Installer 10.15 | Critical Requirements and Recommendations for Successful Installation and Uninstallation | Machine Requirements
Machine Requirements
*Make sure the machine on which you are going to run the installer has at least 1GB of available virtual memory, and at least 200MB of free disk space in its system temp (Windows) or temporary (UNIX) directory.
*If you are going to create an installation image, make sure the machine on which you are going to run the installer has at least twice the size of the installation image in free disk space in the file system that will contain the image file. For example, if you are going to create the 1GB image in C:\MyDirectory, file system C:\ must have at least 2GB free disk space available. This is because the installer downloads the products to a directory with the same name as the image (for example, C:\MyDirectory\MyImage) before adding the products to the image, so if you lose your connection to Empower, you can resume where you left off. To predict the image size, see the numbers for Free Space Required (for the image) and Free Space Available (in the file system) in the product selection tree after you select the products to include in the image.
*Make sure the machine on which you are going to run the installer has enough free disk space in its system temp (Windows) or temporary (UNIX) directory. If you are going to install from an installation image, you need 200MB of free disk space in that directory. If you are going to install from an installation image, you need 200MB plus the size of the image of free disk space in that directory. For example, if the image is 200MB, the directory must have at least 400MB of available disk space.
*If you are going to install on a Windows system:
*Make sure the machine on which you are going to run the installer has the latest Windows updates. On Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2, installation will fail if the Microsoft update KB2919355 from April 2014 is not present. On Windows 8.1, installation will fail if the Microsoft update KB3020370 from May 2015 is not present.
*You can only install Software AG products on a local hard drive. You cannot install the products on a network-mounted drive.
*If you are going to install or uninstall on a UNIX system, and you are going to do so using the GUI, your local machine must be equipped with an X11 display server.
Results from using different X11 display servers may vary. If you experience problems with one X11 display server, Software AG recommends trying another. MobaXterm, for example, has been used successfully with the Software AG Installer.
*If you are installing on a Linux system, Software AG recommends turning off Security Enhanced Linux (SELinux).
*Before installing on a macOS system with ARM64 Chip, ensure that the Rosetta Emulator Software is installed.
To check whether the software package '' is already installed use the follwing command: pkgutil --pkgs | grep Rosetta
If the package is not installed, you can install it with the following command (administrator privileges required): softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license
*Before installing on RHEL8, ensure that the rpm 'libnsl' is installed, because it might not be installed by default.
To check whether the libnsl is already installed use the following command : rpm -q libnsl
If libnsl is not installed, you can install it with the following command (administrator privileges required): yum install libnsl
*Before starting Software AG Installer on UNIX in graphic user interface mode, make sure that the required RPM are installed, because they might not be installed by default. You can verify and install these packages with the following OS specific commands (administrator privileges required):
*On AIX: yum install fontconfig or dnf install fontconfig
*On RHEL: yum install fontconfig dejavu-sans-fonts or dnf install fontconfig dejavu-sans-fonts
*On SLES: zypper install fontconfig dejavu-fonts
*Software AG Installer packages and delivers fonts used for the GUI. The Java framework needs some native packages in order to properly configure and visualise these fonts. If these native packages are not installed, the Installer Client will not start.
*On RHEL: yum install freetype fontconfig dejavu-sans-fonts
*On SLES: zypper install libfreetype6 fontconfig dejavu-fonts
*Before installing on AIX, make sure that the 'XL C++ Runtime' package is installed (version or higher). To check whether the required package is installed, you can run the following command (example for AIX 7.2):
$ lslpp -l|grep 'C++ Runtime'
libc++.rte COMMITTED IBM XL C++ Runtime for AIX 7.1
xlC.aix61.rte COMMITTED IBM XL C++ Runtime for AIX 6.1
xlC.msg.Ja_JP.rte COMMITTED IBM XL C++ Runtime
xlC.msg.en_US.rte COMMITTED IBM XL C++ Runtime
xlC.msg.ja_JP.rte COMMITTED IBM XL C++ Runtime
xlC.rte COMMITTED IBM XL C++ Runtime for AIX
xlC.sup.aix50.rte COMMITTED XL C/C++ Runtime for AIX 5.2
If one of the packages is not installed successfully, for example the most important package 'libc++.rte', you must download 'Rational, XL C++ Runtime' ( or higher version) from the IBM Fix Central and install it.