ADAJ00 | READING INPUT FOR FILE file-name FROM LIBRARY lib-name SUBLIB sublibrary MEMBER mem-name . mem-type count CARDS | ||||||
Explanation: |
VSE/ESA systems only: A valid "* SAGUSER" statement was found and is being used for ADARUN/Adabas utility input. ADARUN input has the file name "CARD", and utility input has the file name "KARTE". If the library and sublibrary are not specified on the * SAGUSER statement, the message indicates which of the current LIBDEF SOURCE libraries is being used for card input. This message is controlled by the JBXIMSG parameter in the Adabas options table, as follows:
ADAJ99 | FILE file-name req-type ERROR ON LIBRARY lib-name . sublibrary MEMBER mem-name . memt-ype - error-type | ||||||||||
Explanation: |
VSE/ESA systems only: A "* SAGUSER" statement containing file and member information was read, but an error occurred. ADARUN input has the file name "CARD", and utility input has the file name "KARTE". "req-type", the librarian request type, is one of the following:
"lib-name" and "sublibrary" indicate the requested library and sublibrary as specified on the * SAGUSER statement; if neither were specified, the message is an indication that the error occurred on the current LIBDEF SOURCE concatenation. The "error-type" can be one of the following: SUBLIBRARY NOT FOUND An invalid sublibrary was specified. LIBRARY NOT FOUND An invalid library was specified. Ensure that the DLBL and EXTENT information was supplied for the library. MEMBER NOT FOUND The specified member does not exist on either the specified "lib-name.sublibrary" or in the libraries of the current LIBDEF SOURCE concatenation. NO SUBLIB SPECIFIED A library name without a sublibrary name was specified on the * SAGUSER card. INVALID MEMBER TYPE An invalid member type (PROC, OBJ, PHASE or DUMP) was specified. RETCODE ret-code REASON reason-code An internal librarian error occurred. Refer to the librarian feedback codes for more information. "ret-code" and "reason-code" are hexadecimal values. This message is controlled by the JBXEMSG parameter in the Adabas options table, as follows:
Action: |
Correct the job setup according to the information provided above, and rerun the job. |