Version 7.4.4
 —  DBA Tasks  —

Recovery/Restart Design

This document discusses the design aspects of database recovery/restart. Proper recovery/restart planning is an important part of the design of the system, particularly in a database environment. Although Adabas provides facilities to perform both restart and recovery, the functions must be considered separately.

This document covers the following topics:

Adabas Recovery

Recovery of database integrity has the highest priority; if a database transaction fails or must be cancelled, the effects of the transaction must be removed and the database must be restored to its exact condition before the transaction began.

The standard Adabas system provides transaction logic (called "ET logic"), extensive checkpoint/logging facilities, and transaction-reversing "backout" processing to ensure database integrity.

Restarting the database following a system failure means reconstructing the task sequence from a saved level before the failure, up to and including the step at which the failure occurred-including, if possible, successfully completing the interrupted operation and then continuing normal database operation. Adabas provides a recovery aid that reconstructs a recovery job stream to recover the database.

Recoverability is often an implied objective. Everyone assumes that whatever happens, the system can be systematically recovered and restarted. There are, however, specific facts to be determined about the level of recovery needed by the various users of the system. Recoverability is an area where the DBA needs to take the initiative and establish necessary facts. Initially, each potential user of the system should be questioned concerning his recovery/restart requirements. The most important considerations are

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Planning and Incorporating Recoverability

Once the recovery/restart requirements have been established, the DBA can proceed to plan the measures necessary to meet these requirements. The methodology provided in this section may be used as a basic guideline.

  1. A determination should be made as to the level and degree to which data is shared by the various users of the system.

  2. The recovery parameters for the system should be established. This includes a predicted/actual breakdown rate, an average delay and items affected, and items subject to security and audit.

  3. A determination should be made as to what, if any, auditing procedures are to be included in the system.

  4. An outline containing recovery design points should be prepared. Information in this outline should include

  5. Operations personnel should be consulted to determine if all resources required for recovery/restart can be made available if and when they are needed.

  6. The final recovery design should be documented and reviewed with users, operations personnel, and any others involved with the system.

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Matching Requirements and Facilities

Once the general recovery requirements have been designed, the next step is to select the relevant Adabas and non-Adabas facilities to be used to implement recovery/restart. The following sections describe the Adabas facilities related to recovery/restart.

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Transaction Recovery

Almost all online update systems and many batch update programs process streams of input transactions which have the following characteristics:

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End Transaction (ET) Command

The use of the Adabas ET command

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Close (CL) Command

The Adabas CL command can be used to update the user's current ET data (for example, to set a user-defined "job completed" flag). Refer to the section User Restart Data for more information.

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Reading ET Data

After a user restart or at the start of a new user or Adabas session, ET data can be retrieved with the OP command. The OP command requires a user ID, which Adabas uses to locate the ET data, and a command option to read ET data.

The RE command can also be used to read ET data for the current or a specified user; for example, when supervising an online update operation.

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System or Transaction Failure

The autobackout routine is automatically invoked at the beginning of every Adabas session. If a session terminates abnormally, the autobackout routine removes the effects of all interrupted transactions from the database up to the most recent ET. If an individual transaction is interrupted, Adabas automatically removes any changes the transaction has made to the database. Each application program can explicitly back out its current transaction by issuing the Adabas BT command.

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Limitations of Adabas Transaction Recovery

The transaction recovery facility recovers only the contents of the database. It does not recover TP message sequences, reposition non-Adabas files, or save the status of the user program.

It is not possible to back out the effects of a specific user's transactions because other users may have performed subsequent transactions using the records added or updated by the first user.

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Adabas Checkpoint Commands

Some programs cannot conveniently use ET commands because

Such programs can use the Adabas checkpoint command (C1) to establish a point to which the file or files the program is updating can be restored if necessary.

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Exclusive File Control

A user can request exclusive update control of one or more Adabas files. Exclusive control is requested with the OP command and will be given only if the file is not currently being updated by another user. Once exclusive control is assigned to a user, other users may read but not update the file. Programs that read and/or update long sequences of records, either in logical sequence or as a result of searches, may use exclusive control to prevent other users from updating the records used. This avoids the need for placing each record in "hold" status.

Checkpointing Exclusively Controlled Files

Exclusive control users may or may not use ET commands. If ET commands are not used, checkpoints can be taken by issuing a C1 command.

System or Program Failure

In the event of a system or program failure, the file or files being updated under exclusive control may be restored using the BACKOUT function of the ADARES utility. This utility is not automatically invoked and requires the Adabas data protection log as input. This procedure is not necessary if the user uses ET commands (see the section Transaction Recovery).

Limitations of Exclusive File Control

The following limitations apply to exclusive file control:

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User Restart Data

The Adabas ET and CL commands provide an option of storing up to 2000 bytes of user data in an Adabas system file. One record of user data is maintained for each user. This record is overwritten each time new user data is provided by the user. The data is maintained from session to session only if the user provides a user identification (user ID) with the OP command.

The primary purpose of user data is to enable programs to be self-restarting and to check that recovery procedures have been properly carried out. The type of information which may be useful as user data includes the following:

A user's own data can be read with either the OP or RE command. User data for another user can be read by using the RE command and specifying the other user's ID. User data for all users can be read in logical sequential order using the RE command with a command option; in this case, user IDs are not specified.

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