Version 7.4.4
 —  Utilities  —

Functional Overview

The ADAZAP utility can be executed only when the Adabas nucleus is inactive.

ADAZAP is used to display in hexadecimal format and optionally to change the contents of the ASSO, DATA, or WORK datasets.

Because a significant element of risk is involved in modifying physical database blocks, the use of this utility is restricted. Software AG will provide the mastercode necessary to run the ADAZAP utility only on written request to the individuals at each customer site who are authorized to receive it.

In addition, Software AG strongly recommends that you use your external security system to protect ADAZAP just as you protect other ZAP programs.

Software AG also recommends that a current save tape be available before running ADAZAP. If an error occurs during ADAZAP execution, it may be necessary to restore the affected file or database.

If the data is successfully altered, a SYNP 3F checkpoint record is written containing the REP and VER data to provide an audit trail of any changes that have been made.

A version of ADAZAP running with different syntax was unofficially distributed with previous releases of Adabas. No documentation was or is provided for this earlier version and it was and is not supported.

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