Version 7.4.4
 —  Database Report  —

Display Volume/Serial Numbers for Database

Option "L" displays the physical volumes on which the database Associator and Data Storage files are located, sorted by VOLSER number for ASSO or DATA and including the highest RABN for each extent.

16:15:05         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       2005-11-22
   DBID 105                  -  Display Volser-Tab  -                 PDRL002

   Mark entries with 'D' to display file extents on volume :

                       I          I ASSO/ I Highest RABN I
                     M I VOLSER   I DATA  I in extent    I
                       I SMS013   I  ASSO I        44988 I
                       I SMS030   I  DATA I       141370 I
                       I          I       I              I

If you mark one of the entries on this screen with "D" (or you entered the VOLSER number directly on the Database Report menu), the file extents of the volume are displayed indicating the RABN range and device type of each extent (table type) in each file:

16:15:27         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       2005-11-22
   DBID 105                - List File Extents on VOLSER -            PDRL022

       VOLSER =  SMS013

       I ASSO/ I   From      I   To        I Device I File  I  Table  I
       I DATA  I   Rabn      I   Rabn      I Type   I Nr.   I  Type   I
       I ASSO  I        1306 I        1340 I  8391  I     0 I   DSST  I
       I       I        1341 I        1344 I  8391  I     1 I     AC  I
       I       I        1345 I        1404 I  8391  I     1 I     NI  I
       I       I        1405 I        1417 I  8391  I     1 I     UI  I

The equivalent direct command is


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