New, Modified and Dropped Features

This document describes the new and modified features in Adabas Version 7.0.1

New Features

SSL Trusted Relationship for Natural

Natural can now use the Role Based Access Control (RBAC) facility of Adabas without providing user credentials or using the user exit 21. Instead, Natural must provide SSL certificates. A detailed description can be found in chapter Adabas Security Feature: SSL Trusted Relationship for Natural.

Utility Enhancements

The utilities ADAMON, ADAOPR, ADAREP and ADATST have been enhanced to access a database using facilities provided by ADATCP/ADATCPS.

A connection to a database (either local or remote) is established via protocol, hostname, and port number. The functionality of ADAOPR when using the connection string is limited to only display data of the database.

Further ADAOPR functionality requires the classic communication via IPC.

Details on how to access a database via TCP/IP can be found in the Utilities Manual.

Enhancements in Adabas Extended Operations

The utility ADAINI, provided to retrieve and modify configuration files, has been enhanced by the new command verify, which will replace abbreviated entries by their full names.

Modified Features

User Defined Timeout Values

The user defined timeouts are limited to a range between 20 seconds and 30 days. The Adabas nucleus will limit the timeouts to its minimum or maximum if they are set by the OP command (see ISN Lower Limit and ISN Quantity) and are out of the valid range.

Please note that this change might have an impact on your application.

Dropped Features