Upgrade Guide

Upgrading from a previous Adabas Version

This section is intended to assist a user upgrading from an older version of Adabas.


One of the new major features is that installation of the product is now performed by the SAG Installer, which requires different handling procedures compared to previous versions.

On Linux platforms, the default installation directory is /opt/softwareag. Nevertheless, it is recommended that you install in a separate subdirectory (e.g. /opt/softwareag/Suite1) or in another location because it is not possible to install more than one Adabas version into the same directory. You cannot overwrite an existing version, you can only uninstall it.

For further information see the section Important Information and follow the instructions in the section Installing Adabas.

Adabas License and ADADATADIR

Adabas requires that every Adabas installation is licensed separately. If you are upgrading Adabas from an older version and want to access existing databases, ADADATADIR must be changed to point to the directory where the database directories are located.

Follow the instructions in the section Completing the Installation to complete the installation, to activate the license, and to change the default ADADATADIR.

Converting a Database from a previous version to the current version and vice versa

After installing Adabas, the databases to be used need to be prepared for use with this version. Several options to convert those databases are described in the Release Notes. The conversion back to a previous version is also described there.

Before a database is converted to a different version, you are strongly recommended to make a backup of that database with utilities provided for the version of the database, and, following successful conversion, to run ADAVFY’s FIELD and INDEX functions to check the consistency of the database.

Upgrading from a previous Adabas Service Pack

This section is intended to assist a user upgrading from a previous Adabas Service Pack to the current Adabas version.


You can install multiple versions of Adabas on the same machine, but each version must be installed in a separate directory, over-installing is not allowed. Therefore, you must choose a separate installation directory for installing a new version and/or Service Pack in parallel to an installed version.

For further information see the section Important Information and follow the instructions in the section Installing Adabas.

Adabas License and ADADATADIR

Adabas requires that every Adabas installation is licensed separately.

If you want to access existing databases, ADADATADIR must be changed to point to the directory where the database directories are located.

Follow the instructions in the section Completing the Installation to complete the installation, to activate the license, and to change the default ADADATADIR.