Version 7.4.4
 —  Session Monitoring  —

Queue Displays

Selecting "Queue displays" (option "Q") from the Session Monitoring menu displays the following menu:

11:27:20         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       2005-11-14
                                -  Queue Displays   -                 PACQ002

                         Code  Service
                         ----  ---------------------------
                          A    Display User Queue Elements
                          C    Display Command Queue
                          H    Display Hold Queue
                          ?    Help
                          .    Exit
                        ----  ----------------------------
     Code ............... _
     Max No. Elements ... 100
     Last Activity ...... 0         (elapsed time in seconds)
     Selection Criteria
       ET-ID (User-ID) .. ________  User Type ... ___
       Job Name ......... ________
       Terminal ID ...... ________
     Database ID ........ 105       (RD-105)
  Command ==>
  PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
  Help               Exit      Clear UID                            Menu

The Display Queues function shows, in table format, the contents of the user, command or hold queues. Each displayed table entry contains a related TID, job name, user ID, current status, and related information such as files currently in use and command type.

If you try to display a queue that is currently empty, an appropriate message appears on the Display Queues menu.

Individual entries in the selected queues can be displayed to provide more detailed information, or selected for a later Basic Services function (the individual user-level statistics sampling described in section Current Resource Statistics is an example).

This document covers the following topics:

Display User Queue Elements

If you select Display User Queue Elements (option "A") from the Queue Displays menu, you must also specify the maximum number of elements to display. Other selection criteria you may optionally specify include

If multiple selection criteria are specified, they are combined with a logical OR.

11:40:48         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       2005-11-14
   DBID 105                  -  Display User Queue  -                 PACQA12
   SEL-CRIT: MAX-NUM = 100
                                                           Total Users .. 3
   Mark entries with 'D' (Display) or 'S' (Select):
      I          I          I          I User I        I Last     I            I
    M I   TID    I  ET-ID   I Job Name I Type I Status I Activity I File(s)    I
    _ I BANLW  1 I BANLW    I COMPLETE I AOS  I        I          I 19,100...  I
      I BARAW  1 I BARAW    I COMPLETE I ET   I ET     I     2361 I 50,100     I
      I BASMA  1 I BASMA    I COMPLETE I ET   I ET     I      135 I 100        I
      I          I          I          I      I        I          I            I
      I          I          I          I      I        I          I            I
      I          I          I          I      I        I          I            I
      I          I          I          I      I        I          I            I
      I          I          I          I      I        I          I            I
      I          I          I          I      I        I          I            I
      I          I          I          I      I        I          I            I

  PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
  Help               Exit      Refresh            -        +        Menu

The equivalent display direct commands are

DISPLAY UQ (user queue)

If you choose to display (D) an individual user ID, a user queue element information screen similar to the following appears:

11:44:18         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       2005-11-14
   DBID 105              -  Display User Queue Element  -             PACQA12
   I          I          I          I User I        I Last     I Trans-I
   I   TID    I User ID  I Job Name I Type I Status I Activity I lator I
   I BANLW  1 I BANLW    I DCOMPLET I AOS  I        I        0 I 0     I
   Global Uid= 5203405496720001 4040404040404040 00FB1900 E2C1C7D3E64040F1
   Hold Queue Limit ............ 1500
   Max. parallel CIDs per User . 100        Start Times
   Max. ISNs per TBI Element ... 51           Session ...... 2005-11-14 11:04:28
   Max. Time of Nonactivity .... 3775         Transaction .. 0000-00-00
   Max. Transaction Time ....... 0
   Time Limit for Sx Commands .. 315        File List
   No. of ISNs currently held .. 0             19,100,110
   No. of CIDs currently in use: 1
   No. of Calls ................ 105
   No. of I/Os ................. 74
   Priority from ET/CP File .... 0
  PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
  Help               Exit                                           Menu

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Display Command Queue

If you choose Display Command Queue (option "C") from the Queue Displays menu, the current commands in the com"time-in"mand queue and their status are listed. PF2 allows you to switch the display between and "jobname".

The equivalent display direct command is

12:03:38         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       2005-11-14
   DBID 105                 -  Display Command Queue  -               PACQC02

   Mark entries with 'S' to select :
    M I   TID    I  Jobname I   Cmd. Status     I PrtyI Fnr.  I Cmd I Cmd.Seq.Nr
      I BANLW  1 I COMPLETE I In Process        I  93 I       I  UC I       2712
      I          I          I                   I     I       I     I
      I          I          I                   I     I       I     I
      I          I          I                   I     I       I     I
      I          I          I                   I     I       I     I
      I          I          I                   I     I       I     I
      I          I          I                   I     I       I     I
      I          I          I                   I     I       I     I
      I          I          I                   I     I       I     I
      I          I          I                   I     I       I     I

  PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
  Help     T-in/Jobn Exit      Refresh            -        +        Menu

Top of page

Display Hold Queue

If you choose Display Hold Queue (option "H") from the Queue Displays menu, a list of the ISNs currently in hold status is displayed.

The equivalent display direct command is


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