Enabling Adabas Tracing

Tracing should only be used if errors occur, and only with assistence from Software AG Support.

Activating the trace version will massively degrade the performance of Adabas.

Enabling Tracing on UNIX

Start of instruction setTo enable tracing on UNIX

  1. Change to the directory Adabas/trace/INSTALL.

  2. Source the adaenv file to change the ADAPROGDIR variable.

  3. Set the environment variable PT_TRACELEV to a reasonable value (with the help of Software AG support).

  4. Set the environment variable SAGTMP to a directory of your choice as the location of the trace files. Note that the trace files can get very large in a short time.

  5. Set the environment variable PT_MAXFILESIZE (this step is optional).

    This defines the maximum size (in bytes) for a PT trace file. If the PT output exceeds this limit, output will be written to the wrap file named <user>.WRP.<trace-name>; if the wrap file becomes too big, output will be written to the original trace file <user>.<trace-name>, and so on. This feature is useful if you have too much PT output in your program.

    Note that the minimum value for PT_MAXFILESIZE is 1024; all values less than this (other than zero) will be automatically adjusted to 1024. A reasonable initial value is 10000000, which will create a maximum file size of 10MB.

Enabling Tracing on Windows

Start of instruction setTo enable tracing on Windows

  1. Ensure that the correct Adabas version was activated.

  2. Open an Adabas command prompt window.

  3. Change to the directory Adabas\trace\INSTALL.

  4. Call the adaenv.bat command file.

  5. Set the environment variable PT_TRACELEV to a reasonable value (with the help of Software AG support).

  6. Set the environment variable SAGTMP to a directory of your choice as the location of the trace files. Note the trace files can get very large in a short time.

  7. Set the environment variable PT_MAXFILESIZE (this step is optional).

    This defines the maximum size (in bytes) for a PT trace file. If the PT output exceeds this limit, output will be written to the wrap file named <user>.WRP.<trace-name>; if the wrap file becomes too big, output will be written to the original trace file <user>.<trace-name>, and so on. This feature is useful if you have too much PT output in your program.

    Note that the minimum value for PT_MAXFILESIZE is 1024; all values less then this (other than zero) will be automatically adjusted to 1024. A reasonable initial value is 10000000, which will create a maximum file size of 10MB.