Appendix A - Example Utility Input Files

The Adabas kit contains example utility input data - this allows you to try out some of the Adabas utilities, and to load example data into the database so that you can gain experience of using Adabas.

The following Adabas demo files are provided with the Adabas kit:

File Number Adabas File Name Description
9 EMPLOYEES File used for the C example program (see Command Reference)
11 EMPLOYEES-NAT File used as example file by Natural containing employees data
12 VEHICLES File used as example file by Natural containing vehicles data
13 MISCELLANEOUS Example for a file containing a large number of fields
14 LOBFILE of 9 Lob file of the Adabas file EMPLOYEES


  1. On OpenVMS, file 9 is still the old Employees file without the LOB file 14. Please note that the C example delivered on OpenVMS is still the old version of the example program that corresponds to this old example file, which is different to the new version delivered for Windows and Unix and which is listed in the Command Reference document.
  2. For creating the Adabas demo database (an Adabas database containing the Adabas demo files) on UNIX the command crdemodb <dbid> is available, on Windows there is an icon "Create Demo Database".

The Adabas kit contains the following utility input files in the directory" $ADAPROGDIR/demodb" on UNIX or in the subdirectory "Adabas\demodb" of the installation directory on Windows:

File Name Description
LoadDemo.bsh (UNIX)
loadall.bat (Windows)
Script to load all demo files provided via ADAFDU, ADACMP and ADAMUP
(Only Windows)
Script to load one of the demo files via ADACMP and ADAMUP – called by loadall.bat
emp.cmp ADACMP parameters for the EMPLOYEES file
emp.cmpin Decompressed demo data to be loaded via ADACMP and ADAMUP in the EMPLOYEES file
emp.fdt FDUFDT file containing the FDT of the EMPLOYEES file
emp.fdu ADAFDU parameters for the EMPLOYEES file
emp_nat.cmp ADACMP parameters for the EMPLOYEES_NAT file
emp_nat.cmpin Decompressed demo data to be loaded via ADACMP and ADAMUP in the EMPLOYEES_NAT file
emp_nat.fdt FDUFDT file containing the FDT of the EMPLOYEES_NAT file
emp_nat.fdu ADAFDU parameters for the EMPLOYEES_NAT file
mis.cmp ADACMP parameters for the MISCELLANEOUS file
mis.cmpin Decompressed demo data to be loaded via ADACMP and ADAMUP in the MISCELLANEOUS file
mis.fdt FDUFDT file containing the FDT of the MISCELLANEOUS file
mis.fdu ADAFDU parameters for the MISCELLANEOUS file
(Only UNIX)
Example script for External Backup on Network Appliance filers
(Only UNIX)
Example configuration file for External Backup on Network Appliance filers
(Only UNIX)
Example script for External Restore on Network Appliance filers
ordexp.demo ORDEXP file containing all Adabas demo files.
veh.cmp ADACMP parameters for the VEHICLES file
veh.cmpin Decompressed demo data to be loaded via ADACMP and ADAMUP in the VEHICLES file
veh.fdt FDUFDT file containing the FDT of the VEHICLES file
veh.fdu ADAFDU parameters for the VEHICLES file