Version 7.4.4
 —  Database Maintenance  —

Uncouple Adabas Files

Option "U" is used to remove the physical coupling between the specified files by erasing the coupling inverted lists from each file's Associator. No change is made to the field definition tables (FDTs) or descriptors for the specified files.

This option must be executed before either of the specified files is deleted.

To determine if a file is physically coupled, check the "C" (coupling) indicator in the Database Report option's "Display File" function (described in the next section). Using the same function for those selected files, you can see the specific coupling information; that is, the specific fields in one file and their coupling to fields in other files.

This function corresponds to the utility function ADADBS UNCOUPLE.

The equivalent direct command is

UNCOUPLE FILES file1 file2

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