
DBID 1955                     -  WORK Status  -                     PACUW02

                  W O R K  Dataset
          I  Protection Area                              500 Blks I
          I  Intermediate ISN Area                         76 Blks I
          I  Resulting ISN Area                          1315 Blks I
          I  Distributed Transaction Processing Area      500 Blks I

PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
Help               Exit      DTP-area                             Menu

If you have DTP=RM in your ADARUN parameter settings, and press PF4 on the new screen, then the new screen DTP Work Area displays (shown below):

17:04:47          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2005-11-14
                             -  DTP Work Area -                     PACUK02   
                   Code    Service                                            
                   ----    --------------------------------------             
                    D      Display PET-status users                           
                    H      Display heuristically terminated users             
                    R      Display DTP rabns                                  
                    U      Work Part 4 usage                                  
                    X      Force heuristic BT/ET                              
                    ?      Help                                               
                    .      Exit                                               
                   ----    --------------------------------------             
 Code ............. _                                                         
 Selected User ....                                                           
 Database ID ...... 1955   (WIS1955)                                          
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help  Clear UID    Exit                                           Menu

The DTP Work Area menu performs the following functions:

Function Action
Display PET-status users Displays the current environment of PET-status users. You can select one or more to display additional information.
Display heuristatically terminated users Displays a list of the heuristatically terminated users. You can select one or more to display additional information.
Display DTP Rabns Displays a list of allocated RABNs. You can select a user, display additional information, issue BT or ET, and display total RABNs for a user.
Work Part 4 Usage Displays the breakdown of information of the Work Part 4.
Force Heuristic BT/ET Issues a BT or ET for a selected user. Select the user through the "Display DTP RABNs" menu item.
PF2 Clears the selected user.

If you select Display PET-status users, the screen Display PET-Status Users displays (shown below):

17:17:39        ***** A D A B A S BASIC SERVICES *****           2005-11-14
DBID 1955            - Display PET-Status Users -                PACUKD2 

Mark entries with 'D' (Display): 

M I Global ID                                                I RMID hex I 
------------------------------------------------------------ - -------- - 
_ I 000F710020640000B96353B18528B38200000000B96353B185286F02 I 044E0059 I 
_ I                                                          I          I 
_ I                                                          I          I 
_ I                                                          I          I 
_ I                                                          I          I 
_ I                                                          I          I 
_ I                                                          I          I 
_ I                                                          I          I 
_ I                                                          I          I 
_ I                                                          I          I 

PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12----- 
Help               Exit      Refresh            -        +        Menu

Top of page

Cluster Usage

This option is only active in an Adabas nucleus cluster environment.

Cluster usage (option "X") displays nucleus cluster statistics that are equivalent of those displayed using the DXCACHE, DXLOCK, and DXFILE operator commands. See the Adabas Cluster Services documentation or the Adabas Parallel Services documentation for more information.

The equivalent direct command is

17:20:31          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2005-11-14
                              -  Cluster Usage -                    PACUX02   
                        Code    Service                                       
                        ----    ----------------                              
                         C      Cache statistics                              
                         F      File statistics                               
                         L      Lock statistics                               
                         ?      Help                                          
                         .      Exit                                          
                        ----    ----------------                              
          Code ......... _                                                    
          File Number .. 0                                                    
          Database ID .. 1955   (WIS1955)             NucID .. 1021           
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2----- PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF9----- PF10----- PF12-----   
Help              Exit                         Fuse     Flist     Menu

Cache Statistics

Choosing Cache Statistics (option "C") from the Cluster Usage menu displays the following menu:

17:24:23          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2005-11-14
                            - Cache Statistics -                    PACUX12
                  Code   Service
                  ----   -----------------------
                    K    Cast-out / Directory
                    P    Publishing requests
                    X    Individual cache blocks
                    .    Exit
                    ?    Help
                  ----   -----------------------
     Code .........               
     Database ID .. 1955   (WIS1955)             NucID .. 1021
PF1----- PF2----- PF3----- PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8-----  PF12-----
Help              Exit     Refresh                               Menu

Cast-out / Directory

Choosing Cast-out / Directory (option "K") from the Cache Statistics menu display the following:

17:31:23          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2005-11-14
DBID  1955                 - Cast-out / Directory -                 PACUX12   
NucID 1021                                                                    
        Cast-out Directory Reads          Directory Reads                     
        ---------------------------       ---------------------------         
        Total .......          28         Total .......           5           
           Sync .....           1            Sync .....           1           
           Async ....          27            Async ....           4           
        Unlock Cast-out Calls                                                 
        Total .......          28                                             
           Sync .....           1                                             
           Async ....          27                                             
PF1----- PF2----- PF3----- PF4----- PF7----- PF8----- PF9-------  PF12-----   
Help              Exit     Refresh                    Detail      Menu

Counters have a multiplier column with the following values:

Value The total shown is in . . .
blank bytes
K kilobytes
M megabytes
G gigabytes
T terabytes

If a number has a multiplier shown, it has been divided by the multiplier, showing the significant digits to 9 places with no decimal point.

Press PF9 to see the entire value. This value is the exact count up to 20 digits in length.

Publishing Requests

Choosing Publishing Requests (option "P") from the Cache Statistics menu display the following:

17:36:21          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2005-11-14
DBID  600                  - Publishing Requests -                  PACUX12   
NucID 2                                                                       
                     Publishing Request Category                              
                     Update sync .......           0                          
                     BT or CL or ET ....           0                          
                     Redo threshold ....          12                          
                     Full bufferpool ...          10                          
                     All blocks ........           2                          
                     Specific RABN .....           8                          
                     File DS blocks ....           4                          
                     All DSST blocks ...           0                          
                     File NI blocks ....           8                          
PF1----- PF2----- PF3----- PF4----- PF7----- PF8----- PF9-------  PF12-----   
Help              Exit     Refresh                    Detail      Menu

All Cache Blocks

Choosing All Cache Blocks (option "X") from the Cache Statistics menu display the following:

17:43:05          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2005-11-14
DBID  1955                  - All Cache Blocks -                    PACUX12   
NucID 1021                                                                    
  Reads                                 Writes                                
  --------------------------------      ----------------------------------    
  Total ............         167        Total ..............      38,176      
     Sync ..........          24           Sync ............      15,148      
     Async .........         143           Async ...........      23,028      
     In cache ......          49           Written .........      38,176      
     Not in cache ..         118           Not written .....           0      
     Struc. full ...           0           Struc. full .....           0      
  Cast-out Reads                        Other                                 
  --------------------------------      ----------------------------------    
  Total ............         212        Validates ..........     187,677      
     Sync ..........         212           Invalid .........          43      
     Async .........           0        Deletes ............           0      
                                           Timeouts ........           0      
                                        Redo processes .....           0      
PF1----- PF2----- PF3----- PF4----- PF7----- PF8----- PF9-------  PF12-----   
Help     Repos    Exit     Refresh  PrevBlk  NxtBlk   Detail      Menu

Use PF7 and PF8 to scroll through the cache blocks; use PF2 to reposition.

Statistics are displayed for the following:

Press PF9 from the above screen to display the following detail screen:

17:47:09          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2005-11-14
DBID  1955                  - All Cache Blocks -                    PACUX12   
NucID 1021                                                                    
Reads                                  Writes                                 
-------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
Total ......                       167 Total .......                    38,176
  Sync .....                        24   Sync ......                    15,148
  Async ....                       143   Async .....                    23,028
  In cache..                        49   Written ...                    38,176
  Not in ...                       118   Not writ ..                         0
  Stru.full.                         0   Stru.full .                         0
Cast-out Reads                         Other                                  
-------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
Total ......                       212 Validates ...                   187,677
  Sync .....                       212   Invalid ...                        43
  Async ....                         0 Deletes .....                         0
                                         Timeouts ..                         0
                                       Redo procs ..                         0
                                      Press Enter to continue

File Statistics

Choosing File Statistics (option "F") from the Cluster Usage menu for file 25 displays the following menu:

17:52:02          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2005-11-14
DBID  1955                - File 25 Statistics -                    PACUX22
NucID 1021                                 
  Reads                                 Writes
  --------------------------------      ----------------------------------
  Total ............          67        Total ..............      20,157
     Sync ..........           0           Sync ............       7,583
     Async .........          67           Async ...........      12,574
     In cache ......           0           Written .........      20,157
     Not in cache ..          67           Not written .....           0
     Struc. full ...           0           Struc. full .....           0
  Cast-out Reads                        Other                         
  --------------------------------      ----------------------------------
  Total ............          78        Validates ..........      79,248
     Sync ..........          78           Invalid .........           0
     Async .........           0        Deletes ............           0
                                           Timeouts ........           0
                                        Redo processes .....           0
PF1----- PF2----- PF3----- PF4----- PF7----- PF8----- PF9-------  PF12-----
Help     Repos    Exit     Refresh                    Detail      Menu

Lock Statistics

Choosing Lock Statistics (option "L") from the Cluster Usage menu displays the following menu:

17:58:16          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2005-11-14
                             - Lock Statistics -                    PACUX32   
Code   Service                       Code   Service                           
----   ---------------------------   ----   -------------------------------   
  A    Buffer flush lock              J     Global update command sync lock   
  B    Cancel lock                    K     Hold ISN lock                     
  C    Checkpoint lock                L     New-Data-RABN lock                
  D    DSF lock                       M     Online save lock                  
  E    ETID lock                      N     Parameter lock                    
  F    File-lock-table lock           O     Recovery lock                     
  G    FST lock                       P     RLOG lock                         
  H    GCB lock                       Q     Security lock                     
  I    Global ET sync lock            R     Spats lock                        
  .    Exit                           S     Unique descriptor lock            
  ?    Help                                                                   
----   ---------------------------   ----   -------------------------------   
       Code ......... _                                                       
       Database ID .. 1955   (WIS1955)             NucID .. 1021              
PF1----- PF2----- PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7------ PF8----- PF12-----   
Help              Exit      Refresh                               Menu

Each of the options on the Lock Statistics menu displays statistics for a particular lock. For each lock, the screen displays obtain and release information about the various types of that lock that are currently in use by a cluster nucleus:

Hold ISN Lock

Choosing Hold ISN Lock (option "J") from the Lock Statistics menu displays the following:

18:08:16          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2005-11-14
DBID  1955                   - Hold ISN Lock -                      PACUX32   
NucID 1021                                                                    
     Obtains                               Releases                           
     ------------------------------        ----------------------------       
     Conditional ....        16,017        Issued .......        16,017       
        Granted .....        16,017           Sync ......        15,971       
        Rejected ....             0           Async .....            46       
     Unconditional ..             0                                           
     Sync ...........           158                                           
     Async ..........        15,859                                           
PF1----- PF2----- PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7------ PF8----- PF12-----   
Help     Repos    Exit      Refresh            PrevLok   NxtLok   Menu

Use PF7 and PF8 to scroll through the locks; use PF2 to reposition.

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