Adabas Services on Windows

There are two services for Adabas on Windows:

  • The Adabas Database Service is required to automatically start and stop databases at system start and shutdown.

  • The Adabas Shared Memory Service is required to create shared memory, since this requires additional privileges.


  1. You must have administrator rights on the machine in question in order to install, start and stop the Adabas services.
  2. If you want to administrate the Adabas services from the command line, start the Adabas Command Prompt with the option Run as Administrator. To do this, navigate via the Start menu : All Programs -> Software AG -> Administration -> Adabas Server 6.x -> Start Command Prompt, then right click on Start Command Prompt and select the option Run as Administrator.

Adabas Database Service

If you start an Adabas nucleus session under Windows, the session will be terminated normally when you log off, however, in many cases, this behaviour is not desired.

In order to prevent this happening, you must start the database with the Adabas Database Service. The Adabas Database Service is also able to start databases automatically when Windows is booted. You can administrate the Adabas Database Service via a command line interface.

Administration of the Adabas Database Service from the Command Line

Start of instruction setTo install the Adabas Database Service

  • Enter ADASRV INSTALL at the Command Prompt.

Start of instruction setTo start the Adabas Database Service

  • Enter ADASRV START at the Command Prompt.

    Choose Services (depending on the operating system, these may be contained in either the Control Panel in the Main program group, or in Administrative Tools in the Control Panel) and then choose the Adabas Database Service from the Services list. Choose Start to start the service.

Start of instruction setTo stop the Adabas Database Service

  • Enter ADASRV STOP at the Command Prompt.

    Choose Services (depending on the operating system, these may be contained in either the Control Panel in the Main program group, or in Administrative Tools in the Control Panel) and then choose the Adabas Database Service from the Services list. Choose Stop to stop the service.

Stopping the Adabas Database Service also automatically stops any Adabas databases that were started by the service.

Start of instruction setTo remove (uninstall) the Adabas Database Service

  • Enter ADASRV REMOVE at the Command Prompt.

Start of instruction setTo set the startup mode of the Adabas Database Service

  1. Choose Services (depending on the operating system, these may be contained in either the Control Panel in the Main program group, or in Administrative Tools in the Control Panel) and then choose the Adabas Database Service from the Services list.

  2. Select the required startup type (automatic, manual or disabled) from the Startup type drop-down list box.

  3. Choose OK to set the startup mode.

Start of instruction setTo set and show the startup mode of a database

  • If you want a database to be started automatically when the Adabas Database Service starts, enter ADASRV Set <dbid> AUTOSTART=Vnnnnn where nnnnn is the Adabas version:

    • 1st digit = major version

    • 2nd digit = minor version

    • 3rd digit = service pack

    • 4th - 5th digit = fix number


    AUTOSTART=V64000 means:

    • Major version = 6

    • Minor version = 4

    • Service pack = 0

    • Fix = fix 00

    If you want to display the value of AUTOSTART for a single/each database, enter ADASRV SHOW [<dbid>] at the Command Prompt.

    The value of the AUTOSTART parameter is stored in the configuration file %ADADATADIR%\etc\ADABAS.INI under the subtopic [DBID_<dbid>] in the section [DB_LIST].

Start of instruction setTo display the status of a database

  • If you want to display which databases are currently started by the Adabas Database Service, enter ADASRV STATUS at the Command Prompt.

Start of instruction setTo start and stop single databases

  • If the Adabas Database Service is already running, you can start a single database by entering ADASRV START <dbid> at the Command Prompt.

    If you want to stop a single database that has been started by the Adabas Database Service, enter ADASRV STOP <dbid> at the Command Prompt.

    You can use the Adabas Database Service to start and stop only those databases for which the value of AUTOSTART has previously been set.

Adabas Shared Memory Service

A standard user should be able to start the Adabas nucleus or utilities, but a standard user is not allowed to create shared memories. For this reason, the Adabas Shared Memory Service has been introduced. The Adabas installation installs this service as an automatic service, and therefore the service should always have the status Started.

However, it is possible to stop, start, remove and install the service from the command line, for example when a fix for the service is provided:

  • To install the service, enter adashm install [auto] at the command prompt. If you specify auto, the startup type is automatic, otherwise it is manual.

  • To start the service, enter adashm start at the command prompt.

  • To stop the service, enter adashm stop at the command prompt.

  • To remove the service, enter adashm remove at the command prompt.