Version 7.4.3

File Level Caching

File-Level Caching Main Menu

If the ADARUN CFILE parameter has been specified, the File Level Main Menu appears when you select Caching Facility from the main menu:

13:59:12         *****  A D A B A S  CACHING  FACILITY  *****       2004-05-11
                           - File Level Main Menu -                 PCF0002   
                                                                    File Level
                      Code    Function                                        
                      ----    -------------------------                       
                        D     Define File Cache                               
                        F     Files with Caching                              
                        M     Maintain File Cache                             
                        O     Maintain Cache Spaces                           
                        P     Maintain Cache Parameters                       
                        S     Cache Session Summary                           
                        ?     Help                                            
                        .     Exit                                            
                      ----    -------------------------                       
        Code .......... _                                                     
        DataBase ...... 1955   (WIS1955)                                      
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu

The following functions are available:

Code Description
D Define a new cache space for one or more files
F Display detailed cache space statistics for a file
M Enable, disable, or delete caching for one or more files
O Enable, disable, or delete caching for the Work dataset
P Display and modify current settings of ADARUN parameters
S Display summary cache session statistics


  1. Although it is possible to define different cache spaces for the Associator and Data Storage of a single file using a separate ADARUN CFILE parameter for each, it is not possible to do so using Adabas Online System functions or operator commands. To define both Associator and Data Storage caching for a file using Adabas Online System functions or operator commands, you must use the BOTH option that uses the same caching parameters for both.
  2. Once file level caching has been defined for a file using the ADARUN CFILE parameter, Adabas Online System functions, or operator commands, it is not possible to change the caching parameters without first deleting the defined cache space and then adding a new cache space with the different parameters. For example, if you have Data Storage caching defined for a file and you want to add Associator caching, you must first delete the Data Storage cache space and redefine caching for the file using the BOTH option.

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Define File Cache

Selecting option D from the File Level Main Menu displays a menu of functions used to define a new cache space for one or more files:

13:32:45         *****  A D A B A S  CACHING  FACILITY  *****       2004-05-11
                            - Define File Cache -                   PCFD002   
                                                                    File Level
                        Code    Function                                      
                        ----    --------------------------                    
                         A      Define Asso Cache                             
                         B      Define Asso and Data Cache                    
                         D      Define Data Cache                             
                         ?      Help                                          
                         .      Exit                                          
                        ----    --------------------------                    
     Code .............. _                                                    
     Memory Type ....... _                                                    
     File Number ....... 0____ - _____                                        
     Class of Service .. _                                                    
     Database .......... 1955   (WIS1955)                                     
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu
Field Description

One or more files may be defined for Associator (option A), Data Storage (option D), or both (option B). No RABN ranges need to be specified: RABNs are added automatically. The file number may be any file within the database maximum files value.

Memory Type

The memory type may be extended (E), data space (D), hiperspace (H), or virtual 64 (V), depending on the operating system environment.

File Number The file or file range for which caching is to be defined.
Class of Service

The class of service. Possible values are:

  • 1: cache up to 100% of the file

  • 2: cache up to 75% of the file

  • 3: cache up to 50% of the file

  • 4: cache up to 25% of the file

  • 5: cache up to 10% of the file

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Files With Caching

Selecting option F from the File Level Main Menu displays a list of files that use caching:

13:37:48         *****  A D A B A S  CACHING  FACILITY  *****       2004-05-11
DBID 1955                   - Files with Caching -                  PCFF002   
                                                                    File Level
Sel   File   File Name                  Cache Type   State                    
---   -----  ------------------------   ----------   --------------           
          0  Unassigned RABNs           Asso/Data    Not accessed             
          1  EMPLOYEES                  Asso/Data    Active                   
          2  VEHICLES                   Asso/Data    Active                   
             3 - 5 not loaded                                                 
          6  EXPANDED                   Asso/Data    Not accessed             
          7  EXPANDED                   Asso/Data    Not accessed             
             8 - 9 not loaded                                                 
         10  TRIGGER-FILE               Asso/Data    Not accessed             
             11 - 18 not loaded                                               
         19  CHECKPOINT                 Asso/Data    Active                   
             20 - 25 not loaded                                               
 Specify 'DI' (Display), EN (Enable) DE (Delete) or DS (Disable) for a file   
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help     Repos     Exit      Refr      --                +        Menu

Entering DI in the Sel column for a file displays detailed cache space statistics for that file.

The information displayed on the resulting Statistics screen is the same as that provided by the CFSTAT command.

13:41:59         *****  A D A B A S  CACHING  FACILITY  *****       2004-05-11
DBID 1955                       - Statistics -                      PCFF002   
                                                                    File Level
File 1     EMPLOYEES                                                          
  Memory type ....... DSP                                                     
  Cache component ... Data  Class 1 (100%)                                    
  RABN range ........ DS Blks        271 - 320                                
  Last activity ..... 2001-09-13  09:24:06                                    
  Cache status ...... ALLOCATED                                               
  Cache writes ......      12579                                              
  Max. Cache used ...     231360           Elapsed time per Cache read request
  Cache Size ........    5118840               Max. ...     0.143685          
  Cache efficiency ..         99.6 %           Min. ...     0.000002          
  Cache reads .......      12547               Avg. ...     0.000029          
  Read EXCPS ........         49                                              
  Total reads .......      12596           EXCP Time (in microseconds)        
  RABN's in Cache ...         32               Max. ...     0.049367          
  RABN's/Cache Space.       1060               Min. ...     0.003509          
  RABN Index Size ...        216 (bytes)       Avg. ...     0.009183          
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                  +        Menu

Each file may have as many as five extent screens for each of the following:

AS Unassigned Associator
AC Address Converter
NI Normal Index
UI Upper Index
DS Data Storage

The example screen shown here provides information for one DS extent of file number 1.

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Maintain File Cache

Selecting option M from the File Level Main Menu displays a menu of functions used to enable, disable, or delete caching for one or more files:

13:43:56         *****  A D A B A S  CACHING  FACILITY  *****       2004-05-11
                           - Maintain File Cache -                  PCFM002   
                                                                    File Level
                        Code    Function                                      
                        ----    -------------                                 
                         D      Delete Cache                                  
                         E      Enable Cache                                  
                         S      Disable Cache                                 
                         ?      Help                                          
                         .      Exit                                          
                        ----    -------------                                 
          Code ......... _                                                    
          File Number .. 0____ - _____                                        
          Database ..... 1955   (WIS1955)                                     
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12------  
Help               Exit                                           Menu

This following functions are available:

D Delete all cache spaces for a particular file or range of files
E Enable all cache spaces for a particular file or range of files
S Disable all cache spaces for a particular file or range of files

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Maintain Cache Spaces

Selecting option O from the File Level Main Menu displays the Work cache spaces:

13:45:34         *****  A D A B A S  CACHING  FACILITY  *****     2004-05-11  
DBID 1955                 - Maintain Cache Spaces -               PCHS002     
                                                                  File Level  
Sel No   Mem. Cach RABN Range           Last Activity    Stat Error Status    
         Type Type From      To                                               
-- ----- ---- ---- -------------------- ---------------- ---- ----------------
   64001 EXT  WRK2 202       211                         UNAL                 
   64002 EXT  WRK3 222       2392                        UNAL                 
    Select DI(Display) EN(Enable) DS(Disable) DE(Delete) MO(Modify)           
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit      Refresh                              Menu

For each RABN range listed on the Maintain Cache Spaces screen, you can display caching parameters, modify the memory type, and maintain the cache space by entering one of the following commands in the Select column:

MO Move the selected cache space to the memory type (E for extended; D for data space; H for hiperspace; V for virtual 64) you specify on the Memory Type window that appears.
DE Delete the selected cache space. Once deleted, the space must be redefined using the relevant ADARUN parameters.
DI Display the detailed cache space statistics. The information provided is the same as that resulting from the CSTAT operator command.
DS Disable the selected cache space.
EN Enable the selected cache space.

The other columns on the Maintain Cache Spaces display contain the following information:

Column Description
No. Cache space number (CSN). This is actually a unique RABN Range ID as there is no longer a direct correlation between cache spaces and RABN ranges.
Memory Type Caching location for each cache space: extended storage (EXT), data spaces (DS), hiperspaces (HS), or virtual 64 storage (V64).
Cache Type Database component being cached in the cache space: Work part 2 (WRK2), or Work part 3 (WRK3).
RABN Range The starting (From...) and ending (To...) RABNs of the RABN range being cached in the cache space.
Last Activity The date and time the cache space was last accessed.
Status The current status of the cache space: disabled (DISA); unallocated (UNAL); or ALLC (allocated).
Error Status If an error condition has occurred, the cause of the error will be displayed in this field.

Work Cache Space Statistics

Entering DI in the Select column on the Maintain Cache Spaces screen displays the Cache Statistics screen for an individual Work cache space:

13:47:03         *****  A D A B A S  CACHING  FACILITY  *****     2004-05-11  
DBID 1955                     - Cache Statistics -                PCHS002     
                                                                  File Level  
Cache Space No ......   1                                                     
  Memory Type ....... EXT                                                     
  Cache Component ... WRK2                                                    
  RABN-range ........ 202 - 211                                               
  Last Activity .....                                                         
  Cache Status ...... UNALLOCATED                                             
  Cache Writes ......          0                                              
  Max. Cache used ...          0           Elapsed Time per Cache Read Request
  Cache Size ........      57344               Max. ...     0.000000          
  Cache Efficiency ..          0.0 %           Min. ...     0.000000          
  Cache Reads .......          0               Avg. ...     0.000000          
  Read EXCPS ........          0                                              
  Total Reads .......          0           EXCP Time <in microseconds>        
  RABN's in Cache ...          0               Max. ...     0.000000          
  RABN's/Cache Space.         10               Min. ...     0.000000          
  RABN Index Size ...         56 (bytes)       Avg. ...     0.000000          
  Press ENTER to continue

The information displayed on this screen is the same as that displayed by the CSTAT operator command.


  1. Values for Max. ASSO Cache Size and Max. DATA Cache Size represent bytes, but may be marked with a K (1 kilobyte=1024 bytes), M (1 megabyte=1,048,576 bytes), or G (1 gigabyte=1,073,741,824 bytes) indicator when the size of the value requires it.
  2. If the ADACSH-related ADARUN parameters are changed, I CMS must be issued before each nucleus is started in a VM/ESA environment.

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Maintain Cache Parameters

Selecting option P from the File Level Main Menu displays the current setting of the Adabas Caching (ADARUN) parameters and allows you to change them:

14:00:14         *****  A D A B A S  CACHING  FACILITY  *****       2004-05-11
DBID 1955                - Maintain Cache Parameters -              PCFP002   
 Display Cache Space Stats. YES_                             (CDISPSTAT)      
 Minimum Buff. Efficiency . _________0                       (CDEMAND)        
 Elapsed Time (GETMAIN)  .. _______900 sec                   (CRETRY)         
 Time of Inactivity ....... ______7200 sec                   (CCTIMEOUT)      
 Max. No. Permitted   .....          5                       (CMAXCSPS)       
 Max. ASSO Cache Size ..... ___1024000 _                     (CASSOMAXS)      
 Max. DATA Cache Size ..... ___1024000 _                     (CDATAMAXS)      
 WORK Memory Type ......... EXT                              (CWORKSTORAGE)   
 Percent WORK2 RABNs ......  50 %                            (CWORK2FAC)      
 Percent WORK3 RABNS ......  50 %                            (CWORK3FAC)      
 Read-ahead Caching                                                           
   Number of Buffers ......   0                              (CBUFNO)         
   Command Types Excluded . ________                         (CEXCLUDE)       
                 Included . P/L/H/F    PHYS/LOGI/HIST/FIND                    
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu

Values for Max. ASSO Cache Size and Max. DATA Cache Size represent bytes, but may be marked with a K (1 kilobyte=1024 bytes), M (1 megabyte=1,048,576 bytes), or G (1 gigabyte=1,073,741,824 bytes) indicator when the size of the value requires it. In the example screen, the value 1,024,000 may also be designated as 1000 K.

For more information about these parameters, see the section Adabas Caching Parameters.

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Cache Session Summary

Selecting option S from the File Level Main Menu displays a summary of information for the Adabas Caching session including cache statistics, read-ahead statistics, and allocation statistics for active and inactive cache spaces. This information is the same as that displayed when the CSUM command is issued.

14:19:37         *****  A D A B A S  CACHING  FACILITY  *****       2004-05-11
DBID 1955                  - Cache Session Summary -                PCF0002   
                                                                    File Level
 Cache Allocation Summary                                           Page 1    
   Current Adabas Buffer Efficiency .......        473.2                      
   Estimated NON-CACHE Buffer Efficiency ..         10.6                      
   Number of Active Cache Spaces ..........           10                      
   Number of Cache Spaces defined .........           15                      
                          --- ASSO ---      --- DATA ---      --- WORK ---    
 Cache Statistics                                                             
   Cache writes .......            214             12596                 0    
   Read EXCPS .........             17                62                 0    
   Cache reads ........            203             12548                 0    
   Total reads ........            220             12610                 0    
   Efficiency .........           92.2              99.5               0.0    
 Read Ahead Statistics                                                        
   RABN's read ........              0                 0                      
   EXCPS ..............              0                 0                      
   Ave. blks/EXCP .....            0.0               0.0          next page >>
Page 2    
Cache Size Summary                                                            
                          --- ASSO ---      --- DATA ---      --- WORK ---    
   Max Cache Size .....          5,000 K           5,000 K           5,884 K  
   EXT Allocated ......              0 K               0 K               0 K  
   EXT Highest ........              0 K               0 K                    
   DSP Allocated ......          1,000 K           1,000 K               0 K  
   DSP Highest ........          1,000 K           1,000 K                    
   HSP Allocated ......              0 K               0 K               0 K  
   HSP Highest ........              0 K               0 K                    
   V64 Allocated ......              0                 0                 0 K  
   V64 Highest ........              0                 0                      
   Allocation Statistics marked as K, M, or G.

Help screens are available by pressing PF1 from each page of the Cache Session Summary report.

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