Uninstalling Adabas

You uninstall Adabas using the Software AG Uninstaller. For detailed information on how to use the uninstaller, see the Using the Software AG Installer guide.

This document covers the following topics:

Uninstalling Adabas

To uninstall Adabas, proceed as follows:

  1. Ensure that all databases and processes, which use the directory that is to be removed, have been terminated.

  2. Deactivate the Adabas installation that is to be removed. Use the Start menu: All Programs > Start Menu group name > Administration > Adabas 6.6 > Deactivate Installation

  3. Uninstall Adabas using the standard uninstall functionality of Windows. The Control Panel offers the following entry: Software AG Products: <installation-directory>. When you choose to uninstall this entry, the Software AG Uninstaller is invoked.

All files created or modified by the user are not removed.

Uninstalling Adabas Client

If the global Adabas Client environment has been set, or if applications still have Adabas DLLs in use, the Uninstall will be rejected.

Ensure that all applications using the Adabas Client have been terminated and unset the global Adabas Client environment. Use the Start Menu: All Programs > Start Menu group name > Administration > Adabas Client 6.6 > Configure Global Environment and execute aclenvvar unset.

In silent mode, an unset of the global Adabas Client environment will be done automatically (for further information about the silent mode refer to the Software AG Uninstaller documentation).

If you unset the global Adabas Client 6.6 environment, and if you want to go back to Adabas version 6.3, you need to reinstall the Adabas Client version shipped with Adabas 6.3.