Version 7.4.4
 —  Utilities  —


This document covers the following topics:

../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Functional Overview
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif BACKOUT Functions
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif CLCOPY: Copy Dual Command Log
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif COPY: Copy a Sequential Protection Log or Save Tape
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif MERGE CLOG: Merge Nucleus Cluster Command Logs
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif PLCOPY: Copy Protection Log to Sequential Dataset
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif REGENERATE: Regenerate Updates
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif REPAIR: Repair Data Storage Blocks
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Multithreaded Processing Statistics
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif JCL/JCS Requirements and Examples

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