Version 7.4.4

Glossary of Installation-Related Terms


The teleprocessing-monitor-dependent interface module that connects the application/user to Adabas. The actual module name depends on the environment being used; for example, the module name for linking to a batch or TSO program is ADALNK, and for CICS, the module name is ADALNC. The term “Adalink” refers to the module appropriate for the given environment.

address converter

Adabas stores each database record in a Data Storage block having a relative Adabas block number (RABN). This RABN location is kept in a table called the address converter. The address converters, one for each database file, are stored in the Associator. Address converter entries are in ISN order (that is, the first entry tells the RABN location of data for ISN 1, the 15th entry holds the RABN location of data for ISN 15, and so on).

address space

The storage area assigned to a program task/work unit.


The block of unreadable blocks. It is contained in the primary ASSO RABN 2 and the mirror ASSO RABN 9 for the primary ASSO, DATA, and WORK; in the primary ASSO RABN 9 and mirror ASSO RABN 2 for the mirror ASSO, DATA, and WORK; and the primary and the mirror PLOGn RABN 1 for PLOGn.


A routine for communicating between operating systems, making remote targets accessible. Entire Net-work is a communicator.

database administrator

Controls and manages the database resources. Tasks include defining database distribution structure and resources, creating and maintaining programming and operation standards, ensuring high performance, resolving user problems, user training, controlling database access and security, and planning for growth and the integration of new database resource applications and system upgrades. Also known as the database analyst.


An abbreviation of “target ID”, a unique identifier used for directing Adabas calls to their targets.

ID table

A reference data list maintained for all active targets within the boundaries of one operating system. The ID table is located in commonly addressable storage.


The isolated ID bit string, a 256-bit (32-byte) string contained in the ID table header. Each bit corresponds in ascending order to a logical ID. If the bit has the value 1, the corresponding ID is isolated.

isolated ID

The ID of an isolated target, which can be specified by the user as a logical ID. An isolated ID must be greater than zero and less than 256. The isolated ID is interpreted as a physical ID for addressing the target.

isolated target

A target called directly by a user.

logical ID

A user’s identifier of target(s) to which a message is directed. It must be greater than 0 and less than 256 (either explicitly or implicitly, the content of the first byte of ACBFNR is a logical ID).


The mirror table, which indicates the status of primary RABNs. It is contained in the primary and the mirror ASSO RABN 7 for ASSO, DATA, and WORK; and the primary and the mirror PLOGn RABN 1 for PLOGn.

non-DB target

A target that is not an Adabas nucleus. Access and X-COM are non-DB targets.

physical ID

The identifier of a target. It must be greater than 0 and less than 65,536. A database ID (DBID) is a physical ID.


The logical cylinder on an fixed-block-addressed (FBA) device that has no actual DASD cylinder.


A flag bit is said to be reset when it contains 0.


A central routine for communication within the boundaries of one operating system. The routine is called by users with Adalink routines, and by targets with ADAMPM. The router’s main purpose is to transfer information between the Adalink and Adabas. The router also maintains the ID table. The BS2000 router is the ADARER module, which is loaded into common memory defined by the ADARUN/ADALNK parameter IDTNAME.


A processor of Adabas calls and issuer of replies. An Adabas nucleus is an example of a service (see also target).


A flag bit is said to be set when it contains 1.


A task that is spawned from a parent task.


A receiver of Adabas calls. A target maintains a command queue, and communicates with routers using ADAMPM. A target is also classified as a service (see definition). The Adabas nucleus is a target.


A batch or online application program that generates Adabas calls and uses an Adalink for communication.

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