Version 7.4.4

Installing Adabas for OS IV/F4

This section describes how to prepare for and install Adabas on Fujitsu Ltd.'s OS IV/F4 (including MSP and MSP 20/AE/EX) operating systems.

For information about the prerequisite system levels supported by Adabas, refer to the section Supported Environments.

Adabas 7.4.2 is the most current Adabas release to support MSP. Instructions for using Adabas under MSP are provided in this 7.4.4 documentation only as a convenience for MSP users of Adabas 7.4.2.

Installation Checklist

The MSP environment now has two tape versions. The newer tape contains MSP/EX support for cross-memory services.

The following is an overview of the steps for installing Adabas on an OS IV/F4 system.

Step Description Additional Information
Basic Installation Steps
1 Allocate DASD space for the Adabas libraries.

The libraries are restored from the installation tape. Refer to the section Disk Space Requirements for Libraries.

2 Allocate DASD space for the Adabas database.

For better performance, distribute the database files over multiple devices and channels. Refer to the section Disk Space Requirements for the Database.

3 Specify the partition or OS IV/F4 address space for running the Adabas nucleus.

Refer to the section Adabas Nucleus Address Space Requirements.

4 Restore the Adabas libraries from the installation tape.

Use the tape positioning information that accompanies the tape. Refer to the section Installing the Release Tape.

5 Install the Adabas SVC.

Refer to the section Initializing the Adabas Communication Environment.

Database Installation Steps
Steps 6-15 require changes to the setup definitions as described in the section Installing an Adabas Database.
6 Allocate and format the Adabas database with the ADAFRM utility job.  
7 Define the global database characteristics with the ADADEF utility job.  
8 Load the demonstration files with the ADALODE, ADALODV, and ADALODM jobs.  
9 Start the Adabas nucleus and test the Adabas communications with the ADANUC job.  
10 If appropriate, test Adabas address space communications by running ADAREP in MULTI mode with the CPEXLIST parameter.  
11 If appropriate, load the Adabas Online System (AOS) selectable unit into a Natural system file by running the AOSINPL job. Alternatively, install the AOS demo version. See section Installing the AOS Demo Version.
12 Terminate the Adabas nucleus with an ADAEND operator command using the OS Modify command F.  
13 Back up the database by running the ADASAV utility job.  
14 Insert the ADARUN defaults by running the DEFAULTS job.  
TP Monitor Installation
15 Install the required TP link routines for Adabas. See section Installing Adabas with TP Monitors.

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Preparing to Install Adabas

The major steps in preparing for Adabas installation are

The following sections discuss the nominal disk and storage space requirements and how to allocate the space.

Disk Space Requirements for Libraries

The minimum 3390 disk space requirements for the Adabas libraries are as follows:

Library 3390 Cylinders 3390 Tracks Directory Blocks
Load 8 120 40
Source 3 45 20
JCL 1 15 20

You can isolate user programs from the Adabas load library by creating a separate load library that contains only those modules needed to execute user programs in multi-user mode and linked with ADAUSER. For Version 7.4, the modules required by user programs are ADAIOR, ADAIOS, ADALNK, ADAMLF, ADAPRF, ADARUN.

Disk Space Requirements for the Database

The actual database space needed by Adabas depends on user requirements. The minimum 3390 disk space requirements for the database are as follows:

Database Component 3390 Cylinders 3390 Tracks
ASSOR1 (Associator) 20 300
DATAR1 (Data Storage) 60 900
WORKR1 (Work space) 15 225
TEMPR1 (temporary work space) 15 225
SORTR1 (sort work space) 15 225

Adabas Nucleus Address Space Requirements

The typical Adabas nucleus requires at least 800-1024 kilobytes to operate. The size of the nucleus address space may need to be larger, depending on the ADARUN parameter settings. Parameter settings are determined by the user.

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Installing the Release Tape

The following job control (JCL) restores the Adabas libraries:

// UNIT=TAPE,VOL=SER=vvvvvv,
// LABEL=(n,SL)
// UNIT=TAPE,VOL=SER=vvvvvv,
// LABEL=(n,SL)
// UNIT=TAPE,VOL=SER=vvvvvv,
// LABEL=(n,SL)
// UNIT=dasdev,VOL=SER=volser,
// SPACE=(CYL,(cyl,,blk)),
// UNIT=dasdev,VOL=SER=volser,
// SPACE=(CYL,(cyl,,blk)),
// UNIT=dasdev,VOL=SER=volser,
// SPACE=(CYL,(cyl,,blk)),
blk is the number of directory blocks for this library
cyl is the number of cylinders for this library
vrs is the Adabas version level
vvvvvv is the volume serial number for the Adabas installation tape
n is the position of the data set on the Adabas installation tape
volser is the volume serial number of the disk used for the Adabas library
dasdev is the DASD device type

Refer to the Report of Tape Creation for the correct Adabas library sequence. The DCB statements in the above example are not required for the IEBCOPY step.

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Initializing the Adabas Communication Environment

This section describes the installation of the Adabas router (ADASVC). The router uses cross-memory services for communication between the Adabas nucleus and the Adabas users.

The Adabas cross-memory communications service comprises two modules:

ADASIR, executed either during IPL or by the Adabas SVC installation program (ADASIP), initializes the router’s operating environment, particularly the ID table.

ADASIR must be linked into either SYS1.LINKLIB or into a library concatenated to SYS1.LINKLIB by the LNKLSTxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB. This requires re-IPLing the system to install the Adabas SVC.

The CLPA option must first be specified as an IPL-selected option.

Router Installation Overview

The following steps are required for installing the router:

Step 1: Restore the Adabas Installation Tape

Restore the Adabas Installation Tape as described in the section Installing the Release Tape.

Step 2: Apply the Zap To Define the Subsystem ADAB

Apply the zap to define the subsystem ADAB as described in the section Executing ADASIR.

If necessary, also do the following operating-system-dependent steps:

OS IV/F4 Apply the zap to modify the SVC table entry for a type 3 SVC as described in the section Setting the SVC Table.
MSP/EX Modify the member KAASVCnn to define the Adabas router under MSP/EX as described in the section Setting the SVC Table.
MSP/EX Modify the member SUBSYSxx to add the subsystem as described in the section Executing ADASIR.

Apply the zap as described in the section Setting the ID Table Count and SVC Number.

If necessary, relink the SVC as described in the section Linking the Adabas SVC.

Step 3: Re-IPL the Operating System with CLPA To Load and Execute ADASIR

Re-IPL the operating system with CLPA to load and execute ADASIR.

Setting the SVC Table

OS IV/F4 systems must define the SVC as a type 3 with no locks.

The VERIFY and REPLACE statement examples in the following sections show how to alter an available SVC entry to define it as type 3.

For OS IV/F4 MSP E20

Use the following statements to alter an available SVC entry to define it as type 3:

VER offset xxxx
REP offset C000 (type 3, no locks)
offset is the offset to byte 4 of the SVC entry for the specified SVC.
xx (or) xxxx is the existing contents of SVC bytes 4 and 5 at the specified offset.

The SVC table entry is eight bytes long. The fourth byte of each entry specifies the type attribute, and the fifth byte specifies the lock attribute (see bytes 5 and 6 of the following E20 AE example).


Use the following statements to alter an available SVC entry to define it as type 3:

VER offset xxxx xxxx
REP offset C000 00yy
offset is the offset to byte 5 of the SVC entry for the specified SVC.
xxxx xxxx is the existing contents of SVC bytes 5-8 at the specified offset.
yy is the value of the selected AMODE option as described below in flag 4 (for
example, B’10nn nnnn’ for AMODE=31).

The SVC table entry is eight bytes long, and has the following format:

Bytes Meaning
1 - 4 SVC entry address
5 Flag byte:
Type 1 SVC: B’0000 nnnn’
Type 2 SVC: B’1000 nnnn’
Type 3 and 4 SVC: B’1100 nnnn’
Type 6 SVC: B’0010 nnnn
6 Flag 2:
Local lock: B’10nn nnnn’
CMS lock: B’11nn nnnn
7 Flag 3 (reserved)
8 Flag 4:
AMODE=24: B’00nn nnnn’
AMODE=31: B’10nn nnnn’
AMODE=ANY: B’01nn nnnn


Either create or modify member KAASVCnn in SYS1.PARMLIB. This member describes the attributes of the SVCs used in the MSP/EX system.

The following characteristics can be used for the Adabas SVC:

The entry format is:

svc is the Adabas SVC number.
entryname is the Adabas SVC entry name.

Setting the ID Table Count and SVC Number

ADASIR detects and supports either the MSP/20, or MSP/AE and MSP/EX without cross-memory services, based on PTF level 91212 or above running on a FACOM model M760 or higher.

ADASIR does not accept passed parameters. As a result, the ID table entry count, SVC number, and operating mode must be zapped as follows:

* ADABAS 7 SVC number
VER 0034 0A00 (this default is invalid)
REP 0034 0Axx (where xx is the SVC number)

To enter the allowed maximum count of ID table entries, issue the following zap:

* number of ID Table entries
VER 0020 0000,000A (default = 10)
REP 0020 0000,00xx (where xx is the maximum entry count)

To set the operating environment, make the following ZAP;

VER 0024 00 (this default is invalid)
REP 0024 xx
(where xx is the operating environment, as follows:
01: native mode
02: AVM/EF mode
03: AVM/EX mode)

To get the VMID under AVM/EX, you must set the QAL for the AS option of AVM; otherwise, the VMID is NO.


ADASIR receives control when the master scheduler is initialized. The operator is prompted for NRIDTES and SVCNR values that were not correctly zapped. Message ADAS03 indicates that ADASIR ended normally. Message ADAS04 indicates an error condition that prevents Adabas from being used until the problem is corrected and the system is re-IPLed. For specific message information, refer to the Adabas Messages and Codes.

Linking the Adabas SVC

Link the Adabas OS IV/F4 type 3 SVC into SYS1.LPALIB with the name JFF00nnp, where nn are the first two digits of the SVC number and p is the character equivalent of the last SVC digit (as an example, when the last SVC digit is 1, p must be set to A), which must be non-zero.

For MSP 20 AE Systems

For OS IV/F4 MSP 20 AE systems, the following example applies:

//ADALIB DD DSN=user.loadlib,DISP=SHR <--ADASVC loadlib
NAME JFF00nnp(R)

For Non-MSP 20 AE Systems

The following example shows how to link the SVC for non-MSP 20 AE systems:

// (job card)
//ADALIB DD DSN=user.loadlib,DISP=SHR <--ADASVC loadlib
NAME JFF00nnp(R)

Executing ADASIR

For OS IV/F4 Environments

Zap the ADASIR entry into the subsystem table named KDJJSSNT in SYS1.LINKLIB.

Entries in the subsystem table are 80 bytes long. The table begins directly with the first entry.

To find an available entry for Adabas, dump the module KDJJSSNT in SYS1.LINKLIB and search for an empty 80-byte entry. Empty entries contain all blanks.

Use the following zap to add ADAB as a valid subsystem:

VER offset 40404040,4040404040404040
REP offset C1C4C1C2,C1C4C1E2C9D94040

—where offset is the offset to the beginning of the first available subsystem table entry specifying ADAB,ADASIR, as defined in the REP statement.

The ADASIR program loads a channel appendage KHH019KU from SYS1.LINKLIB.

At this point, you are ready to IPL the ADASIR routine (with CLPA). Any messages or codes occurring while executing ADASIR are described in the Adabas Messages and Codes.

For OS IV/F4 MSP (E20, AE and EX) Environments

Define a SUBSYSTEM entry for Adabas by either creating or modifying the member SUBSYSxx in SYS1.PARMLIB. The format is as follows:


—where name is the subsystem name (the default is ADAB). The value for name must be the same as the name in the Adabas router, offset X‘28’.

If you already have an “ADAB” subsystem in the system, apply the following zap:

VER 0028 C1C4C1C2
REP 0028 subname

—where subname is a four-character name other than ADAB specified by SUBNAME.

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Installing an Adabas Database

Once you have restored the Adabas installation tape and have installed the ADASVC, you can

Messages or codes that occur during the installation are described in the Adabas Messages and Codes; utilities are described in Adabas Utilities.

Migrate an Existing Database

Use the ADACNV utility to migrate existing databases to new releases of Adabas (SMA job number I051). See Adabas Utilities for more information.

Install a New Database

Step 1: Allocate and Format the Adabas Database

Customize and run the ADAFRM utility job to allocate and format the Adabas database. The following must be customized (for references to Adabas utility parameters; see the specific utility descriptions in the Adabas Utilities documentation):

Step 2: Define the Global Database Characteristics

Customize and run the ADADEF utility job to define the global definition of the database. The following must be customized:

Step 3: Load the Demonstration Files

Customize and run the job:

For each job, the following must be customized:

Step 4: Start the Adabas Nucleus and Test the Adabas Communications

Customize and run the job ADANUC to start up the Adabas nucleus. The following must be customized:

Step 5: Test Adabas Address Space Communications, If Appropriate

Customize and run the job ADAREP in MULTI mode with the CPEXLIST parameter to test Adabas address space communications. The following must be customized:

Step 6: Load the Adabas Online System Selectable Unit, If Appropriate

Customize and run the job AOSINPL to load the Adabas Online System (AOS) into a Natural system file using a batch version of Natural 3.1 or above. The following must be customized:

Alternatively, install the AOS demo version delivered with Adabas: see section Installing AOS Demo Version.

Step 7: Terminate the Adabas Nucleus

Communicate with the Adabas nucleus to terminate the session either with an ADAEND operator command using the OS Modify command

F jobname,ADAEND


P jobname

—where jobname is the job or task name of the started nucleus.

Step 8. Back Up the Database

Customize and run the ADASAV utility job to back up the database. The following must be customized:

Step 9: Insert the ADARUN Defaults

The member DEFAULTS in the Adabas JCL library can be modified to set the ADARUN defaults. The following must be customized:

Customize and run the DEFAULTS job to set the ADARUN defaults using the OS ZAP utility.

Step 10: Install the Required TP Link Routines for Adabas

Refer to the section Installing Adabas with TP Monitors for a description of the TP link routine procedure.

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SVC Integrity Validation

In the past, the presence of multiple SVCs with the same subsystem ID has resulted in a single ID table being used by different SVCs. This has caused problems, some of them serious (abnormal nucleus termination or corruption of the database).

To eliminate this danger, the Version 7 SVC checks to ensure that the SVC accessing the ID table is the same as the one that was used by ADASIP/ADASIR to initialize the table. If the SVCs are not the same, an abend 650 occurs.

Abend 650 occurs when an incorrect SVC number is specified in the ADARUN parameters for a nucleus. It can occur during Adabas initialization, during the first Adabas call from a user program, or when the ID table is queried by another Software AG server such as Entire Net-Work.

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Requirements for Cross-Memory Services

The following hardware/software is required to use cross-memory services with MSP EX:

With cross-memory services, the Adabas command queue and attached buffers are located in the address space instead of the common storage area (CSA), where all components except the ID table are usually located.

When cross-memory services is used, the number of system linkage indexes can be increased from the default of 55 (X’37’) by using the following zap:

VER 004E 0037 (default = 55)
REP 004E 0xxx (maximum: 1024)

To get the VMID under AVM/EX, you must set the ASP option of AVM to ON; otherwise, the VMID will be null.

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CPU usage is reduced considerably by using EXCPVR. This requires that ADARUN be APF-authorized and that all Adabas modules be contained in APF-authorized libraries. When placed in an APF-authorized library, ADARUN allows the Adabas nucleus and utilities to use EXCPVR.

All Adabas modules except the Adalink must run with RMODE=24 (the default); the Adalink can run with any RMODE.

When the EXEC statement specifies PGM=ADARUN, the AMODE is determined as follows:

Adabas performance can be improved by using EXCPVR to improve channel program translation time. For Adabas to invoke EXCPVR automatically, the Adabas modules must be in an APF-authorized library and ADARUN must be linked with SETCODE AC(1), the default, as shown in the following example:

//ADALIB DD DSN=user.loadlib,DISP=SHR
//SYSLMOD DD DSN=user.loadlib,DISP=SHR <==APF-authorized library

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Creating a Shareable ADARUN

The ADARUN module delivered in the Adabas load library is neither reentrant nor reusable.

A reusable ADARUN permits several programs running in the same address space to share the same ADARUN and ultimately, the same copy of ADALNK. This is important when it is necessary to have only one Adabas user ID for the different programs, and is also needed if single copies of ADALNK user exits are required.

To create a shareable ADARUN, re-link it with the REUS attribute using the sample job JCLLINRR in the MVSJOBS library.

If both nonreusable and reusable versions of ADARUN are required, they must be located in different load libraries since both must be loadable using the name ADARUN.

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Storage Above 16 MB

Adabas can acquire a number of its required areas, including buffer space, above the 16-MB addressing limit, allowing Adabas to increase the buffer pool size. Storage above 16 MB is available on OS IV/F4 MSP 20 AE and MSP/EX operating systems.

To reverse the space allocation to be below the 16-MB limit, set the SECTION value in the PARM statement in the example below to "(24)":

//ADALIB DD DSN=user.loadlib,DISP=SHR
//SYSLMOD DD DSN=user.loadlib,DISP=SHR <==APF-authorized library

In addition, Adabas must be run with a sufficient REGION specification, either on the JOB or EXEC statement or as an installation default. For example:

//BIG JOB ...,REGION=30M,...

The attached buffers and the Adabas command queue can also be allocated in storage above the 16-MB line. These components are allocated in ECSA if the SVC table entry FLAG 4 specifies AMODE=31.

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Adalink Considerations

For information about connecting a database that is enabled for data conversion using the universal encoding service (UES), see the section Connecting UES-Enabled Databases.

User Exit B (Pre-Command) and User Exit A (Post-Command)

One or two user exits may be linked with an Adalink routine (SMA job number I088):

At entry to the exit(s), the registers contain the following:

Register Contents
1 Address of the UB.

If the flag bit UBFINUB is reset, the contents of the halfword at Adabas + X’86’ have been moved to UBLUINFO. If those contents are greater than zero, the two bytes starting at UBINFO (UB+X’40’) have been set to zero.

If UBFINUB is set, no changes can be made to the UB or ACB (except for ACBRSP).

2 Address of a 16-word save area (for ADALNC only)
13 Address of an 18-word save area (for non-CICS Adalink exits)
14 Return address
15 Entry point address: UEXITB or UEXITA

Any registers except register 15 that are modified by the user exits must be saved and restored; the address of a save area for this purpose is in register 13 (or register 2 for ADALNC).

If at return from UEXITB register 15 contains a value other than zero, the command is not sent to the target but is returned to the caller. The user exit should have set ACBRSP to a non-zero value to indicate to the calling program that it has suppressed the command: response code 216 is reserved for this purpose.

The UEXITB exit may set the UB field UBLUINFO to any lesser value, including zero; an abend occurs if the user exit sets UBLUINFO to a greater value. The UBLUINFO length cannot be changed when any other exit is used; for example, Adabas Review or Adabas Fastpath.

The user information received by a UEXITA exit may have been modified; this modification may include decreasing its length, possibly to zero, by any of the Adalink user exits.

An Adalink routine can return the following non-zero response codes in ACBRSP:

Response Code Description
213 No ID table
216 UEXITB suppressed the command
218 No UB available

At least the following three equates, described at the beginning of the source, can be modified before an Adalink routine is assembled. In some Adalink routines, however, the corresponding information can be zapped:

Equate Description
LOGID The default logical ID, ranging in value from 1 to 65535. The default is 1.
LNUINFO The length of the user information to be passed to Adalink user exits, ranging in value from 0 to 32767. The default is 0.
SVCNR The Adabas SVC number; its range of values and the default depend on the operating system. This value can be provided as SYSPARM value for assembly of the following Adalink routine:
//EXEC PGM=ass,PARM=‘......,SYSPARM(svcnr)’

The first 152 (X’98’) bytes of all Adabas Adalinks must maintain the following structure:

Offset Label Contents Meaning
00 ADABAS   Entry code
12   CL6’ADALNx Program name
18   XL4’yyyymmdd Assembly date
1C   A(ZAPTAB) Address of zap table
20 PATCH XL96’00’ Patch area
80 LNKLOGID AL2(LOGID) Default logical ID (default: 1)
82   82 XL2’00’ Reserved
84 LNKSVC SVC SVCNR Executable SVC instruction for Adabas SVC (default: operating-system-dependent)
86 LUINFO Y(LNUINFO) Length of user information (default: 0)
88 VUEXITA V(UEXITA) Address of user exit after call (weak)
8C VUEXITB V(UEXITB) Address of user exit before call (weak)

ADAUSER Considerations

ADAUSER is a program that links the user to Adabas. It is specific to an operating system and is independent of release level and mode. It can be used in batch and in some TP environments (such as TSO).

ADAUSER operates in the following way:

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