General Information

Adabas RESTful administration supports two types of response formats:

  • JSON is the standard supported response format you can use.

  • XML can be used for read requests.

Adabas RESTful administration uses HTTP or SSL-secured HTTPS connections. HTTPS connections are recommended. To validate certificates, you may exchange the SSL certificate to fit to your environment.

Adabas RESTful administration provides the following HTTP request types:

  • GET: Retrieve administration or monitor information

  • PUT: Change an administration value or parameter in the Adabas database configuration

  • PUSH: Create new objects like Adabas database files or an Adabas database itself

  • DELETE: Delete a resource inside the Adabas database

The Adabas REST administration server is open to be used by any RESTful client. There are no restriction by Software AG components.

The RESTful definition is provided in the Swagger file located in the product installation. You can use the Swagger/OpenAPI infrastructure to use the Swagger file.

Adabas RESTful administration contains three main access parts:

Adabas Administration and Monitor Handler

The Adabas administration and monitor handler supports:

Resource Description
Adabas Database An Adabas database can be created or deleted on the server .
Adabas Runtime Adabas can be started or stopped according to the settings Adabas provides. User queue and UCB entries can be managed. Provides Adabas Nucleus log.
Monitor Display Adabas user queue, command queue and hold queue. Adabas high water mark and buffer pool statistics are available. All possible monitor features can be found in the Swagger definition.
Adabas Files Provide the creation and deletion of new Adabas files (online) .
Adabas Fields Inside the Adabas file, Adabas fields can be modified in the frame of the Adabas functionality.

Job Control

Inside the RESTful server it is possible to start scripts for Adabas utilities. The scripts can be triggered asynchronously. After the job is finished, the corresponding log output can be retrieved using a RESTful access.

Detailed information about the RESTful interface is described in the Swagger definition.

File Transfer Handler

The RESTful server provides an interface to upload or download files to or from the server. The server only provides access to restricted defined directories. The directories have to be configured in the configuration file.

Each configuration entry can be accessed via a given name. All sub directories under the configured one can be accessed and files can be transferred.

If a job creates output, the created file can be transferred to the HTTP client (browser or RESTful client).

File Access

The configuration of file access through the Adabas RESTful server is managed manually. There is no tool to add a new location. Because of security reasons it is not intended to add new locations remotely using the REST interface.

Inside the config.xml file new location entries can be added to the <Directories> node. By default, the ADADATADIR is defined here:

<Directories role="fileadmin" use_role="false">
   <Directory name="adadatadir" location="${ADADATADIR}" />

Any new <Directory> entry requires a name and location attribute. The value of the location attribute defines the root access point such as "C:\", "C:\transfer" or "/home/<user>" etc.

The name will reference the location inside the RESTful transfer or in Adabas Manager.

Example Windows:

<Directories role="fileadmin" use_role="false">
   <Directory name="adadatadir" location="${ADADATADIR}" />
   <Directory name="Ddrive" location="D:\" />

Example Unix:

<Directories role="fileadmin" use_role="false">
   <Directory name="adadatadir" location="${ADADATADIR}" />
   <Directory name="part" location="/data/transfer" />