Version 7.4.2

z/VM Installation

This section describes the preparation for and installation of Adabas Fastpath on VM systems.

The Installation Tape

The installation tape contains the AFPvrs.TAPE dataset, which contains the AFP installation objects.

Also see the Report of Tape Creation that accompanies the installation tape.

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Installation Checklist for z/VM

The Adabas System Coordinator must be installed prior to the installation of Adabas Fastpath. See the Adabas System Coordinator documentation for detailed information.

Once the required System Coordinator components have been installed, you can proceed to install Adabas Fastpath. The following checklist identifies the steps necessary to complete the installation:

Step Description
1 Restore the Adabas Fastpath libraries from the installation tape
2 Prepare SYSAFP
3 Enable the client process
4 Enable the Adabas server process
5 Prepare the asynchronous buffer manager
6 Verify the installation

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Installation Procedure

Following is the general Adabas Fastpath installation procedure. The sample EXEC procedures contain specific information about each job. These can be viewed simply by entering the procedure name without parameters.

Step 1. Restore the Fastpath libraries

Use TAPE LOAD to unload the product files.

Step 2. Prepare SYSAFP

The Adabas Fastpath Online Services (SYSAFP) objects are delivered on the Adabas Fastpath distribution tape.

  1. Install the INPL objects as standard. If an I001 dataset is supplied, install this as well.

  2. Define SYSAFP and SYSMWvrs to Natural Security, with a start-up program named MENU. Restrict the application to authorized personnel.

  3. Use the following parameter to define the Natural session where SYSAFP is to be used:


    where dbid and fnr indicate the location of the Adabas System Coordinator configuration file.

    Alternatively, assemble the Natural parameter module with


Step 3. Enable the client process

To enable the Adabas Fastpath client process

  1. for the Adabas System Coordinator:

  2. for Adabas Fastpath:

Step 4. Enable the database process

To enable the Adabas Fastpath database process

  1. for the Adabas System Coordinator:

  2. for Adabas Fastpath:

An unmodified ADALNK must be available to the database in preference to the ADALNK created during the installation of the System Coordinator.

Step 5. Prepare the asynchronous buffer manager

The asynchronous buffer manager (ABM) runs as an optional service within the Adabas System Coordinator daemon.

To enable the ABM for the System Coordinator daemon:

For more information, refer to the Adabas System Coordinator documentation.

Saved Segment for the Adabas Fastpath Buffer

The Adabas Fastpath global buffer is a shared memory area that is used by all Adabas and CMS user virtual machines that are defined to Adabas Fastpath. For this reason, it must be defined as a shared, read-write saved segment. Use the DEFSEG command to define the name, address, and size of the segment. The address and size are defined as virtual page numbers. Here is an example:


This will define a 4-megabyte buffer (1000*4K pages), starting at virtual address 02200000. The starting page number should locate the area outside the machine size definition for all CMS users and the Adabas virtual machines.

The name selected for the saved segment must be used as the memory pool name when adding the buffer parameter in SYSAFP (see Parameter Maintenance for more information about buffer parameters).

Definition of the CMS Virtual Machine for the Adabas Fastpath Buffer

The Adabas Fastpath buffer runs as an optional service within the Adabas System Coordinator daemon (in z/VM, this is currently the only use of the System Coordinator daemon). You must define a CMS virtual machine where the daemon will run.

Adabas Fastpath buffers operate as members of a System Coordinator Group. The member name is the name of the System Coordinator daemon virtual machine under which this Adabas Fastpath buffer operates.

For z/VM, it is a requirement of Adabas Fastpath that the System Coordinator Group name must also be the name of the daemon virtual machine. This name must be at least 6 characters in length. If you wish, you can use the name of the buffer saved segment as the group and member name, but this is not mandatory. For example:

System Coordinator Group Name: AFPBUF01
System Coordinator Member: AFPBUF01 (must be same as Group name)
Segment (“Memory Pool”): AFPBUF01 (can be a different name)

System Coordinator Groups are defined with the Online Services SYSCOR application, function Parameter Maintenance.

Sample EXEC For Running The System Coordinator Daemon

A sample EXEC for starting the System Coordinator Daemon is supplied with the System Coordinator installation files. The EXEC is called SYSCO EXEC.

The sample SYSCO EXEC assumes a read-write minidisk is available as file mode A. If your A disk is an SFS directory, you should make the following changes to the EXEC:







The DATADEF command is described in the Adabas Installation documentation (see DATADEF File Assignments in the VM installation section).

Step 6. Verify the installation

Use the procedure described in section Verifying the Installation to ensure that the installation has been successful.

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