Installation and First Steps

Installation is done using the Software AG Installer. The Adabas REST administration is part of Adabas but does not have to be installed with Adabas. If another Adabas installation is on the installation host, this can be used, if the Adabas version is greater than or equal to Adabas Version 6.5.

Access to Adabas RESTful resources is protected using authentication. There are two possibilities to use passords. The first possibility is to manage the configuration file, which contains a list of users and passwords. The second possibility is the configuration of the JAAS infrastructure to provide access to LDAP, for example. The configuration of JAAS is managed in configuration/security.conf. It is recommended is to use the LDAP approach, or to use any other plugin alternatives of JAAS.

This document is organized as follows:

Password Management

Initial Password Change

After the installation the default user is admin and the default password is "manage". To create a new password entry, you may delete the configuration file in the configuration directory. After the deletion, a new file can be created using the service script as follows:

./service.bat init

Changing the Password

After the installation the default user is admin and the default password is "manage". To create a new password entry, you may delete the configuration file in the configuration directory. After the deletion a new file can be created using the service script as follows:

./service.bat init

Starting the Server

Inside the installation directory of the Adabas REST administration, a bin directory can be found. Inside the bin directory all start scripts required to start the Adabas REST administration are located. All scripts will provide reference information about valid parameters in case no argument is entered.

For example, to start the REST server on Windows just start:

./service.bat run

Ensuring that the Server is Working

To check if the server works correctly, you can either use your favorite web browser or use curl. By default, the username is admin and the password is "manage".

To check please enter the following:


where <host> and <port> correspond to your environment. The following are some example REST calls:

URL Function Result
http://localhost:8120/adabas/database List databases List all databases known to the REST server
http://localhost:8120/adabas/database/24 Database Info Returns the database information for database 24
http://localhost:8120/adabas/database/24/file List database files List all files defined in the database 24

Using curl, the following line would correspond to the first example:

curl -vv --user admin:manage http://localhost:8120/adabas/database