Update Manager 11.0 | Managing Fix Updates | Uninstalling Fixes
Uninstalling Fixes
1. Start the Update Manager application (command line or graphic interface).
2. Select a product directory for which to uninstall fixes or specify a test patch key to find a specific support patch to uninstall.
You can also specify the location of a script that will uninstall the fixes.
3. Check which fixes are available for a product. You can view the fix contents and readme of each fix on the list.
Read the readmes of the fixes you intend to uninstall to check for critical information or steps you must perform before or after you uninstall the fixes.
4. Select the fixes you want to uninstall from the product tree.
Backups play a main role in the Fix Uninstallation process. To uninstall a fix, the previous version should be available in the backup. When the backup of the latest version is deleted you cannot uninstall the latest fix. Only delete fix backups when necessary.