Adding Support for Multiple Adabas Versions

This version of Adabas RESTful server supports administration of multiple Adabas versions. Currently, Adabas Version 7.1 with internal structure level 23 and Adabas Version 7.0 with internal structure level 22 are supported. To support additional Adabas versions the relevant Adabas version installations need to be registered in the configuration of the RESTful server.

In order to register the Adabas version installation in config.xml, the script (or service.bat respectively) has an additional feature. With the following command, you may add the current Adabas installation, if you are in an Adabas command prompt shell:

service.bat add_env

To register an Adabas version installation outside of the current environment, you can add the corresponding directory:

service.bat add_env <Adabas version installation directory>

Enable different Adabas version of databases shown in Adabas Manager

Option 1:

  1. Install the Adabas RESTful server together with each different Adabas version installations with different port number.

  2. Setup the Adabas Manager with 2 different port number in "Host Config".

Option 2:

  1. Only need to install 1 Adabas RESTful server to handle different Adabas version

  2. Setup each of the Adabas installed ADADATADIR to a common directory

    ./ <New ADADATADIR>
  3. Setup the Adabas RESTful server configuration

    ./ data_dir <New ADADATADIR>
  4. Restart the Adabas RESTful server