Fix Display

This option can be used to display a list of applied fixes.

Start of instruction setTo display the applied fixes

  1. Select option 3 from the main menu.

    13:05:40   ***** A D A B A S   SAF SECURITY SERVICES v.r.s *****    2020-07-24
                  -  Fix Display: AAF       Patch:                -      U1FIX0M1  
                    Local client job running this current session                
      C  Patch Reference Type Description                                          
                              COR is not installed in the component being displayed             
     Mark with any character for detail                                            
     Command ==>                                                                   
                      Exit  Other                                     Prods Menu

    You will normally get the "COR is not installed .." message because Adabas SAF Security does not require you to install the Adabas System Coordinator client component.

  2. Press PF4 and enter the database id for which you want to display applied fixes:

    13:05:40   ***** A D A B A S   SAF SECURITY SERVICES v.r.s *****    2020-07-24             
                  -  Fix Display: AAF       Patch:                -      U1FIX0M1  
                    Local client job running this current session                  
      C  Patch Reference Type Description                                          
                              Pro |  13:06:02                     2020-07-24  |    
                                  |                                U1FIX0M3   |    
                                  |                                           |    
                                  |    Select Fix Display perspective:        |    
                                  |                                           |    
                                  |      C Perspective                        |    
                                  |      _ Local                              |    
                                  |      _ Coordinator daemon: _____          |    
                                  |      x Adabas database:    153__          |    
                                  |                                           |    
                                  |    Select one perspective and the         |    
                                  |    Node/DBID if appropriate.              |    
     Mark with any character for  |                                           |    
                                  |         Enter PF3 to Exit                 |    
                                  |                                           |    
     Command ==>                  +-------------------------------------------+          
                      Exit  Other                                     Prods Menu               
    10:14:54   ***** A D A B A S   SAF SECURITY SERVICES v.r.s *****    2020-07-24                
                  -  Fix Display: AAF v.r.s Patch: 0000 mm/dd/yy  -      U1FIX0M1
                                     Adabas database 153                        
      C  Patch Reference Type Description                                          
      _  0000  AXvrs001  EXE  For example only                                     
     Mark with any character for detail                                       
     Command ==>                                                                   
                      Exit  Other                                     Prods Menu     

    You can select other display perspectives (for example Adabas System Coordinator daemon or Adabas database) by using PF4. You can also directly list the applied fixes for (if applicable) Adabas System Coordinator, Adabas Fastpath, Adabas Vista, and Adabas Transaction Manager by using PF11 to first select the appropriate product.