Action Templates

The following table lists the templates of the AEO actions that are delivered with the distribution kit. The templates are in the directory %ADAPROGDIR%\tools (Windows) and $ADAPROGDIR/tools (Linux).

It may be necessary to customize these templates to suit your environment.

It is strongly recommended to start only the subtopics ARCHIVE_LOGFILE and SAVE_DB via ada_actn. All other actions should be used under the control of AEO itself.

Most action templates are implemented as batch files. They may, however, be replaced by binary executables.

Action Template Description
ada_actn Start an Adabas action;
read the action routine name and start this routine (see for example the description of the subtopics SAVE_DB and ARCHIVE_LOGFILE).
ada_alrt Notify all users listed in the environment variable ADA_ALRT_LIST.
ada_dlcp Use "adadbm dbid=<nnn> delcp=" to delete old checkpoints
ada_iass Check if the new container is defined in the topic CONTAINER; if so,
call "adadbm dbid=<nnn> add_container" to add a container
ada_idat Check if the new container is defined in the topic CONTAINER; if so,
call "adadbm dbid=<nnn> add_container" to add a container
ada_inuc Compute new values for nucleus parameters using the following formula:
new value = ( current value ) * 1.1 + ( default value ) / 10;
(For a list of the default values of the nucleus parameters, see the chapter adanuc in the Adabas Utility Manual .)
Modify the nucleus parameter in DB<nnn>.INI;
For the nucleus parameters TNAA, TNAE, TNAX and TT use adaopr to increase the parameter for the current nucleus session.
The calculation of the new parameter value is done in the program adainuc.exe, which is included in source (adainuc.c in the EXAMPLE\AEO directory) to be modified to any other value computation.
ada_nsta empty
ada_nsto empty
ada_reor Check if this action is running after a successful database backup action SAVE_DB by checking the environment variable ADA_SAVE_DB (otherwise abort this action)
For every file in the file list (parameters 7 - 106) do the following:
-/tab/use "adaord dbid=<dbid> export=<fnr>" to save the file
-/tab/use "adadbm dbid=<dbid> delete=<fnr>" to delete the file
-/tab/use "adaord dbid=<dbid> import=<fnr>" to load the file
ada_rlst Check if adanuc is online (DB Status must be ONLINE);
call "adadbm dbid=<nnn> recover".
ada_svdb Check definitions in SAVE_DB;
expand the backup file name to
BCK001=%ADADATADIR%\db<nnn>\BCK001.<dbid>.<xx> where <xx> is a number in the range 01 ... 99;
perform the backup;
xx is a two-digit number, and ada.svdb will search for the lowest value where the file %BCK001 does not exist
if the backup is successful, set environment variable ADA_SAVE_DB and start "adarep dbid=<nnn> content" to check the action conditions for REORDER_FILE (adarep will start the action REORDER_FILE if this action is enabled and the conditions are true)
ada_svlg Check the definitions in the topic ARCHIVE_LOGFILE;
read the item LOG_FILE in the topic LOGGING and check the write permission;
If the log file is empty, do nothing;
Delete the oldest log file (filename is <LOG_FILE>.<MAXIMUM>);
Rename all the other log files in the range 1 to <MAXIMUM-1> so that the log number is increased by 1, e.g. <LOG_FILE>.05 becomes <LOG_FILE>.06;
Rename the latest log file from <LOG_FILE> to <LOG_FILE>.01