Version 7.4.4
 —  Utilities  —

ADAMER Output Report Description

The following entries appear on the report produced by ADAMER:

Field Explanation
LOADISNS Number of records contained in the input dataset.
MAXISN Total file records (see the MAXISN parameter description).
DATA DEVICE Data Storage device type (see the DATADEV parameter description).
DATAPFAC Data Storage padding factor (see DATAPFAC parameter description).

The following fields appear under "AVERAGE NUMBER OF EXCPs":

Field Explanation
Data Storage SIZE See the DATASIZE parameter description. The number of cylinders is rounded up to the nearest integer.
BIT-PARM See the BITRANGE parameter description.
FOR LOADISNS The average number of I/Os required to find and read a record when the ADAM descriptor is used. This result assumes that the number of records in the file is equal to the number of records contained in the input dataset.
DISK USAGE The percentage of Data Storage space occupied after initial loading of the file. This result assumes that the number of records to be loaded is equal to the number of records contained in the input dataset.
FOR MAXISN The average number of I/Os required to find and read a record when using the ADAM descriptor. This result assumes that the number of records in the file is equal to the value specified with the MAXISN parameter.
DISK USAGE The percentage of Data Storage space occupied after initial loading of the file. This result assumes that the number of records to be loaded is equal to the number of records specified with the MAXISN parameter.

Using the information contained on the ADAMER report, the user can determine

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