This document describes the new and modifed features in Adabas Version 6.3.
Starting with Version 6.3, Adabas is delivered in 64-bit mode on the new 64-bit Windows operating systems Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008. This lets you use buffer pool sizes > 4 GB.
If you use user exits or hyperexits, you must recompile them in
64-bit mode. Please ensure that the user exit/hyperexit code is portable and
still runs in 64-bit mode.
The utility ADAOPR now has a new parameter IO_TIME. This is used to enable/disable and reset the logging of I/O times for the ASSO, DATA, WORK, NUCSRT and NUCTMP containers.
The keyword IO_TIMES has been added to the DISPLAY parameter, and is used to display the container IO times.
Although the [NO]DST parameter for ADACMP and ADADCU has already been documented, it is only available with Version 6.3 and later.
A daylight saving time indicator for a date/time field with the TZ option may also be specified in the search buffer for an L3 and L9 command.
Starting with Version 6.3, Adabas is delivered in 64-bit mode on the new 64-bit Windows operating systems Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008. This lets you use buffer pool sizes > 4 GB.
If you use user exits or hyperexits, you must recompile them in
64-bit mode. Please ensure that the user exit/hyperexit code is portable and
still runs in 64-bit mode.
Using command option 1 = 'X' for an Adabas A1 command resets all fields not specified in the format buffer to their default value. In particular, the MU/PE counts are set according to the values contained in the format and record buffer. This feature was already available in Adabas v6.1, but not documented.
A new sub-parameter RENUMBER has been introduced for file restore or overlay, this lets you restore the files with a new file number if the NONEW_PLOG option is used.
The check for the NEW_PLOG option was missing and was only
introduced with V6.3 SP1 Fix 13. This error caused ADAREC REGENERATE errors.
Therefore, if you still use a fix level < V6.3 SP1 Fix 13, please use ADABCK
DUMP files only with the option NONEW_PLOG.
Starting with Version 6.3 SP 1, the direct replication of Adabas files to other Adabas databases is supported via the Event Replicator for Adabas on Open Systems (separate product). For this purpose, some parameters have been added to the utilities ADABCK, ADADBM and ADAOPR. Partially, these new parameters are only to be used by the replication software - in which case the new parameters are undocumented. For more information on the Adabas-to-Adabas replication please refer to the new section Adabas-to-Adabas Replication in the Administration manual and the documentation of the Event Replicator for Adabas on Open Systems.
Normally, obsolete entries in the client queue are released automatically when the client queue is full. With the new function ADAOPR FREE_CLQ,you can enforce the client queue cleanup before the client queue is full.
The new tool showcls displays information about the client queue semaphore. It shows the status of the entries in the client queue:
Free: The client queue entry can be used for a new client connection.
Obsolete: The client queue entry can be reused after the next client queue cleanup.
In use: The client queue entry is currently in use.
In Adabas Version 6.3, some changes have been made in the utility output directed to stdout for ADACLP as compared to Version 6.2. If you use scripts to check this output, please ensure that your scripts still work correctly with Adabas Version 6.3 before using Version 6.3 in your production environment.
In previous versions, the sequence in which commands, waiting for the same ISN, were executed was random. This has been changed in Adabas Version 6.3: the commands are now selected in the sequence in which they were entered in the hold queue.
In previous versions of Adabas, the record buffer for the RE command was left unchanged following the end of the user data if the user data were smaller than the record buffer. Starting with Version 6.3, the record buffer is padded with blanks.
ADADBM no longer terminates in the interactive mode following syntax errors.
In previous versions of Adabas, the keywords "QUIT" and "EXIT" did not terminate a utility when it was in the FDT parsing mode, for example, after specifying the FIELDS parameter, "QUIT" and "EXIT" are now recognized in the FDT parsing mode.
The subparameter DRIVES for ADABCK OVERLAY and RESTORE is now obsolete; the number of physical input devices is always the same as the value of DRIVES that was specified for ADABCK DUMP or EXU_DUMP.
While in previous Adabas versions, the ET synchronization for a dump at file level waited for the termination of all open transactions in the database, starting with Adabas Version 6.3 SP 1, the ET synchronization for a dump at file level only waits for the termination of those transactions which affect one of the dumped files.
The client examples are no longer stored under $ADADIR/$ADAVERS (UNIX) or %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Software AG\%ADAVERS% (Windows). Starting with v6.3 SP 1 they are stored only under $ACLDIR/$ACLVERS (UNIX) or %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Software AG\%ACLVERS% (Windows).
The algorithm used to compute the ADAM keys for an ADAM descriptor has been modified. This was done because it was assumed that ADAM descriptors were not used - there was an error in ADAFDU which did not allow an ADAM file to be defined based on an ADAM descriptor. However, if somebody nevertheless uses ADAM files, for example because they defined them with an Adabas version that did not yet contain this ADAFDU error, it is strongly recommend to unload the file with ADAULD, refresh it and load it again with ADAMUP. Otherwise, the performance advantages of ADAM files are lost, on the contrary, the performance will be even worse than the performance of non-ADAM files.
Because many Adabas commands require less than one millisecond, the command duration displayed by ADACLP for command logs created with version 6.3 SP1 is displayed no longer in milliseconds, but in microseconds. The command time displayed for command logs created with older Adabas versions is still displayed in milliseconds.
The default for [NO]NEW_PLOG for ADABCK DUMP files changed from NEW_PLOG to NONEW_PLOG. For ADABCK DUMP database the default is still NEW_PLOG.
Before V6.3 SP1 Fix 13, the default for a file dump was
NEW_PLOG. In most cases, this change is of no consequence, but if you really
need the PLOG switch, you must specify NEW_PLOG explicitly.