Using the adiutil Batch Program

The Directory Server utility program, adiutil.exe, allows you to detect Directory Servers on the host machine and to obtain lists of databases, Adabas Administration Servicess, and Adabas Manager Communicators registered in a Directory Server. This utility can also be used to change the Directory Server used by the local Adabas Administration Services. The adiutil.exe program can be found in the /bin directory wherever Adabas Administration Services is installed.

By default, the Directory Server host and port are the values defined in the local Adabas Administration Services configuration file, sagadmin.config. If you want to use a different Directory Server, specify the host and port parameters on the adiutil.exe batch program.

This document covers the following topics:

Syntax for Starting the Utility

The syntax of the adiutil.exe batch program is:

adiutil [host=hostname port=portnum] [help=yes]

This command should be entered on the command prompt after switching to the /bin directory wherever Adabas Administration Services is installed.

By default, the Directory Server host and port are the values defined in the local Adabas Administration Services configuration file, sagadmin.config. If you want to use a different Directory Server, use the host and port parameters to specify the host name and port number of the machine on which the other Directory Server is installed.

After entering this command, the utility is started and the following instructions are displayed, prompting you to make a selection:

Please, choose one of the following functions:
(1) Find a Directory Server
(2) Check if a Directory Server is active by host and port
(3) List all databases registered by Adabas Administration Services
(4) List the databases registered by a specific Adabas Administration Service
(5) List all Adabas Administration Services
(6) List all Adabas Manager Communicators
(7) Change the Directory Server for the local Adabas Administration Service
(8) Exit the utility

Getting Help

To get help with the adiutil.exe batch program, enter the following command prompt after switching to the /bin directory wherever Directory Server is installed:

adiutil help=yes

Help for the adiutil.exe batch program displays on the screen.

Exiting the Utility

Start of instruction setTo exit the adiutil.exe batch program, complete the following steps:

  • Enter an "8" at the utility prompt to select function 8 (Exit the utility).

    The utility stops.

Locating an Active Directory Server

Start of instruction setTo locate an active Directory Server using the adiutil.exe batch program, complete the following steps:

  1. Start the utility, as described in Syntax for Starting the Utility, if you want to locate a Directory Server on the machine defined in the local Adabas Administration Services configuration file, sagadmin.config.

    Start the utility, specifying an alternate host name and port number, as described in Syntax for Starting the Utility, if you want to locate a Directory Server on a remote machine (in a remote Adabas Administration Services configuration file).

  2. Enter a "1" at the utility prompt to select function 1 (Find a Directory Server).

    A list of active Directory Servers found by the utility displays on the screen.

    The utility locates active Directory Servers by searching the following system elements, using the following search order:

    1. The utility searches the local configuration file (file sagadmin.config).

    2. The utility searches for an XTSDSURL environment variable setting.

    3. The utility searches for the SAGXTSDSHOST AND SAGXTSDDSPORT DNS entries.

    4. The utility searches the local machine for port 4952.

Determining If a Directory Server is Active

Start of instruction setTo determine whether a Directory Server is active using the adiutil.exe batch program, complete the following steps:

  1. Start the utility, as described in Syntax for Starting the Utility, if you want to determine whether the Directory Server defined in the local Adabas Administration Services configuration file, sagadmin.config, is active.

    Start the utility, specifying an alternate host name and port number, as described in Syntax for Starting the Utility, if you want to determine whether a Directory Server on a remote machine (in a remote Adabas Administration Services configuration file) is active.

  2. Enter a "2" at the utility prompt to select function 2 (Check if a Directory Server is active by host and port).

    A single sentence indicating whether the Directory Server is active or not displays on the screen.

Listing Databases Registered by All Adabas Administration Servicess

Start of instruction setTo list databases registered by all Adabas Administration Servicess, complete the following steps:

  1. Start the utility, as described in Syntax for Starting the Utility, if you want to list databases registered by all Adabas Administration Servicess in the Directory Server defined in the local Adabas Administration Services configuration file, sagadmin.config.

    Start the utility, specifying an alternate host name and port number, as described in Syntax for Starting the Utility, if you want to list databases registered by all Adabas Administration Servicess in a remote Directory Server (in a remote Adabas Administration Services configuration file).

  2. Enter a "3" at the utility prompt to select function 3 (List all databases registered by Adabas Administration Servicess).

    A list of all databases registered by all Adabas Administration Servicess displays on the screen.

Listing Databases Registered by a Specific Adabas Administration Services

Start of instruction setTo list databases registered by a specific Adabas Administration Services, complete the following steps:

  1. Start the utility, as described in Syntax for Starting the Utility, if you want to list databases registered by a specific Adabas Administration Services in the Directory Server defined in the local Adabas Administration Services configuration file, sagadmin.config.

    Start the utility, specifying an alternate host name and port number, as described in Syntax for Starting the Utility, if you want to list databases registered by a specific Adabas Administration Services in a remote Directory Server (in a remote Adabas Administration Services configuration file).

  2. Enter a "4" at the utility prompt to select function 4 (List all databases registered by a specific Adabas Administration Services).

    You are prompted to supply the server name of the specific Adabas Administration Services.

  3. Enter the server name of the specific Adabas Administration Services.

    A list of all databases registered by the specific Adabas Administration Services displays on the screen.

List all Registered Adabas Administration Servicess

Start of instruction setTo list all Adabas Administration Servicess registered to an Directory Server, complete the following steps:

  1. Start the utility, as described in Syntax for Starting the Utility, if you want to list Adabas Administration Servicess registered by the Directory Server defined in the local Adabas Administration Services configuration file, sagadmin.config.

    Start the utility, specifying an alternate host name and port number, as described in Syntax for Starting the Utility, if you want to list Adabas Administration Servicess registered by a remote Directory Server (in a remote Adabas Administration Services configuration file).

  2. Enter a "5" at the utility prompt to select function 5 (List all Adabas Administration Servicess).

    A list of all Adabas Administration Servicess registered by the Directory Server displays on the screen.

List all Registered Adabas Manager Communicators

Start of instruction setTo list all Adabas Manager Communicators registered to an Directory Server, complete the following steps:

  1. Start the utility, as described in Syntax for Starting the Utility, if you want to list Adabas Manager Communicators registered by the Directory Server defined in the local Adabas Administration Services configuration file, sagadmin.config.

    Start the utility, specifying an alternate host name and port number, as described in Syntax for Starting the Utility, if you want to list Adabas Manager Communicators registered by a remote Directory Server (in a remote Adabas Administration Services configuration file).

  2. Enter a "6" at the utility prompt to select function 6 (List all Adabas Manager Communicators).

    A list of all Adabas Manager Communicators registered by the Directory Server displays on the screen.

Changing the Directory Server for the Local Adabas Administration Services

Start of instruction setTo change the Directory Server for the local Adabas Administration Services, complete the following steps:

  1. Start the utility, as described in Syntax for Starting the Utility, if you want to change the Directory Server used by the local Adabas Administration Services (in the local Adabas Administration Services configuration file, sagadmin.config).

  2. Enter a "7" at the utility prompt to select function 7 (Change the Directory Server for the local Adabas Administration Services).

    You are prompted to enter the host name of the Directory Server to which you would like to switch.

  3. At the prompt, enter the host name of the Directory Server to which you would like to switch.

    You are prompted to enter the port number of the Directory Server to which you would like to switch.

  4. At the prompt, enter the port number of the Directory Server to which you would like to switch.

    You are prompted to verify that you want to make the change.

  5. At the prompt, enter the "y" (Yes) to make the change or "n" (No) to void the change.

    If you enter "y", the Directory Server used by the local Adabas Administration Services is changed; if you enter "n", no change is made.