Version 7.4.2

Protecting AFP Information when using Adabas Utilities

Using Adabas Utilities with Version 7.4.2

The following Software AG products support automatic control of Adabas Fastpath data when an Adabas utility is operating:

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Using Adabas Utilities with Previous Versions

When using Adabas version 7.1, the Adabas Fastpath stop/start function must be used to protect databases and files when an Adabas utility is operating on that database/file.

Databases and files may be protected online using Adabas Fastpath Online Services (SYSAFP) or in batch mode using the Adabas Fastpath tool AFPCMD. The batch job name must be defined as a job parameter linked to the global buffer for which the operation is required.

The commands are as follows:

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