Selecting option "C" on the File Maintenance menu displays the FDT/SDT Definition / Modification menu:
08:34:30 ***** A D A B A S BASIC SERVICES ***** 2005-11-22 - FDT/SDT Definition / Modification - PFLC002 Code Service ---- ------------------- A Add new field(s) C Change field parameters D Define new FDT I Online invert S Define/add SDT ? Help . Exit ---- ------------------- Code ......... _ File No. ..... 50 Field Name ... __ Database ID .. 00105 (RD-MPM105) Command ==> PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12----- Help Def. File Exit Menu |
This document covers the following topics:
From this menu you can add one or more fields to an existing Adabas file.
To add a new field definition to the field definition table (FDT) of
an existing file
Select option "A" (add new fields).
Specify the number of the existing file.
Specify a two-character field name that is not currently being used by the specified file.
Press ENTER.
You can view the FDT of the existing file by selecting option
"R", Database
A screen similar to the following is displayed providing input fields for defining a new field:
08:39:13 ***** A D A B A S BASIC SERVICES ***** 2005-11-22 DBID 1955 - Add New Field(s) - PFLCA02 File = 1 (EMPLOYEES) In Parallel .. NO Enter Password if file is security protected ... Level I Name I Length I Format I Options I ------------------------------------------------------ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I |
The option In Parallel allows processing to continue against a file while the function you have selected modifies the file. Specify "YES" to select this option. With this option, Adabas performs the function while all applications executing against the file are temporarily quiesced and suspended. File integrity is always maintained. For this reason, your applications that are executing against the file may experience difficulty. Please maintain an awareness of the impact on your environment and the consequences of performing your selected functions against a file when using this option.
With this option set to "NO" (the default), Adabas requires exclusive file control (that is, no application executing against the file) when performing the function.
The Add New Field(s) function corresponds to the Adabas utility function ADADBS NEWFIELD. The equivalent direct command is
From this menu you can also change the parameters of a field in an existing Adabas file.
To change the parameters of an existing field in an existing file
Select option "C" (change field parameters).
Specify the number of the existing file.
Specify the name of the existing field to be changed.
If the file is protected, enter the password.
Press ENTER.
You can view the FDT of the existing file by selecting option
"R", Database
08:57:01 ***** A D A B A S BASIC SERVICES ***** 2005-11-22 DBID 1955 - Change Field Parameters - PFLCC02 Enter New Field Length: File ........... 1 File Name ...... EMPLOYEES Field Name ..... AA Field Format ... A Field Length ... 8 Field Option ... __ In Parallel .... NO File Password .. |
From the resulting Change Field Parameters screen, you can change
the standard length of an Adabas field;
a normal alphanumeric (A) field to a long-alpha (LA) field;
the default field format from unpacked (U) to packed(P); or
the setting of the In Parallel option.
Only one of these parameters may be changed at a time.
No modifications to records in Data Storage are made by this function. The user is, therefore, responsible for preventing references to the field that would cause invalid results because of an inconsistency between the new parameter value as defined to Adabas and the actual value contained in the record.
To change the length of the field
Enter the new value in the Field Length field.
To add the "LA" (long alphanumeric) option
to a field with format "A" (alphanumeric)
Enter "LA" in the Field Option field.
To change the format of an elementary field from
"U" (unpacked) to "P"
Overwrite the "U" in the Field Format field with "P".
An elementary field defined as format "U" can only be changed to "P" if the field
has not been defined with the field option "FI" (fixed storage length);
is not the parent of a sub-/super-/hyperdescriptor; and
is not within an expanded file chain.
This function corresponds to the Adabas utility function ADADBS CHANGE. The equivalent direct command is
CHANGE FIELD file-number field-name
To define a new FDT
Select option "D" (define new FDT) and press ENTER.
The following screen appears, which can be used to define a new FDT for a new file:
09:13:34 ***** A D A B A S BASIC SERVICES ***** 2005-11-22 DBID 105 - Define FDT - PFLCD02 File Number ... 200 New FDT ... Y Enter Field Description(s) : I Level I Name I Length I Format I Options I I------------------------------------------------------- I __ I __ I ___ I _ I __ __ __ __ __ I I __ I __ I ___ I _ I __ __ __ __ __ I I __ I __ I ___ I _ I __ __ __ __ __ I I __ I __ I ___ I _ I __ __ __ __ __ I I __ I __ I ___ I _ I __ __ __ __ __ I I __ I __ I ___ I _ I __ __ __ __ __ I I __ I __ I ___ I _ I __ __ __ __ __ I I __ I __ I ___ I _ I __ __ __ __ __ I I __ I __ I ___ I _ I __ __ __ __ __ I I __ I __ I ___ I _ I __ __ __ __ __ I PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12----- Help Def SDT Exit Def File Disp FDT Menu |
FDTs for existing files cannot be redefined with this option.
This function corresponds to the Adabas utility function ADACMP COMPRESS. The equivalent direct command is
This function is only available for Adabas version 7 or above
Selecting "Online Invert" (option "I") displays the following screen:
09:17:06 ***** A D A B A S BASIC SERVICES ***** 2005-11-22 DBID 105 - Online Invert - PFLCI02 File Number ... 5 EMPLOYEES Password ...... Enter the definition, using the syntax of the ADADBS ONLINVERT utility: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Note: Only one Invert Process can be active for a file at any time. Examples: FIELD='AA' HYPDE='01,HD,20,A,NU,MU=AA,AB' SUBDE='SB=AA(1,5)' PHONDE='PH(AA)' SUPDE='SP=AA(1,5),BB(1,2),CC(3,5)' COLDE='1,CD=AA' Enter Descriptor information and press 'enter' PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12----- Help Exit Menu |
The specified file must be currently loaded.
You must use the ADADBS ONLINVERT syntax. PF1 provides help information for this syntax; see the Adabas Utilities documentation for additional information.
Only one descriptor can be specified per process.
Only one invert process can be active for a file at any time. If an attempt is made to start a second invert process before the first one has completed, a response code 64 is returned.
The equivalent direct command is
Option "S", "Define/add SDT", is available only if an FDT exists but no file control block (FCB) exists for the file (for example, if the FDT has been created but no records loaded, or if the file was deleted with the option to retain the FDT).
Selecting option "S" displays the following screen, which can be used to define special descriptors in an existing FDT for a new file:
09:24:41 ***** A D A B A S BASIC SERVICES ***** 2005-11-22 DBID 105 - Define SDT - PFLCH02 File Number ... 50 Password ...... Enter SDT-Definition, using the syntax of the ADACMP Utility: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Enter SDT information and press 'enter' PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12----- Help Def File Exit Refresh Menu |
To define new super-/sub-/hyperdescriptors, phonetic descriptors, and
super-/subfields in an existing FDT
Use ADACMP syntax (see the Adabas Utilities documentation) on this screen.
This function corresponds to the Adabas utility function ADACMP COMPRESS. The equivalent direct command is