Version 7.4.4
 —  Command Reference  —

RC Command: Release Command ID or Global Format ID

The RC command releases one or more command IDs or a global format ID for the issuing user.

This document covers the following topics:

Function and Use

The RC command may be used to release one or more command IDs currently assigned to a user, or to delete one or all global format IDs, as follows:

If no selective options are specified, the entered command ID is released from all of the above areas. When a command ID is released, its related TBI and/or TBLES/TBQ entries are also removed; however, the internal format buffer pool entry is not necessarily released.

The RC command should be used under the following conditions:

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Command: RC

User Control Block

Field Position Format Before Adabas Call After Adabas Call
  1-2 -- -- --
COMMAND CODE 3-4 alphanumeric F U
COMMAND ID 5-8 alphanumeric F U
FILE NUMBER 9-10 binary F U
RESPONSE CODE 11-12 binary -- A
  13-34 -- -- --
COMMAND OPTION 1 35 alphanumeric F U
COMMAND OPTION 2 36 alphanumeric F U
ADDITIONS 1 37-44 alphanumeric F U
  45-64 -- -- --
ADDITIONS 5 65-72 alphanumeric F U
COMMAND TIME 73-76 binary -- A
USER AREA 77-80 -- -- U

User Buffer Areas

Not used


F Filled in by user before Adabas Call
A Filled in by Adabas
U Unchanged after Adabas call
-- Not used

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Control Block

Command Code


Command ID

The command ID to be released or to be used as a reference is specified in this field. A value of blanks or binary zeros releases all the command IDs currently assigned to the user.

File Number

If command option D, E, or O is specified, the file number field must contain the binary number of the file associated with the format or global format ID to be released.

For the physical direct calls, specify the file number as follows:

When using two-byte file numbers and database IDs, a X'30' must be coded in the first byte of the control block.

Response Code

Adabas returns the response code for the command in this field. Response code 0 indicates that the command was executed successfully. Non-zero response codes, which can also have accompanying subcodes returned in the rightmost half of the additions 2 field, are described in the Adabas Messages and Codes documentation.

Command Option 1/2: Type of Command IDs to Be Released

These fields are used to indicate that a command ID, format ID, or global format ID is to be released from the internal format buffer pool, the ISN list table (TBI), or the table of sequential commands (TBLES/TBQ). For information about the tables, see the section General Programming Considerations.

If both command option 1/2 fields are set to blanks or binary zeros, the command ID specified in the command ID field is released from all tables in which it is present.

If either command option field is set to one of the following values, the resources associated with the command ID, format ID, or global format ID are released as indicated:

Option Releases . . .
C all existing global formats
D all formats for a given file number and descriptor name
E all global formats for a given file number and descriptor name
F the format associated with the specified command ID
G all existing formats associated with command IDs greater than or equal to the specified command ID
I the ISN list (TBI) associated with the specified command ID
L the global format ID contained in the additions 5 field.
O the global format ID contained in the additions 5 field for a given file number.
S the sequential commands (TBLES/TBQ) associated with the specified command ID
X all ISN lists (TBI) and sequential commands (TBLES/TBQ) associated with command IDs that are greater than or equal to the specified command ID. Internal formats are not released.

Options D and E are used when the format was created by an L3/L6 command to ensure the return of correct data in an environment where Smith/Jones problems are possible. The underlying format identifier in these cases is 12 bytes: an 8-byte format ID, a 2-byte file number, and a 2-byte descriptor name.

Additions 1: Descriptor Name

If command option D or E is specified, the first two bytes of the additions 1 field must contain the alphanumeric descriptor field name associated with the format or global format ID to be released. All remaining positions must be set to blanks.

If the format to be released was not created using the L3/L6 command, this field is not used.

Additions 5: Released Global Format ID

In this field, specify a global format ID to be released.

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Example 1

The command ID "0003" is to be released.

Control Block

Command Code RC  
Command ID X'0003' command ID 003 to be released
Command Option 1/2 bb all CID types to be released

Example 2

All command IDs currently assigned to the user are to be released.

Control Block

Command Code RC  
Command ID X'00000000' binary zeros indicate that all command IDs are to be released
Command Option 1/2 bb all CID types to be released

Example 3

All the command IDs assigned to the user and contained in the table of sequential commands or the internal format buffer pool are to be released.

Control Block

Command Code RC  
Command ID X'00000000' binary zeros indicate that all command IDs are to be released
Command Option 1 F F indicates that command IDs contained in the internal format buffer pool are to be released
Command Option 2 S S indicates that command IDs contained in the table of sequential commands are to be released

Example 4

The same global format ID is defined for several files. Release it for all files.

Control Block

Command Code RC  
Command Option 1/2 L releases the formats of the global format ID contained in the additions 5 field.
Additions 5 C'TGLOB001' B'11' in the two high-order (leftmost) bits of the first byte of this number identify all eight bytes as the global format ID.

Example 5

The same global format ID is defined for several files. Release it for the file 3 only.

Control Block

Command Code RC  
File Number 03 binary number of the file for which the global format ID is to be released.
Command Option 1/2 O releases the formats of the global format ID contained in the additions 5 field for the file specified in the file number field.
Additions 5 C'TGLOB001' B'11' in the two high-order (leftmost) bits of the first byte of this number identify all eight bytes as the global format ID.

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