SSXLoginModule コンフィグレーションテンプレート

次のセクションに、SSXLoginModule のコンフィグレーションテンプレートを示します。これらは認可タイプ別に整理されています。

認証タイプ OS

認可タイプ OS のセキュリティ定義は、ローカルオペレーティングシステムによって管理されます。


# This is a sample properties file for the case
# when authType is OS and the user database is 
# the local operating system - 
# On Unix Systems it is using PAM authentication 
# On Windows a local LogonUser()

# Specifies the authentication type.
# Is Required: Yes
# Valid values: {"OS", "TEXT", "LDAP", "ADSI"}
# Default Value: None

# Specifies the explicit path of the privileged daemon process. 
# Specify this parameter -
# if the sagssxauthd2 executable file is not in the current directory. 
# Valid value is the valid path to the sagssxauthd2 module. 
# Default Value: None
# Note: UNIX only.  

# Specify a default group name here to be returned 
# with any of the group results that are returned by the repository manager. 
# A valid value is any valid group name. 
# Default Value: None
# Optional.  


# If this parameter is specified, its value is used at authentication time 
# when domain name is not specified by the user. 
# If a domain name is specified, the value of this parameter is not used. 
# A valid value is any valid domain name. 
# Default Value: None
# Optional.


# Specifies how to access data. 
# Valid values are:
# o true  - Access is under the account of the running process.
# o false - Access is under the impersonated user ID of the logged on user. 
# Default Value: FALSE
# Note: Windows only.
# Optional. 


# Specifies the local machine name (on which the user is authenticated). 
# The machine name is added before users and groups; 
# for example,machine_name\user. 
# Valid values are:
# o true - If set to TRUE (and there is no domain field), you are authenticated against the local machine only. 
# o false - You are authenticated on the domain that you logged on.
# Default Value: FALSE
# Optional.  


# Specifies the log level.
# Is Required: No
# Valid values:
# 	  0 - No logging
#    Min: 1
#    Max: 6
# Default Value: None


# Specifies the log file.
# Is Required: No
# Valid values:
#    fully qualified file name
# Default Value: None



認可タイプ TEXT

認可タイプ TEXT のセキュリティ定義は、テキストファイルに格納されます。定義は、データベース固有にすることも、複数のデータベースで共有することもできます。


# This is a sample properties file for the case
# when authType is TEXT and the user database is 
# an SAG Internal User Repository
# created by the ssxtxtpasswd utility

# Specifies the authentication type.
# Is Required: Yes
# Valid values: {"OS", "TEXT", "LDAP", "ADSI"}
# Default Value: None

# Specifies the internal repository file
# which has been created with ssxtxtpasswd utility
# Is Required: No
# Valid values:
#  	fully qualified file name
# Default Value: None


# Specifies the log level.
# Is Required: No
# Valid values:
# 	  0 - No logging
#    Min: 1
#    Max: 6
# Default Value: None


#  Specifies the log file.
#  Is Required: No
#  Valid values:
#  	fully qualified file name
#  No default value





ssxtxtpasswd ツールを使用して、内部ユーザーリポジトリファイルの作成や変更が可能です。

ssxtxtpasswd ツールを起動するには、コマンドプロンプトを使用します。ツールを起動する際に、ユーザー名とパスワードを入力します。これらは暗号化されて(SHA512 および Base64)、結果のテキストファイルに提供されます。このツールは、テキストファイルに新しいユーザー資格情報を追加したり、既存のユーザー資格情報を置き換えたりします。

ユーザー名には、数字、アルファベット、および次の文字のみを使用できます:! ( ) - .? [ ] _ ~ .パスワードには、数字、アルファベット、および次の文字のみを使用できます:!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?[\]^_`{|}~

例:ssxtxtpasswd ツールの使用法

Tool to create or update an entry in the SSX text file based
user repository.

Usage: ssxtxtpasswd [-f filename] [-c] [-p password] [-d | -e] userId

Use "-c" to create a new file.
      Usually, the file should exist and user entries are

Use "-p" to provide the password on the command line instead
      via an extra prompt.

Use "-d" to remove the specified user entry from the text file.

Use "-e" to check, whether the userId is already stored in the text file.

Note: The password usually will be read via a non-echo command input.
      When no filename is specified, a default of "ssx_user" is assumed.


ssxtxtpasswd -f SAGInternalUserRepository.txt -c -p mypsw myuid

Hash: bOEOAPEEEJBKv+4zOELiYcFqY7qFhlLZz1ha7Ztf7j/drJHGy2ML0LXEu/kX7TD52Aj7XfwiZ+vpIl9DqRbVkA==
User entry for "myuid" successfully added

SAGInternalUserRepository.txt の内容

* SAG Internal User Repository

認可タイプ LDAP


# This is a sample properties file for the case
# when authType is LDAP and the user database is OpenLDAP

# Specifies the authentication type.			
# Is Required: Yes
# Valid values: {"OS", "TEXT", "LDAP", "ADSI"}
# Default Value: None


# Specifies which server type will be used.
# Is Required: No
# Valid values: {"ActiveDirectory", "SunOneDirectory", "OpenLdap"}
# Default value: "OpenLdap"


# Property name that denotes a user entry.
# Is Required: No
# Valid values: (attribute name according to LDAP conventions)
# Default Value: None


# Enumeration of LDAP objectclasses that the user entries use in
# the target LDAP server.
# Is Required: No
# Valid values: (Comma separated list of objectclass names,
#  according to LDAP conventions)
# Default value - depending on serverType:
# 	OpenLdap:
# 	"top,person"
# 	SunOneDirectory:
# 	"top,person,organizationalperson, inetorgperson"
# 	ActiveDirectory:
# 	"top,person,organizationalPerson,user"


# Enumeration of LDAP objectclasses that the group entries use in
# the target LDAP server.
# Is Required: No
# Valid values: (Comma separated list of objectclass names,
#  according to LDAP conventions)
# Default value - depending on serverType:
#    OpenLdap:
#    "top,groupOfUniqueNames"
#    SunOneDirectory:
#    "top,groupofuniquenames"
#    ActiveDirectory:
#    "top,group"


# Property name that denotes a group entry.
# Is Required: No
# Valid values: (attribute name according to LDAP conventions)
# Default value: cn


# Property name of a user entry that points to the group that
# the user is member of.
# Is Required: No
# Valid values: (attribute name according to LDAP conventions)
# Default value:
# 	depending on serverType:
# 	OpenLdap:
# 	"ou"
# 	SunOneDirectory:
# 	ActiveDirectory:
# 	"memberOf"


# Property name of a group entry that points to users (members)
# Is Required: No
# Valid values: (attribute name according to LDAP conventions)
# Default value:
# 	depending on serverType:
# 	OpenLdap:
# 	"uniqueMember"
# 	SunOneDirectory:
# 	"uniqueMember"
# 	ActiveDirectory:
# 	"member"


# Seconds how long auth. user remains in cache.			
# Is Required: No
# Valid values: 
# 	0 - No cache
# 	Min: 1, Max: No limit
# Default value: 180


# Specify the max. number of cached users that have been successfully
# authenticated. When the cache overflows, the oldest entry is removed.
# Is Required: No
# Valid values: 
# 	0 - No cache
# 	Min: 1, Max: No limit
# Default value: 300


# Time (in seconds) how long to ignore any further authentication
# requests for a particular User-Id.
# Is Required: No
# Valid values:
# 	Min: 1, Max: No limit
# Default value: 100


# Number of invalid logon attempts.
# Is Required: No
# Valid values:
# 	Min: 1, Max: No limit
# Default value: 3


# Specifies an output file for logging.
# Is Required: No
# Valid values: (Valid log file path)
# Default Value: None


# Specifies the log level.
# Is Required: No
# Valid values:
# 	  0 - No logging
#    Min: 1
#    Max: 6
# Default Value: None


#  Specifies the log file.
#  Is Required: No
#  Valid values:
#  	fully qualified file name
#  No default value


# Default group to be automatically included for all requests
# that return any groups
# Is Required: No


# BaseBindDN where to find the users.
# Is Required: Yes
# and should contain the most detailed DN to find the users

#  personBindDn=ou=User,o=Org,dc=mycom,dc=com

# BaseBindDN where to find the groups.
# Is Required: Yes
# and should contain the most detailed DN to find the groups


# Attribute name of the password.
# Required when changeing the password
# Is Required: Not always
# Default value:
# 	depending on serverType:
# 	OpenLdap:
# 	"userPassword"
# 	SunOneDirectory:
# 	"userPassword"
# 	ActiveDirectory:
# 	"unicodePwd"


# Allow to pass a complete BaseBindDN
# via the domain parameter.
# Is Required: No
# Valid values: 0, 1


# Allow to specify which fields to search for as properties
# of a user entry
# Is Required: No
# Valid values: string, for example: "cn,sn,description"


# Allow to specify which fields to search for as properties
# of a group entry
# Is Required: No
# Valid values: string, for example: "cn,description"


# Allow to use the special secure authentication using SASL,
# providing the directory supports this mechanism.
# Is Required: No
# Valid values: 0, 1 (default: 0)


# Allow to switch from a non-secure connection to a TLS connection,
# providing the directory supports this mechanism.
# of a group entry
# Is Required: No
# Valid values: 0, 1 (default: 0)


# By default, the first "dc=" occurrence within the distinguished name
# name string denotes the domain name.
# If additional abbreviations want to be defined, one can use
# the following 2 parameter.
# Example:  Short="RnD;Admins;board"
#       with Long="ou=Rnd,ou=user,dc=mycom,dc=com;ou=Administrators,dc=mycom,dc=com;ou=VIP,dc=mycom,dc-com"


# If NOT the automatic domain name should be used to compose
# the canonical user id (SSXGetCanonicalUserId_A/W),
# specify this part of the ID here.


# Three algorithms are supported to find the groups of a user:
# "ru", recurse up: take the group pointer from the user entry
#                   and continue to search up for all groups
#                   found
# "rd", recurse down: search for all groups that have the 
#                     user as member (no recursion)
# "cp", computed property: use a special field in the user
#                          entry to find all groups
#                          --> computedGroupProp retired
# Default: "ru"


# If resolveGroup is set to "cp", this parameter must provide
# the field name to look for in the user entry that denotes
# the user groups
# Default: None


# If the LDAP connection is protected by SSL/TLS, this
# parameter must be set.
# Valid Values: 0, 1
# Default: 0



認可タイプ ADSI


# This is a sample properties file for the case
# when authType is ADSI and the user database is Active Directory

# Specifies the authentication type.
# Is Required: Yes
# Valid values: {"OS", "TEXT", "LDAP", "ADSI"}
# Default Value: None


# Specifies the name of the AD Forest.
# Is Required: No, but should be specified
# Example: "dc=mycom,dc=com" 
# (with a possible domain called "dc=eur,dc=mycom,dc=com")
# Default Value: None


# Seconds how long auth. user remains in cache.
# Is Required: No
# Valid values: 
# 	0 - No cache
# 	Min: 1, Max: No limit
# Default value: 180


# Specify the max. number of cached users that have been successfully
# authenticated. When the cache overflows, the oldest entry is removed.
# Is Required: No
# Valid values: 
# 	0 - No cache
# 	Min: 1, Max: No limit
# Default value: 300


# Time (in seconds) how long to ignore any further authentication
# requests for a particular User-Id.

# Is Required: No
# Valid values:
# 	Min: 1, Max: No limit
# Default value: 100


# Number of invalid logon attempts.
# Is Required: No
# Valid values:
# 	Min: 1, Max: No limit
# Default value: 3


# Specifies an output file for logging.
# Is Required: No
# Valid values: (Valid log file path)
# Default Value: None
#   nativeLogFile=SIN_SSX.log


# Specifies the log level.
# Is Required: No
# Valid values:
# 	  0 - No logging
#    Min: 1
#    Max: 6
# Default Value: None


#  Specifies the log file.
#  Is Required: No
#  Valid values:
#  	fully qualified file name
#  No default value


# In case the scope for the node to access users needs to be limited,
# one can specify a particular subtree:
# Example: "ou=user,ou=Rnd,dc=mycom,dc=com"


# In case the scope for the node to access groups needs to be limited,
# one can specify a particular subtree:
# Example: "ou=groups,ou=Rnd,dc=mycom,dc=com"


# By default, the first "dc=" occurrence within the distinguished name
# name string denotes the domain name.
# If additional abbreviations want to be defined, one can use
# the following 2 parameter.
# Example:  Short="RnD;Admins;board"
#       with   Dn="ou=Rnd,ou=user,dc=mycom,dc=com;ou=Administrators,dc=mycom,dc=com;ou=VIP,dc=mycom,dc-com"


# If NOT the automatic domain name should be used to compose
# the canonical user id (SSXGetCanonicalUserId_A/W),
# specify this part of the ID here.


# Three algorithms are supported to find the groups of a user:
# "ru", recurse up: take the group pointer from the user entry
#                   and continue to search up for all groups
#                   found
# "rd", recurse down: search for all groups that have the 
#                     user as member (no recursion)
# "cp", computed property: use a special field in the user
#                          entry to find all groups
#                          --> computedGroupProp retired
# Default: "ru"


# If resolveGroup is set to "cp", this parameter must provide
# the field name to look for in the user entry that denotes
# the user groups
# Default: None
