Start the Docker Container

When you run the Docker container, Docker executes the following checks and tasks:

  1. Check if the EULA is accepted ACCEPT_EULA=Y.

  2. Create a new Adabas database [optional].

    Use the ADA_DB_CREATION environment variable to generate a database. Either use the demodb parameter to create the Adabas example database or define the ADAFRM Adabas parameters to create specific database container sizes.

    ADA_DB_CREATION=name=ABC assosize=(100M,100M) 
    assoblock=(4k,16k) datasize=100M
    datablock=16k worksize=200M

    Specify the database ID with the ADADBID environment variable.


    Specify the access ports with the -p option.

  3. Restore Adabas backup [optional].

    Use the ADA_RESTORE_BCK environment variable to restore files. For example:

    ADA_RESTORE_BCK=/data/data.bck 4-10
  4. Enable Adabas Analytics [optional].

    Use the ADA_ELA environment variable to enable the Adabas Analytics server.

  5. Check if another instance on a remote host is already started.

    The Adabas High Availability Tool ADAHAM allows you to have multiple Adabas database nuclei work on the same database container. In that case, the tool will synchronize all the Adabas database nuclei, but only one will be active at a time. If the active nucleus fails, the next nucleus becomes active.

    The tool creates a new file called ADAHAM with which it synchonizes the different Docker container instances.

  6. Start the Adabas nucleus.

  7. Start the Adabas REST Administration web service if Adabas REST Administration is included.

  8. Check the health of the database periodically.