Version 7.4.2
 —  Adabas Fastpath Version 7.4.2 Release Notes  —

Installation Changes

This section provides an overview of the installation changes for Adabas Fastpath version 7.4.

Distribution of Online Services Application SYSAFP

The Adabas Fastpath Online Services application, SYSAFP, for Adabas Fastpath version 7.4.2 is distributed in two forms:

In previous versions of Adabas Fastpath, there was a requirement to first install the demo version prior to installing the fully operable version. This is no longer the case.

A fully operable SYSAFP application will be available immediately on installing the Natural INPL object supplied on the Adabas Fastpath version 7.4.2 release tape.

If you install the demo version distributed on the Adabas release tape after installing the fully operable version, then you must reapply the fully operable version from the Adabas Fastpath release tape along with any subsequently applied Adabas Fastpath INPL updates.

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Retired Modules

The following Adabas Fastpath modules have been retired in order to simplify installation and operation:

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Specifying the Adabas Fastpath System File

Adabas Fastpath uses the system file defined in the System Coordinator configuration module.

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New Job Parameter "Command Time"

In previous versions the Command Time When Optimized parameter was assembled into the Adabas Fastpath configuration module. This parameter is now defined in Adabas Fastpath job parameters. The utility F1JPTIME (in batch or online mode) can be used to update all job parameters with a command time different from the default value of zero.

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Console Messages

If automated operation procedures have been implemented to react to Adabas Fastpath console messages, these should be updated to reflect the change to mixed case.

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New Job Parameters Related to Adabas System Coordinator

New job parameters have been added that directly affect the operation of the Adabas System Coordinator:

  1. When defining a job that is part of a clustered application for dynamic transaction routing, you must enter

    You must use the same group name and service name in the job definitions for all jobs or regions that are part of the clustered application.

  2. You can modify job parameters to specify that the Adabas System Coordinator daemon is to manage all client sessions, or just terminal-related client sessions.

Users who run large numbers of background tasks can avoid some overhead by excluding these from SYSCO daemon control because background tasks do not participate in transaction routing.

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BS2000 UTM Installation

The UTM startup and shutdown exit ADAUTX introduced with Adabas Fastpath version 7.1 is no longer required for Adabas Fastpath version 7.4 and above.

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