Version 7.4.4
 —  Utilities  —

DSREUSE: Reuse Data Storage Blocks

The DSREUSE function controls the assignment of Data Storage blocks.


This document covers the following topics:

Essential Parameters

FILE: File Number

FILE is the number of the file for which the DSREUSE setting is to apply.

Block reuse is originally determined when the file is loaded into the database with the ADALOD FILE function, or when the system file is defined with the ADADEF DEFINE function. In both cases, block reuse defaults to "YES" unless specified otherwise in those functions.

MODE: Reuse Mode

The Data Storage block assignment mode to be in effect. MODE=OFF indicates that Data Storage blocks which become free as a result of record deletion may not be reused, in effect cancelling the ADADBS DSREUSE function. MODE=ON indicates that Data Storage blocks may be reused. The MODE= parameter has no default, and must be specified.

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Optional Parameters

NOUSERABEND: Termination Without Abend

When an error is encountered while the function is running, the utility prints an error message and terminates with user abend 34 (with a dump) or user abend 35 (without a dump).

If NOUSERABEND is specified, the utility will not abend after printing the error message. Instead, the message "utility TERMINATED DUE TO ERROR CONDITION" is displayed and the utility terminates with condition code 20.

PASSWORD: File Password

PASSWORD specifies the file's security password, and is required if the file is password-protected.

RESET: Reset Space Pointer

The RESET parameter causes searches for new Data Storage space to start at the beginning of the file.

TEST: Test Syntax

The TEST parameter tests the operation syntax without actually performing the operation. Only the syntax of the specified parameters can be tested; not the validity of values and variables. See Syntax Checking with the TEST Parameter for more information on using the TEST parameter in ADADBS functions.

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Data Storage blocks for file 6 are not to be reused.


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